pros and cons of sustainable fashion

co je udržitelná móda?

This fashion movement aims for sustainability in the fashion industry, strongly opposing Fast Fashion, a terrible business model that produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters, polluting our rivers and seas. Tato obchodní praktika zabíjející planetu je také zodpovědná za kulturu kupování a vyhazování a nadměrné konzumní kultury, která znečišťuje naši půdu a vody tunami textilního odpadu, každý rok se vyhodí 85 % všech oděvů Fast Fashion.

This anti-fast fashion movement differs from Slow Fashion in the path it takes to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry, zatímco Slow Fashion se zaměřuje spíše na oblečení, které se vyrábí s pomalejšími výrobními cykly,spravedlivý obchod,and supporting smaller businesses, while also caring for the sustainability and quality of its garments, Sustainable Fashion klade o něco větší váhu na ekologický dopad svých oděvů a používá organické, recyklované materiály, jako je organická kroužková bavlna a další ekologicky šetrné biologicky rozložitelné materiály.

Všechna tato antifast módní hnutí chtějí nakonec dosáhnout stejného, jen se liší v cestě, kterou se ubírají, a v tom, co považují za důležitější. Například Etická móda se více zaměřuje na blaho textilních dělníků, who are exploited in the Fast Fashion industry with inhumane wages and terrible working conditions, many times reaching modern slavery.

greatest benefits of sustainable fashion

This sustainable anti-fast fashion movement has a lot of pros, a lot of benefits for you as a customer, and for everybody as citizens of planet earth. Having said this, here are the greatest benefits of Sustainable Fashion: 

  • It aims to reduce the big environmental footprint of the fashion industry, which is currently destroying our planet at an accelerated pace.
  • It wants to produce clothes with sustainable, biodegradable materials, reducing the big impact garments make on the environment when they are thrown away.
  • Its garments are much higher quality, making the person wearing them more comfortable and not having to constantly buy new clothes because the other ones became unwearable.
  • Promotes fair trade, without exploiting any workers and vendors in unfavorable positions, improving wealth creation and fighting poverty in the regions that produce fashion.
  • It goes hand-in-hand with Slow Fashion and all the benefits it brings, like supporting small businesses, innovation and competitiveness. If you want to know more about Slow Fashion feel free to read out Slow Fashion 101.

This sustainable movement has a lot more pros that you should consider, and it overwhelms the few pros Fast Fashion may have. However, we just covered one of the most important ones, which can be enough to illustrate why this movement is so important.

Greatest Benefits Of Sustainable Fashion

biggest cons of sustainable fashion

We have seen the biggest pros, but to be fair we also have to look at some of the cons of this sustainable anti-fast fashion movement, which are not a lot but still are, at the end of the day. Having said this, these are the biggest cons of Sustainable Fashion:

  • It is usually more expensive because it doesn’t outsource its costs to the environment and its workers, which is a fantastic thing, but it can be a drawback for some people, but considering it uses much higher-quality materials that last longer, it shouldn’t be a reason to not change one’s harmful fashion habits.
  • The ecological movement can make brands greenwash their activities, portraying themselves as „green and sustainable” when none of those terms correspond to that brand. This sadly happens usually with Fast Fashion brands.
  • This sustainable business model has not been around for a long time and its production is still inefficient, which makes the price higher and its success a little bit harder to achieve.

Overall, there are a few cons that we can mention, but these also have a considerable weight. However, don’t let them scare you one bit, because they can be surely corrected. Regarding the price, you should read our article on why Sustainable Fashion will be affordable.

pros vs cons of sustainable fashion

We have seen the pros, we have seen the cons, all of them have a considerable weight in themselves, while the cons as we said, can be corrected. Now, which is greater? The cons, or the pros? Well, that’s the question we will be trying to answer right now.

You may have seen that there are more pros on our list than cons, and that is because Sustainable Fashion, at the end of the day, is a fashion movement that wants to correct the terrible consequences that Fast Fashion has on our planet, it’s obvious that it is going to have a lot of pros because its main goal is to reduce the great environmental impact the fashion industry has right now, to save the planet, and by saving the planet we save our lives, what can be more important than that right?

Regarding the cons, the main disadvantage is its price, because it uses better, higher-quality and organic materials that have a much smaller impact on our planet, the price is usually going to be higher, and that is because it doesn’t outsource its costs to the planet and the people. This is a problem that can be resolved fairly easily, and that is something we have explained in our article Why Is Slow Fashion Expensive?

To sum it all up, the pros clearly overwhelm the cons, you may pay a little bit more for sustainable garments but the costs the entire planet saves in the future, and the costs you will save by not having to constantly buy new clothes, are much greater. And you don’t have to go all crazy into Sustainable Fashion, just by making a few small changes in your life you can make an enormous change long-term.

Pros Vs Cons Of Sustainable Fashion


We hope you have learned a lot today because so did we! Even if Sustainable Fashion may have its cons, it is absolutely nothing compared to how bad Fast Fashion is, and as we said, you don’t have to go all crazy with it, a few good deeds a day make a big change in the future, deeds like informing yourself and talking about it with your friends, spreading awareness because the single most effective way of stopping Fast Fashion is knowledge.

Jsme nadšeni, že můžeme učit lidi po celém světě 🙂 Také,opravdu jste věděli, co Fast Fashion skutečně je a její hrozné důsledky pro životní prostředí, planetu, pracující, společnost a ekonomiku?Víte přesně, co je hnutí Slow Fashion nebo Sustainable Fashion?Opravdu byste se měli podívat na tyto články o tomto zapomenutém a neznámém, ale velmi naléhavém a důležitém tématu,klikněte sem a přečtěte si „Může být móda někdy udržitelná?, or Rychlá móda 101 | Jak to ničí naši planetuprotože znalosti jsou jednou z nejmocnějších silných stránek, které můžete mít, zatímco nevědomost je vaší nejhorší slabinou.

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