why sustainable fashion matters

dè a th’ ann am fasan seasmhach?

Tha an gluasad Fasan Seasmhach ag amas air seasmhachd sa ghnìomhachas fasan, gu làidir an aghaidh Fast Fashion, modail gnìomhachais uamhasach a tha a’ toirt a-mach 10% de sgaoilidhean gasa taigh-glainne an t-saoghail agus 20% de dh’ uisge sgudail na cruinne, a’ truailleadh ar n-aibhnichean is cuantan.Tha an cleachdadh gnìomhachais seo airson marbhadh planaid cuideachd an urra ri cultar ceannach-n-tilgeil agus cus luchd-ceannach a bhios a’ truailleadh ar n-ùir agus ar n-uisgeachan le tonna de sgudal aodach, leis gu bheil 85% de dh’ aodach Fast Fashion air a thilgeil gach bliadhna.

Tha Fasan Seasmhach eadar-dhealaichte bho Fasan Slow anns an t-slighe a bheir e gus seasmhachd a choileanadh sa ghnìomhachas fasan, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, malairt chothromach,agus a’ toirt taic do ghnìomhachasan nas lugha, agus aig an aon àm a’ toirt cùram do sheasmhachd agus càileachd an aodaich,Bidh Fasan Seasmhach a’ cur beagan a bharrachd cuideam air buaidh eag-eòlasach an aodaich, a’ cleachdadh stuthan organach, ath-chuairtichte leithid cotan organach air a shnìomh le fàinne agus stuthan bith-mhillidh eile a tha càirdeil don àrainneachd.

Aig deireadh an latha, tha na gluasadan fasan an-aghaidh luath seo ag iarraidh an aon rud a choileanadh, tha iad dìreach eadar-dhealaichte anns an t-slighe a tha iad a 'gabhail agus air na tha iad a' meas nas cudromaiche. Mar eisimpleir, bidh Fasan Beusach a’ cur fòcas nas motha air sochair luchd-obrach aodach,a tha air an cleachdadh ann an gnìomhachas Fast Fashion le tuarastal mì-dhaonna agus suidheachaidhean obrach uamhasach, iomadh uair a’ ruighinn tràilleachd an latha an-diugh.

why sustainable fashion matters

Fast Fashion is responsible for 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of wastewaters that pollute our rivers and soils, it creates tons of textile waste accelerated by the buy-n-throw culture they have created where customers constantly buy clothes they do not need just to throw them after a few wears because of their terrible quality.

It is crucial to stop this terrible business practice for the sake of our future, the future of the earth, and the welfare of the textile workers that are producing its garments in terrible working conditions. And here is where Slow Fashion and Sustainable Fashion come into play, with their mission to end Fast Fashion and achieve sustainability in the fashion industry.

Sustainable Fashion focuses on using organic, recycled, and biodegradable materials to produce its garments, creating higher-quality and sustainable clothes that have minimal impact on our planet. Not only that, it wants to produce clothes with respect to the workers and all the agents involved in the production process.

This is why it is so important because it aims to solve one of the biggest issues we have as a species, avoiding the destruction of our planet and ourselves. Also letting us wear clothes without having to exploit young workers in some places most consumers don’t want to hear about. It’s about humanity and respect, and we don’t even have to go all crazy on Sustainable Fashion, a few good deeds a day makes a big difference in the future. We recommend you check our Fashion mall 101 to learn more about this subject.

Why Does Sustainable Fashion Matter?

how to do sustainable fashion

Now that we know the importance of this anti-fast fashion movement, you may wonder how you can support it, and how you can change your fashion habits in your day-to-day life that will make a difference. Don’t worry, we have an answer for you, here is how to do Sustainable Fashion even at home:

  • Choose garments made from organic, biodegradable materials, like organic ring-spun cotton, never synthetics or polyester that, although they use less water, never decompose. Low-quality Fast Fashion garments made from polyester can even decay and leave microplastics that end up in our rivers and oceans, so avoid them preferably (unless you recycle them afterward).
  • Choose businesses that ship closer to you, that way you will save time and also Co2 that the international shipping of your product may produce. Although this can be sometimes hard to find, choose the option that is closer to you.
  • Donate Clothes, Fast Fashion garments still pollute our soils when they end up in the landfill, letting harmful toxic materials leak into the soil and potentially into the water, instead of throwing your clothes, you should donate or recycle them. If you want to learn more about this feel free to check Cobhair Planet.
  • Inform yourself, this is one of the greatest things you can do to stop Fast Fashion, the reason this terrible business practice still exist is that the majority of people don’t even know what it is and why it is bad. And if no one knows what Fast Fashion is, nobody is going to fight against it, that is why knowledge is the biggest asset you can have and no one will take it from you.
  • Sgaoil mothachadh, this is the best thing you can do after informing yourself because as we said earlier, lack of knowledge is the reason why Fast Fashion is still destroying our planet without consequences. Just by sharing news and articles on social media, and talking about it with your friends, you can make an enormous difference, even some sort of domino effect.

