why sustainable fashion matters

mis on jätkusuutlik mood?

The Sustainable Fashion movement aims for sustainability in the fashion industry, strongly opposing Fast Fashion, a terrible business model that produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters, polluting our rivers and seas. See planeeti tapav äritegevus on vastutav ka ost-viska ja liigse tarbimiskultuuri eest, mis saastab meie pinnast ja vett tonnide tekstiilijäätmetega, kuna igal aastal visatakse välja 85% kõigist Fast Fashion rõivastest.

Sustainable Fashion differs from Slow Fashion in the path it takes to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, aus kaup,and supporting smaller businesses, while also caring for the sustainability and quality of its garments, Jätkusuutlik mood paneb oma rõivaste ökoloogilisele mõjule veidi rohkem kaalu, kasutades orgaanilisi, taaskasutatud materjale, nagu orgaaniline rõngaskedratud puuvill ja muud keskkonnasõbralikud biolagunevad materjalid.

Lõppkokkuvõttes tahavad kõik need kiirmoevastased liikumised saavutada sama, nad erinevad lihtsalt selle poolest, kuidas nad käivad ja mida nad olulisemaks peavad. Näiteks Ethical Fashion keskendub rohkem tekstiilitöötajate heaolule, who are exploited in the Fast Fashion industry with inhumane wages and terrible working conditions, many times reaching modern slavery.

why sustainable fashion matters

Fast Fashion is responsible for 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of wastewaters that pollute our rivers and soils, it creates tons of textile waste accelerated by the buy-n-throw culture they have created where customers constantly buy clothes they do not need just to throw them after a few wears because of their terrible quality.

It is crucial to stop this terrible business practice for the sake of our future, the future of the earth, and the welfare of the textile workers that are producing its garments in terrible working conditions. And here is where Slow Fashion and Sustainable Fashion come into play, with their mission to end Fast Fashion and achieve sustainability in the fashion industry.

Sustainable Fashion focuses on using organic, recycled, and biodegradable materials to produce its garments, creating higher-quality and sustainable clothes that have minimal impact on our planet. Not only that, it wants to produce clothes with respect to the workers and all the agents involved in the production process.

This is why it is so important because it aims to solve one of the biggest issues we have as a species, avoiding the destruction of our planet and ourselves. Also letting us wear clothes without having to exploit young workers in some places most consumers don’t want to hear about. It’s about humanity and respect, and we don’t even have to go all crazy on Sustainable Fashion, a few good deeds a day makes a big difference in the future. We recommend you check our Aeglane mood 101 to learn more about this subject.

Why Does Sustainable Fashion Matter?

how to do sustainable fashion

Now that we know the importance of this anti-fast fashion movement, you may wonder how you can support it, and how you can change your fashion habits in your day-to-day life that will make a difference. Don’t worry, we have an answer for you, here is how to do Sustainable Fashion even at home:

  • Choose garments made from organic, biodegradable materials, like organic ring-spun cotton, never synthetics or polyester that, although they use less water, never decompose. Low-quality Fast Fashion garments made from polyester can even decay and leave microplastics that end up in our rivers and oceans, so avoid them preferably (unless you recycle them afterward).
  • Choose businesses that ship closer to you, that way you will save time and also Co2 that the international shipping of your product may produce. Although this can be sometimes hard to find, choose the option that is closer to you.
  • Donate Clothes, Fast Fashion garments still pollute our soils when they end up in the landfill, letting harmful toxic materials leak into the soil and potentially into the water, instead of throwing your clothes, you should donate or recycle them. If you want to learn more about this feel free to check Planet Aid.
  • Inform yourself, this is one of the greatest things you can do to stop Fast Fashion, the reason this terrible business practice still exist is that the majority of people don’t even know what it is and why it is bad. And if no one knows what Fast Fashion is, nobody is going to fight against it, that is why knowledge is the biggest asset you can have and no one will take it from you.
  • Spread awareness, this is the best thing you can do after informing yourself because as we said earlier, lack of knowledge is the reason why Fast Fashion is still destroying our planet without consequences. Just by sharing news and articles on social media, and talking about it with your friends, you can make an enormous difference, even some sort of domino effect.

