sustainable fashion | how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

hvad er bæredygtig mode?

The Sustainable Fashion movement aims for sustainability in the fashion industry, strongly opposing Fast Fashion, a terrible business model that produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters, polluting our rivers and seas. Denne planet-dræbende forretningspraksis er også ansvarlig for buy-n-throw og overdreven forbrugerkultur, der forurener vores jord og vand med tonsvis af tekstilaffald, da 85 % af alt Fast Fashion-tøj smides hvert år.

Sustainable Fashion differs from Slow Fashion in the path it takes to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, fair Trade,and supporting smaller businesses, while also caring for the sustainability and quality of its garments, Sustainable Fashion lægger lidt mere vægt på den økologiske påvirkning af sit tøj ved at bruge organiske, genbrugsmaterialer som organisk ringspundet bomuld og andre miljøvenlige biologisk nedbrydelige materialer.

I sidste ende ønsker alle disse anti-faste modebevægelser at opnå det samme, de adskiller sig bare i den vej, de går, og hvad de anser for vigtigere. For eksempel fokuserer Ethical Fashion mere på tekstilarbejdernes velfærd, who are exploited in the Fast Fashion industry with inhumane wages and terrible working conditions, many times reaching modern slavery.

how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

In recent years, customers have been informing themselves about the repercussions of their fashion choices on our world and the terrible consequences of Fast Fashion on the environment and our society. This has led to an increase in sustainable garments, slow fashion brands, and more, which is great. Not only that, some big brands have even changed how they operate so they can become more environmentally friendly.

Many sustainable fashion brands have been born since then in order to fight Fast Fashion and offer a sustainable and ethical choice for customers. However, these brands are still small and do not have a lot of clients,because customers are not yet informed o the subject and do not turn to Sustainable Fashion because they don’t even know it exists and why it’s so important. Nevertheless, it’s a good start and in the future, the fashion industry is going to become much more sustainable than today, which is strictly necessary if we don’t want to destroy our world permanently.

Big brands, and even Fast Fashion brands, have been making a few changes in the way they operate so they can become more sustainable. However, these changes are usually not enough and in some cases, like Zara, it’s as if they aren’t doing anything, which is something we will going to talk about right now.

How Is The Fashion Industry Becoming More Sustainable Fashion?

what is greenwashing?

This increased awareness in the customers that now seek cleaner, more eco-friendly, sustainable fashion options, is a great thing that is reforming the planet-killing fashion industry, but it has also come with some cons, one of them is Greenwashing, a shameless practice that we will explain in a second.

Greenwashing is a practice in which brands try to look environmentally friendly and sustainable without doing anything regarding the subject, using Sustainable Fashion to their advantage with malicious intent. This is obviously extremely immoral, and yet some brands are doing it without even trying to hide it.

Brands like Zara or even SHEIN, the creator of the ultra-fast fashion production model, are „trying” to greenwash their harmful activities by telling their customers they care about the environment or that they will take measures in the future without any evidence of them even trying to do so. Customers have to be conscious and use critical thinking in these situations and not any brand fool them in that way.

what are some of the best sustainable fashion brands?

However, even with these problems with the sustainable fashion movement like greenwashing, there are a lot of brands who are trying to make a difference by offering customers real options so they can change their fashion habits for the better. Having said this, here are the best Sustainable Fashion brands that you can buy online now:

    • Grammatik NYC:

      This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with MODEi tankerne. Den eneste dårlige ting ved dette mærke er dets pris, som nok er meget høj, men i det mindste matcher kvaliteten og bæredygtigheden prisen meget. Du kan besøge deres butikher.


    • To fridage:

      Denne butik bruger lokalt produceret, økologisk tøj lavet med genbrugsmaterialer. De bruger hør, bomuld, uld og hamp til deres produkter. Lsom den sidste er prisen ikke deres styrke, men de tilbyder originalt og stilfuldt tøj. Du kan besøge deres butikher.


    • ABLE:

      Dette Ethical Slow Fashion Brand har tøj og tilbehør lavet af producenter over hele verden. De tager et stort skridt på vejen for gennemsigtighed i modebranchen ved at offentliggøre deres løn. Deres tøj er mere overkommeligt end de andre mærker, men stadig ikke så billigt, som man gerne vil. Du kan besøge deres butikher.


    • Valani:

      Dette farverige plantebaserede tøjmærke skaber for det meste feminint tøj til en lettere hverdag. Valanis drømmende beklædningsgenstand er lavet af fibre med lav effekt som hamp, Tencel og bananviscose, lidt ligesom Two Days Off. Derudover bruger brandet strategiske skæreteknikker og genbruger stofrester for at minimere spild. De har virkelig farverigt tøj, som du bør tjekke udher.


  • PLEA:

    Dette er vores eget mærke! Vi tilbyder også bæredygtigt slow fashion tøj, som du kan købe. Vi fokuserer mest på t-shirts, hættetrøjer og tilbehør, men de er til en overkommelig pris, og ikke kun det, men vi tilbyder tilpasset tøj, det er rigtigt! Du kan lave en skræddersyet t-shirt, hættetrøje eller tilbehør, så vi kan lave dem og sende dem til dig, fordi vi bruger en revolutionerende metode, der ikke involverer at skabe tonsvis af tøj, før vi sælger dem, vi producerer dem bare på kommando! Du kan tjekke vores butik udher.

These are some of the best small brands, Sustainable Fashion brands that sell their items online. This goes to show that there are still some available options for customers to change their fashion habits for the better. Anyways, as we have said before, you don’t have to go all crazy with Sustainable Fashion, a small change today makes a big difference tomorrow, and the biggest change you have to make is deciding to inform yourself on the subject.

What Are Some Of The Best Sustainable Fashion Brands?


We hope you have learned something today and that you put this information into good practice, as we just said, the biggest change you have made is deciding to become informed, which is the best step of them all, because only when consumers become aware of this fashion problem will they change their habits for the better ditching the planet-killing Fast Fashion.

Vi er begejstrede for at undervise folk over hele verden 🙂 Også,vidste du virkelig, hvad Fast Fashion egentlig er og dets frygtelige konsekvenser for miljøet, planeten, arbejderne, samfundet og økonomien?Ved du præcis, hvad Slow Fashion eller Sustainable Fashion-bevægelsen er?Du burde virkelig tage et kig på disse artikler om dette glemte og ukendte, men meget presserende og vigtige emne,klik her for at læse "Can Fashion Ever Be Sustainable?", ellerFast Fashion 101 | Hvordan det ødelægger vores planetfordi viden er en af de mest magtfulde styrker du kan have, mens uvidenhed er din værste svaghed.

Vi har også en stor overraskelse til dig!Fordi vi ønsker at give dig retten til at kende os bedre, har vi udarbejdet en omhyggeligt dedikeret Om os-side, hvor vi vil fortælle dig, hvem vi er, hvad vores mission er, hvad vi gør, et nærmere kig på vores team og mange flere ting!Gå ikke glip af denne mulighed ogklik her for at tjekke det ud.Vi inviterer dig også tiltag et kig på voresPinterest,hvor vi vil fastgøre hverdagens bæredygtige moderelateret indhold, tøjdesign og andre ting, som du helt sikkert vil elske!