These are the best things you can do to support Sustainable Fashion, as we said earlier, just by doing a few simple good deeds a day you can make an enormous difference in the future. So now you know how you can change your fashion habits for a more sustainable, ethical, and respectful lifestyle.

best sustainable fashion retailers

Now that you know why it is important and how you can begin to change your habits for the better, we will show you the best businesses you can buy from online so you can begin to look up Sustainable Clothing. Having said this, here are the best sustainable fashion brands you can buy from:

    • Gràmar NYC:

      Bidh an stòr bhrèagha seo a’ reic aon de na h-aodach as fheàrr a-muigh an sin, chan e a-mhàin gu bheil iad a’ cleachdadh stuthan den chàileachd as fheàrr, ach bidh iad cuideachd a’ dèanamh an dealbhadh leFAISNEACHnam inntinn. Is e an aon rud dona mun bhrand seo a ’phrìs aige, a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith gu math àrd, ach co-dhiù tha càileachd agus seasmhachd a ’maidseadh a’ phrìs gu mòr. Faodaidh tu tadhal air an stòr acaan seo.


    • Dà latha dheth:

      Bidh a’ bhùth seo a’ cleachdadh aodach eag-eòlasach dèanta gu h-ionadail le stuthan ath-chuartaichte. Bidh iad a’ cleachdadh anart, cotan, clòimh agus hemp airson am bathar. LMar an tè mu dheireadh, chan e prìs an neart, ach tha iad a’ tabhann aodach tùsail agus eireachdail. Faodaidh tu tadhal air an stòr acaan seo.


    • ABLE:

      Tha aodach agus sgeadachadh air a dhèanamh gu cothromach le luchd-dèanaidh air feadh an t-saoghail air a’ bhrand fasanta beusach seo. Tha iad a’ gabhail ceum mòr san t-slighe airson follaiseachd ann an gnìomhachas an fhasain le bhith a’ foillseachadh an cuid tuarastail. Tha an t-aodach aca nas saoire na na suaicheantasan eile ach chan eil iad fhathast cho saor sa bu toil leotha. Faodaidh tu tadhal air an stòr acaan seo.


    • Valani:

      Bidh am brannd aodach dathach seo stèidhichte air planntrais a’ cruthachadh aodach boireann sa mhòr-chuid airson beatha nas aotroime. Tha aodach bruadar Valani air a dhèanamh le snàithleach le droch bhuaidh mar hemp, Tencel, agus vioscose banana, car coltach ri Two Days Off. A bharrachd air an sin, bidh am brannd a’ cleachdadh dòighean gearraidh ro-innleachdail agus ag ath-chleachdadh sgrìoban aodaich gus sgudal a lughdachadh. Tha aodach dha-rìribh dathach orra a bu chòir dhut sgrùdadh a dhèanamhan seo.


  • PLEA:

    Is e seo ar suaicheantas fhèin! Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ tabhann aodach fasanta slaodach seasmhach as urrainn dhut a cheannach. Bidh sinn sa mhòr-chuid ag amas air lèintean-t, hoodies, agus sgeadachadh, ach tha iad aig prìs ruigsinneach, agus chan e a-mhàin sin, ach bidh sinn a’ tabhann aodach gnàthaichte, Tha sin ceart! Faodaidh tu lèine-t àbhaisteach, hoodie, no sgeadachadh a chruthachadh gus an urrainn dhuinn an uairsin an dèanamh agus an cur thugad oir bidh sinn a ’cleachdadh dòigh rèabhlaideach nach eil a’ toirt a-steach a bhith a ’cruthachadh tonna de dh’ aodach mus reic thu iad, bidh sinn dìreach gan toirt a-mach le òrdugh! Faodaidh tu sùil a thoirt air a’ bhùth againnan seo.

There are more brands out there that you can easily find online, but this is a list of a few of the best ones. Now you know where to get your Sustainable Fashion clothes that are made with ethical labor and fair trade, feel free to give them a try!

Sustainable Fashion Brands


We hope you have learned a lot today, and that you put this information into good practice. Now that you know how important Sustainable Fashion really is and why Fast Fashion needs to be ended, why don’t you take a look at our blog where we talk about many other related interesting subjects.

Tha sinn air leth toilichte a bhith a’ teagasg dhaoine air feadh an t-saoghail 🙂 Cuideachd,an robh fios agad dha-rìribh dè a th’ ann am Fast Fashion agus a’ bhuaidh uamhasach a th’ aige air an àrainneachd, a’ phlanaid, an luchd-obrach, an comann-sòisealta agus an eaconamaidh?A bheil fios agad gu cinnteach dè a th’ ann an gluasad Fasan Slow no Fashion Seasmhach?Bu chòir dhut dha-rìribh sùil a thoirt air na h-artaigilean seo mun chuspair seo a tha air a dhìochuimhneachadh agus gun fhiosta ach gu math èiginneach agus cudromach,cliog an seo gus leughadh “Am faod fasan a bhith seasmhach a-riamh?”, or Fast Fashion 101 | Mar a tha e a’ sgrios ar planaidoir is e eòlas aon de na neartan as cumhachdaiche as urrainn a bhith agad, agus is e aineolas an laigse as miosa dhut.

Tha iongnadh mòr againn dhut cuideachd!Leis gu bheil sinn airson còir a thoirt dhut air eòlas fhaighinn oirnn nas fheàrr, tha sinn air duilleag ullachadh gu faiceallach Mu ar deidhinn far an innis sinn dhut cò sinn, dè an rùn a th’ againn, dè a bhios sinn a’ dèanamh, sùil nas mionaidiche air an sgioba againn, agus mòran a bharrachd rudan!Na caill an cothrom seo aguscliog an seo gus sùil a thoirt air.Cuideachd, tha sinn a 'toirt cuireadh dhutthoir sùil air arPinterest,far am bi sinn a’ prìneadh susbaint seasmhach làitheil co-cheangailte ri fasan, dealbhadh aodach, agus rudan eile air am bi thu gu cinnteach dèidheil!