can sustainable agriculture really feed our world? | Sustainable Living

what is sustainable living? why does a sustainable lifestyle matter?

Yn 'e ôfrûne jierren hawwe wy in tanimmend bewustwêzen sjoen oer de miljeufootprint dy't wy op dizze planeet efterlitte, as in reaksje op alle gefolgen fan ús ferline en hjoeddeistige aksjes op it miljeu om ús hinne.It is ûnbestriden de ynfloed dy't wy hawwe hân op dizze wrâld, en de needsaak om it gau te feroarjen, en dat is wêr't duorsum wenjen yn spiel komt.

Wat is duorsum libjen, kinne jo freegje?No, duorsum libje bestiet út de aksjes dy't wy nimme yn ús deistich libben om ús miljeu-ynfloed oant in minimum te ferminderjen, of troch in duorsum dieet te iten, manieren te finen om ôffal te ferminderjen, minder dingen te konsumearjen dy't wy net nedich binne ...D'r binne in protte opsjes foar ús om út te kiezen as it giet om it libjen fan in duorsumer en miljeufreonliker libbensstyl.

Wy sille prate oer in pear manieren wêrop jo dit no kinne dwaan út it komfort fan jo eigen hûsom't it berikken fan in duorsume libbensstyl hielendal net dreech is, alles wat jo hoege te dwaan is de belangstelling en soarch te hawwen om gewoan te begjinnen mei it feroarjen fan jo aksjes.

Ta beslút, in duorsume libbensstyl is ien dy't as doel hat ús miljeufootprint op dizze planeet te ferminderjen, in wrâld dy't wy spitigernôch ferneatigje mei ús achtleaze aksjes elke dei en ien dy't wy oait net kinne ferfange.Wy riede tige oan dat jo earst check outHoe kinne jo thús in duorsum dieet hawwe. 

what is sustainable agriculture? how does it differ from regular agriculture?

Sustainable Agriculture is a method of growing crops that does not involve harmful practices that could damage our planet. It promotes growing food in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way that will not compromise the future generations and other living beings in this planet.

How does it do that? You may ask, well, it tries to minimize water usage, eliminate the use of harmful chemicals, promote soil health, the wellbeing of small farmers… It basically wants to produce food with the minimum impact on our society and planet, which is great for sustainable lifestyle enthusiasts like us!

It differs from regular agriculture in the sense that normal agriculture cares only about producing food, enough for its customers, that’s it; while sustainable agriculture focuses more on producing clean and environmentally friendly food that can also feed its customers, but with the minimal environmental impact possible.

In conclusion, both types of agriculture ultimately want to feed people, that’s the whole scope of growing food (obviously), but the sustainable agriculture plans to reduce all the environmental impacts of growing crops suppose (this practice has quite a high environmental footprint) and secure a sustainable future for the generations to come.

What Is Sustainable Agriculture And How Does It Differ From Regular Agriculture Sustainable Living

can sustainable agriculture really feed our world?

We have seen how conventional agriculture is focused more on producing higher amounts of food than sustainable agriculture, which focuses on producing food sustainably as its name implies. This means sustainable agriculture yields a lot less than conventional crop growing methods, right?

Well, not necessarily, sustainable agriculture focuses less on producing more amounts of food, that’s true, but that doesn’t mean it can’t compete with traditional agriculture. According to Rodale Institute, sustainable agriculture can even outperform regular agriculture in adverse weather conditions by 40%!

Not only that, but we also have to take into account that sustainable agriculture’s potential is not fully used yet, as this practice is not widespread and it still has a lot to learn and improvement potential. As technology advances, this practice will become a lot more efficient and cheap, that is just how the market works.

What is the conclusion? Well, sustainable agriculture can definitely feed the world, and it will become more apparent as this environmentally friendly crop-growing method becomes more refined and efficient.

best delivery sustainable meal options

Now that you know that it is possible to feed our population with sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly foods, you may wonder what you can do to eat more sustainably, well, worry do not, because we have a few great options for sustainable food lovers that do not have the time to cook food at home. Here are the best home delivery meal services that also offer sustainable meal options:

  1. (FS) Giant Food Grocery Delivery

    Dizze online tsjinst is in geweldige opsje om jo duorsume boadskippen te keapjen en se oan jo doar te leverjen om jo duorsume dieet oan te foljen. Dit is in geweldige opsje, om't it in grutte hoemannichte fleksibiliteit biedt en it lit jo de bêste deals krije op 'e boadskippen dy't jo keapje. You can check this service from dizze keppeling.

  2. (UK) Simply Cook

    This is a very creative service that sends you the ingredients of the food you order, and then you make it yourself at home. It is a great option for the DIY people, but also for the ones who don’t have enough time to completely prepare their own foods. You can order healthy and sustainable diet options, as well as fully vegan foods. Klik hjir om it no te kontrolearjen.

  3. (US) Gobbel

    This is one of our favorite options for the busy conscious consumer. With this service, you can pick the best sustainable diet option you want (they have really good gourmet options) and their team of professional chefs begin to make the food for you, then they deliver it and you have a delicious fresh-made sustainable meal! Lfertsjinje hoe krekt dizze tsjinst hjir wurket.

  4. (CA) Chefs Plate

    This service lets you plan all the meals you will have weekly, while also putting an emphasis on healthy and sustainable diet meals, which is what you are going for. You can simply select your meal preferences and how many times you want it to be delivered to your home and that’s it, you can enjoy sustainable meals every day at a very affordable price. Jo kinne dizze tsjinst kontrolearje út dizze keppeling.

  5. (CA) Hallo Fresh

    The last online service we will be recommending to you is Hello Fresh, a service similar to Chefs Plate, with great sustainable diet options and a system where they will deliver the number of meals you want every week. They also have a group of qualified chefs preparing each meal, and they are offering a juicy promotion for conscious consumers like you right now. Klik hjir om it te kontrolearjen.

As you can see, there are quite a few options here if you do not really enjoy cooking or you want to order sustainable food options from time to time. However, if you want to cook food yourself at home with sustainability in mind, you may want to check our article on how to shop more sustainably to save the planet.

Best Sustainable Delivery Meal Options


Wy hoopje dat jo hjoed in protte leard hawwe,the main takeaway here is that even if it doesn’t seem like it, sustainable agriculture can be quite effective at feeding our population, while also eliminating the great environmental footprint than regular agriculture leaves on this planet, this is great news!

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