These are the best things you can do to support Sustainable Fashion, as we said earlier, just by doing a few simple good deeds a day you can make an enormous difference in the future. So now you know how you can change your fashion habits for a more sustainable, ethical, and respectful lifestyle.

best sustainable fashion retailers

Now that you know why it is important and how you can begin to change your habits for the better, we will show you the best businesses you can buy from online so you can begin to look up Sustainable Clothing. Having said this, here are the best sustainable fashion brands you can buy from:

    • Grammatika NYC:

      See kaunis pood müüb üht parimat riietust, mitte ainult ei kasuta parima kvaliteediga materjale, vaid teevad ka oma disainiMOODmeeles. Ainus halb asi selle kaubamärgi juures on hind, mis on vaieldamatult väga kõrge, kuid vähemalt kvaliteet ja jätkusuutlikkus vastavad hinnale suurel määral. Võite külastada nende kauplustsiin.


    • Kaks vaba päeva:

      See pood kasutab kohapeal toodetud ökoloogilisi rõivaid, mis on valmistatud taaskasutatud materjalidest. Nad kasutavad oma toodete valmistamiseks lina, puuvilla, villa ja kanepit. Lnagu viimastel, pole hind nende tugevus, kuid originaalseid ja stiilseid rõivaid pakutakse küll. Võite külastada nende kauplustsiin.


    • ABLE:

      Sellel eetilisel aeglase moebrändil on rõivaid ja aksessuaare, mis on õiglaselt valmistatud tootjate poolt üle maailma. Nad astuvad oma palkade avaldamisega suure sammu moetööstuse läbipaistvuse suunas. Nende riided on soodsamad kui teistel kaubamärkidel, kuid siiski mitte nii odavad, kui tahaks. Võite külastada nende kauplustsiin.


    • Valani:

      See värvikas Plant-põhine rõivabränd loob enamasti naiselikke rõivaid kergemaks elamiseks. Valani unistavad rõivad on valmistatud vähese mõjuga kiududest, nagu kanep, Tencel ja banaaniviskoos, mis on veidi nagu Two Days Off. Lisaks kasutab bränd strateegilisi lõiketehnikaid ja taaskasutab kangajääke jäätmete minimeerimiseks. Neil on tõesti värvilised riided, mida peaksite vaatamasiin.


  • PLEA:

    See on meie enda kaubamärk! Pakume ka säästvaid aeglase moerõivaid, mida saate osta. Keskendume peamiselt T-särkidele, kapuutsidele ja aksessuaaridele, kuid need on taskukohase hinnaga ja mitte ainult, vaid pakume ka kohandatavaid riideid. See on õige! Saate luua kohandatud t-särgi, kapuutsi või aksessuaarid, et saaksime need valmistada ja teile saata, sest me kasutame revolutsioonilist meetodit, mis ei hõlma tonnide rõivaste loomist enne nende müümist, vaid toodame need lihtsalt käsu peale! Saate vaadata meie poodisiin.

There are more brands out there that you can easily find online, but this is a list of a few of the best ones. Now you know where to get your Sustainable Fashion clothes that are made with ethical labor and fair trade, feel free to give them a try!

Sustainable Fashion Brands


We hope you have learned a lot today, and that you put this information into good practice. Now that you know how important Sustainable Fashion really is and why Fast Fashion needs to be ended, why don’t you take a look at our blog where we talk about many other related interesting subjects.

Meil on hea meel õpetada inimesi üle kogu maailma 🙂kas teadsite tõesti, mis Fast Fashion tegelikult on ja selle kohutavaid tagajärgi keskkonnale, planeedile, töötajatele, ühiskonnale ja majandusele?Kas tead täpselt, mis on aeglane mood või säästva moe liikumine?Peaksite tõesti vaatama neid artikleid selle unustatud ja tundmatu, kuid väga kiireloomulise ja olulise teema kohta,klõpsake siin, et lugeda "Kas mood võib kunagi olla jätkusuutlik?", võiKiirmood 101 | Kuidas see meie planeeti hävitabsest teadmised on üks võimsamaid tugevusi, mis teil võivad olla, samas kui teadmatus on teie halvim nõrkus.

Meil on teile ka suur üllatus!Kuna tahame anda teile õiguse meid paremini tunda, oleme koostanud hoolikalt pühendatud lehe Meie kohta, kus räägime teile, kes me oleme, mis on meie missioon, mida me teeme, meie meeskonda lähemalt ja palju muud. asju!Ära jäta seda võimalust kasutamata jaselle kontrollimiseks klõpsake siin.Samuti kutsume teid ülesvaadake meiePinterest,kuhu kinnitame igapäevase jätkusuutliku moega seotud sisu, rõivadisaini ja muid asju, mis teile kindlasti meeldivad!