Eco-Friendly Sweatshirt | Organic Cotton Unisex Pullover | “Keep It Green” Sustainable Streetwear | Conscious Fashion Essentials

Eco-Friendly Sweatshirt | Organic Cotton Unisex Pullover | “Keep It Green” Sustainable Streetwear | Conscious Fashion Essentials

Lùghdachaidhean meud

2 +29.71 $

* Tha meud a’ toirt iomradh air nithean lasaichte (toraidhean le lasachadh) meud iomlan air a’ chairt.

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Tha na meudan a rèir meud nas lugha ann am margaidh na SA, agus mar sin bu chòir do luchd-ceannach na SA meud òrdachadh suas.

🌿 Step into the world of sustainable fashion with our “Keep It Green” Organic Cotton Unisex Sweatshirt. Crafted for comfort and a cleaner planet, this eco-conscious pullover intertwines your personal style with an environmental pledge, offering a bold yet understated statement for your everyday wear.

🌀 Imagine the serenity of a deep forest – that’s the essence captured in the rich, dark green hue of our sweatshirt. At the heart of the design, a captivating, bright green fingerprint swirl invites you to reflect on your unique impact on the Earth. 🌱 Enclosed in this symbol of identity, a tender seedling germinates between two symmetrical leaves, surrounded by our rallying phrase: “KEEP IT GREEN.”

👣 Your wardrobe choice becomes a narrative. Donning this sweatshirt is not just about fashion – it’s about carrying a story, a personal commitment to the environment that’s as distinct as your own fingerprint.

Key Features:
– 🌾 Made with 80% organic cotton and 20% recycled polyester for a reduced ecological footprint.
– 🌍 100% organic cotton exterior, ensuring that only the purest fibers touch your skin.
– 📏 Classic set-in sleeves and comfortable 2×2 rib at the collar for a timeless look.
– 🔍 French terry knit offers a soft, cozy feel that’s perfect for any season.
– ✨ Self-fabric neck tape enhances durability, affirming our commitment to quality.
– 🌈 The vibrant contrast in shades of green symbolizes the vitality of life and the importance of its protection.

Indulge in the soft, cozy embrace of French terry knit, detailed with thoughtful touches like set-in sleeves and a 2×2 rib collar. Each sweatshirt brings you closer to the eco-friendly lifestyle you value without compromising on style or comfort. 🧵

🌟 Join us in making a difference, one garment at a time. Embrace this wearable emblem of growth and personal responsibility, and let the world see that you choose sustainable, responsible fashion. Your choice matters – KEEP IT GREEN. 🌎

We invite you to become part of our community of change-makers. Choose sustainable, choose style, choose our “Keep It Green” Organic Cotton Sweatshirt today. #ConsciousFashion #EcoStreetwear 🌿

Tha an toradh seo air a dhèanamh gu sònraichte dhutsa cho luath ‘s a chuireas tu òrdugh, agus is e sin as coireach gu bheil e a’ toirt beagan nas fhaide dhuinn a lìbhrigeadh dhut. Mle bhith a’ dèanamh thoraidhean air iarrtas an àite gu mòr a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ lughdachadh cus cinneasachadh, mar sin tapadh leat airson co-dhùnaidhean ceannach smaoineachail a dhèanamh!

See related product designs:

Eco-Friendly Fingerprint “KEEP IT GREEN” Unisex Organic Cotton Sweatshirt | Sustainable Fashion Streetwear 🌱

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Lùghdachaidhean meud

2 +29.71 $

* Tha meud a’ toirt iomradh air nithean lasaichte (toraidhean le lasachadh) meud iomlan air a’ chairt.

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Teisteanas Seasmhachd GOTS

2+ Adhbhar lasachaidh

Hi siud! Dìreach ùrachadh sgiobalta - chan urrainn dhuinn luingearachd an-asgaidh a thabhann tuilleadh air a h-uile toradh. Ach, tha sinn air a bhith a’ tabhann lasachadh do luchd-ceannach a cheannaicheas dhà no barrachd thoraidhean airson greis a-nis. Chaidh an lasachadh seo a thoirt a-steach an toiseach leis gu robh cosgais lìbhrigeadh toradh a bharrachd mòran nas ìsle na a’ chiad fhear. A-nis leis nach bi sinn a’ tabhann luingearachd an-asgaidh chan eil e ciallach a bhith ann fhathast, ach chuir sinn romhainn a chumail, agus mar sin chan e a-mhàin gum faigh thu buannachd bho chosgaisean luingeis nas ìsle, ach gheibh thu lasachadh cuideachd nuair a cheannaicheas tu 2+ bathar. Tapadh leibh airson ur taic leantainneach!

Carson nach eil thu a’ tabhann luingearachd an-asgaidh tuilleadh?

Chan urrainn dhuinn tuilleadh luingearachd an-asgaidh a thabhann chan ann a-mhàin air sgàth prìsean nas àirde ach cuideachd leis gu robh cosgais deireannach an toraidh don neach-ceannach tòrr nas àirde na bu chòir dha (Leis gun deach na cosgaisean luingeis as àirde bho luchd-ceannach fada air falbh a thoirt a-steach. cunntas). Tha sinn cuideachd den bheachd gu bheil e tòrr nas fheàrr a’ phrìs luingeis a phàigheadh às a chèile an àite a bhith a’ pàigheadh a dhà uiread na tha sa phrìs, eadhon ged a dh’ aontaicheas sinn gu bheil pàigheadh airson luingearachd mì-thlachdmhor (Ach gu tur riatanach, aig deireadh an latha, tha cuideigin a’ tabhann seirbheis gus nach fheum thu fèithean a ghluasad gus an toradh fhaighinn).

An urrainn dhomh an lèine-T / hoodie a ghnàthachadh?

Tha! Faodaidh tu dealbh àbhaisteach a chuir a-steach agus a luchdachadh suas le bhith a’ briogadh air “Pearsanachadh Dealbhadh” ri taobh a’ phutan “Cuir ris a’ chairt”. Ach chan urrainn dhut dealbhadh sam bith a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith fo dhlighe-sgrìobhaidh no comharra-malairt a luchdachadh suas, bu chòir dhut do chuid fhèin a luchdachadh suas.

Ciamar a bhios fios agam a bheil an lèine-t/hoodie freagarrach dhomh?

Tha stiùireadh meud air a thoirt seachad os cionn a’ phutan “Cuir ri Cart”. Ach uaireannan faodaidh na meudan atharrachadh, agus dh ’fhaodadh an toradh a bhith ro bheag, is ann ainneamh a bhios e a’ tachairt.

Mura h-eil thu cinnteach am bi e iomchaidh, thathas a’ moladh am meud nas motha a thaghadh.

Ciamar a chleachdas mi còdan coupon?

Tha còdan cùpain air an cur a-steach air an duilleag pàighidh. Gheibh thu còdan cùpain agus lasachaidhean gu sònraichte le bhith a’ tighinn a-steach don choimhearsnachd againn an-asgaidh. Lcosnadh barrachd mu dheidhinn seoan seo.


Chan eil lèirmheasan ann fhathast.

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