why is ethical fashion important?

what is ethical fashion?

Fast Fashion not only created a production model where very cheap low-quality garments were made very fast following trends with no regard to the environment and the people, but it also gave more importance to fashion movements that wanted a sustainable fashion industry.

Since then, fashion movements like Ethical, Sustainable and Slow Fashion arose to the surface in one way or another, which is kind of a good thing if we ignore the terrible consequences Fast Fashion has on our world, producing 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters that pollute our rivers and seas.

Ethical Fashion refers to a fashion movement that searches for garments made with respect to the workers that make them, the vendors and small businesses that play a role in the production process, regverdige handel, and the ethical treatment of all the agents related to the fashion industry, including the environment.

So in simple terms, Ethical Fashion focuses on the ethical treatment of humans, and animals to achieve a sustainable fashion industry, with support for small businesses and the development of countries that are right now in unfavorable conditions.

the terrible consequences of fast fashion

Hierdie verskriklike sakepraktyk het baie ondergange,die grootste probleem met vinnige mode is die besoedeling daarvan, wat 10% van die wêreld se kweekhuisgasvrystellings produseermet sy aktiwiteite, wat baie is.

Maar daar is baie ander dinge wat ons daaroor kan noem,hier is die grootste probleme met vinnige mode:

  • Oorproduksie, dit skep baie klere baie vinnig en baie van hulle beland in die stortingsterrein sonder om eers gedra te word.
  • Lugbesoedeling, wat ongeveer 10% van die wêreld se kweekhuisgasvrystellings produseer.
  • Waterbesoedeling, besoedel riviere en seë met die gebrek aan sorg vir die omgewing terwyl hierdie kledingstukke geskep word.
  • Grondbesoedeling, veral wanneer die kledingstukke in stortingsterreine beland, in skadelike chemikalieë ontbind en plastiek agterlaat wat nie ontbind as die kledingstukke van poliëster gemaak is nie.
  • Verbruikerswese, aangesien dit 'n kultuur van koop-en-gooi klere bevorder soos jy wil sonder om die impak van jou optrede in ag te neem.
  • Werker uitbuiting, met baie lae lone, onmenslike werksomstandighede en slawerny-agtige werke, is deels die rede waarom hierdie klere so goedkoop is.
  • Diefstal van intellektuele eiendom, hierdie sakepraktyk benodig konstante nuwe neigings en is bereid om enigiets te doen om dit te kry, soos om ontwerpe van onafhanklike kunstenaars te steel wat hulle geen krediet gee nie, dit het al baie keer voorheen gebeur.

Hierdie lys gaan aan en aan, ongelukkig, en dieenvironmental impacts of fast fashion are very bad, maar as jy meer in detail wil leer oor die probleme met hierdie sakepraktyk, beveel ons aan dat jy lees Huffington Post’s article on Fast-Fashion.

How Fast Fashion Is Ruining Our World

why is ethical fashion important?

Now that you know how bad Fast Fashion really is, it becomes clear why fashion movements that want to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry are so important because they ultimately want to end the big environmental and social footprint the industry has. It is rather a necessity, because if Fast Fashion continues to grow and prosper the world as we know it may end, suffering permanent damages that we will regret as species for the rest of our existence.

Ethical Fashion as you may know focuses a lot more on the humane treatment of workers and agents involved in the production process, but there is a lot more to that. Promoting fair trade and the creation of new small businesses aims to develop those countries that are still, unfortunately, suffering from poverty. This does not only affect the lives of millions of people worldwide but will ultimately affect all of us, even from the richest countries on earth.

That is because the existence of countries that are economically underdeveloped negatively affects the entire world, because of the opportunity costs that we have if those countries were developed and contributing to the development of humanity as a whole, that is why it is harder to become a rich country if you are surrounded by poorer countries and vice versa.

Not only that, poorer countries have fewer resources to care about and resolve things like their environmental footprint and pollution, which affects all of us, and not only that, the entire planet earth and its ecosystem.

So at the end of the day, Ethical Fashion is a crucial part of achieving sustainability in the fashion industry and saving our planet and species from inevitable doom, which is, unfortunately, closer and closer as Fast Fashion grows uncontrollably. That is why Ethical Fashion is so important, for the sake of our planet and humanity, and it should always be complimented by Slow Fashion and Sustainable Fashion.

what can i do to support ethical fashion?

We have seen a lot of things about this fashion movement, but how can you support Ethical fashion? What can you do to be more ethical and support a sustainable fashion industry that cares for the workers, the environment, and also you? Well, you are lucky because there are a lot of options you can do right now from the comfort of your home! Having said this, here is how to support Ethical Fashion:

  • Shop from businesses that you know are respecting their workers and agents involved in the production of their garments, preferably small businesses because you will be also supporting small families that also have to eat, and sadly today most big businesses simply do not care about their actions on the world, because of the Diffusion of responsibility phenomenon.
  • Do not simply avoid all clothes made from underdeveloped countries, the fact that they are made in a country with less favorable conditions does not mean that the garment has been made with inhumane labor, countries that are rich today like Singapore, Taiwan, or South Korea have been producing garments with cheap labor for years before they finally developed. The problem is that Fast Fashion with its cheap low added value garments exploit the workers and do not even contribute to a fair development of the producing countries, which is very bad. That is why you should look for the ways the clothes are produced, and not where they are produced, because even in developed countries there can be garments made with forced labor.
  • Read the business’ morals and how they are dealing with the sustainability of their operations, if they don’t even talk about sustainable practices then do not have trust in them, it is better to find a good business that cares for the people and doesn’t treat them like buy-n-throw tools to make extra money.

Here are some of the key things you can do to become more ethical with your fashion choices and support a sustainable fashion industry that cares for the people and the environment. Now you just need to put this into good practice 🙂

How Can I Support Ethical Fashion?


We hope you have learned a lot about Ethical Fashion today because so did we. Do not hesitate to read our blog, we have a lot more interesting articles like this one available to you. The important thing at the end of the day is to put this information into good practice, to inform yourself and especially others because only consumer awareness can combat the environmental danger of Fast Fashion. 

Ons is verheug om mense regoor die wêreld te leer 🙂 Ook,het jy regtig geweet wat Fast Fashion werklik is en die verskriklike gevolge daarvan vir die omgewing, die planeet, die werkers, die samelewing en die ekonomie?Weet jy presies wat die Slow Fashion- of Sustainable Fashion-beweging is?U moet regtig na hierdie artikels kyk oor hierdie vergete en onbekende maar baie dringende en belangrike onderwerp,klik hier om "Kan mode ooit volhoubaar wees?", or Fast Fashion 101 | Hoe dit ons planeet vernietigwant kennis is een van die kragtigste sterkpunte wat jy kan hê, terwyl onkunde jou ergste swakpunt is.

Ons het ook 'n groot verrassing vir jou!Omdat ons jou die reg wil gee om ons beter te ken, het ons 'n noukeurig toegewyde Oor Ons-bladsy voorberei waar ons jou sal vertel wie ons is, wat ons missie is, wat ons doen, 'n nader kyk na ons span, en nog vele meer dinge!Moenie hierdie geleentheid misloop nie enklik hier om dit na te gaan.Ons nooi jou ook uit omkyk na onsPinterest,waar ons alledaagse volhoubare modeverwante inhoud, klereontwerpe en ander dinge sal vaspen waarvan jy sekerlik sal hou!