what is a capsule wardrobe and how does it help the environment? why is it called capsule wardrobe?

wat is in kapsule garderobe?

A kapsule garderobe is a term that is used to describe a closet, or wardrobe, in which de klean binne útwikselber, hawwe de mooglikheid om by elke gelegenheid te brûken en sille net út 'e moade gean or degrade in a way that they have to be constantly replaced.

It pleitet foar it besit fan in pear klean, allinich de strikt needsaaklike, en se maksimaal te brûken, being able to combine them in tens of different ways without having to buy new clothes to change your outfit.

Lykas jo miskien hawwe opfallen, giet dit hand-in-hân mei Slow Fashion en Duorsume Fashion, dat is de reden dat wy it der oer hawwe yn dit blog. So we will talk next about how it really is helping the environment, but first, we will clarify the reason behind the name „Capsule Wardrobe”.

why is it called capsule wardrobe?

You now know what a capsule wardrobe is and how it can make your life a lot easier, but, why is it even called capsule wardrobe? What’s „capsule” about all of this? Well, the answer is pretty simple, as we may see next:

It is called „capsule” because it means small and compact, a wardrobe, or closet, that only has the clothes necessary for your day-to-day life and that is true, small and compact in itself.

Other terms related to capsule wardrobes are key or staple clothing, which basically means clothes that can be combined in a large variety of ways, and that fit well into almost every occasion that you will encounter in your life.

Why Is It Called Capsule Wardrobe

how does a capsule wardrobe help the environment exactly?

After we have explained what it is, it becomes fairly clear why a capsule wardrobe would benefit the environment. Firstly because it promotes having a closet with only the essentials, without indulging in unnecessary consumerism and more waste that will harm the environment for years.

Secondly, this type of wardrobe promotes buying high-quality clothes that will last for years, specifically, sustainable fashion garments, made with respect for the environment and its workers and with minimal impact on our planet.

Overall, it aims for a small wardrobe that will not require a lot of clothes, that will contain sustainable long-lasting items, and that you can take care of, respecting the garments and using them at their maximum. This is why it’s so beneficial for the environment, and even for your wallet, so it’s really a win-win situation!

5 tips to make your own capsule wardrobe

You now know how it benefits the environment and why you should also aim to achieve a small wardrobe like the one we have talked about. So, great, now you are wondering what you can do next in order to achieve your very own capsule little wardrobe, we are not going to go into detail here, you can check out our other articles about it on our blog, but we will give you a few tips in order to succeed. Having said this, Hjir binne 5 tips dy't jo sille helpe om jo heul eigen kapsulegarderobe te meitsjen:

  1. Kies jo kleurskema, om in lytse garderobe te hawwen dy't past by elke situaasje dy't jo tsjinkomme, moatte jo jo kleurenpalet yn gedachten hâlde, dit giet om it kiezen fan in pear basiskleuren dy't kombinearje mei alles, lykas swart, brún, griis, wyt of marine (dy't is in aardich koele kleur as jo it ús freegje). Alle oare items dy't jo sille drage moatte skaden wêze fan 'e basiskleuren dy't jo hawwe keazen, no moatte jo al jo kostbere klean kinne kombinearje, wylst jo noch altyd sa geweldich sjogge as jo eartiids.
  2. Beskôgje jo lichem Foarm, dit is in krúsjale stap om jo noflik te fielen mei jo klean, jo moatte derfoar soargje dat de klean dy't jo kieze binne geskikt foar jo lichem, bygelyks troch kapmouwen te dragen as jo bredere heupen hawwe, om't dit jo skouders sil sjen mear evenredich yn relaasje ta dyn heupen.
  3. Tink oan jo teint, dit giet ek gear mei de oare tip, kies kleuren dy't kombinearje mei josels, jo eigen lichem, om't der kleuren binne dy't jo bleker meitsje kinne of dy't jo op ien of oare manier mear profitearje. It is gewoan in kwestje fan jo eigen foarkar.
  4. Kies klassike foarmen en patroanen, Om jo garderobe te hâlden, moatte jo tinke oer lange termyn, it foarkommen fan klean dy't jo tinke dat se gau út 'e datum geane. Tink derom dat by it keapjen fan jo klean.
  5. Kies stoffen fan hege kwaliteit, dit is ien fan 'e wichtichste tips, jo garderobe moat wurde gearstald út hege kwaliteit klean en duorsume moade klean. Dit sil jo klean net allinich langer duorje, mar it sil jo koalstoffoetôfdruk ek ferminderje. Mei in kapsule-garderobe makket it net echt út as de priis fan it kleed heger is, jo sille net sa folle klean keapje as in gewoane persoan soe, dus jo ynvestearje gewoan yn josels, yn prinsipe.

Well, this is it, we hope these 5 tips have helped you understand what you need and how you can create your own capsule wardrobe dat sil jo helpe om jo ynfloed op dizze planeet te minimalisearjen, wylst jo ek in minimalistyske en ienfâldige libbensstyl kinne libje.

5 Tips To Make Your Own Capsule Wardrobe


This was our article on capsule wardrobes, we hope you have learned a lot today because so did we! We will continue to create more articles, for now, you can check out our other related articles, especially the ones on Sustainable Fashion and the environmental impacts of Fast Fashion, which is our main focus.

Wy binne bliid om minsken oer de hiele wrâld te learen 🙂 Ek,wisten jo echt wat Fast Fashion echt is en de skriklike gefolgen derfan foar it miljeu, de planeet, de arbeiders, de maatskippij en de ekonomy?Witte jo krekt wat de beweging Slow Fashion of Sustainable Fashion is?Jo moatte dizze artikels wirklik besjen oer dit fergetten en ûnbekende, mar heul driuwende en wichtige ûnderwerp,klik hjir om "Kin moade ea duorsum wêze?",Duorsume Fashion,Etyske Fashion,Slow FashionofFast Fashion 101 | Hoe't it ús planeet ferneatigetomdat kennis is ien fan de machtichste sterke punten kinne jo hawwe, wylst ûnwittendheid is dyn slimste swakte.

Wy hawwe ek in grutte ferrassing foar jo!Om't wy jo it rjocht wolle jaan om ús better te kennen, hawwe wy in soarchfâldich tawijde Oer Us-side taret wêr't wy jo sille fertelle wa't wy binne, wat ús missy is, wat wy dogge, in tichterby besjen op ús team, en in protte mear dingen!Mis dizze kâns enklik hjir om it te kontrolearjen.Ek noegje wy jo út omsjoch ris op úsPinterest,wêr't wy deistige duorsume moade-relatearre ynhâld, kleanûntwerpen en oare dingen sille pinne wêr't jo wis fan sille hâlde!