sustainable homes / houses | what are they? are they more expensive?

what are sustainable homes?

We have covered most of the ways you can achieve a sustainable lifestyle here, however, there was a topic that caught our attention and that is not very known, that is, environmentally friendly houses. But, what are they exactly?

These types of houses are homes that have been designed and built using sustainable principles. The aim is to create a home that is environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and that will stand the test of time. Moreover, they are designed to be comfortable and liveable, with a focus on natural light, fresh air, and a healthy indoor environment.

The sustainable homes movement began in the 1970s as a response to the energy crisis. Homeowners began looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption and make their homes more efficient. This led to the development of solar and wind power, as well as other sustainable building techniques. Not only that, but these houses also began to incorporate green design principles, such as using sustainable materials and incorporating natural light and ventilation.

They are designed and built using materials and methods that are environmentally friendly and that minimize the home’s impact on the surrounding ecosystem. They are also designed to be energy efficient, using passive solar design principles and energy-efficient appliances and fixtures. They differ from regular homes in that they are built with a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Doing so often results in a smaller ecological footprint and lower utility bills.

This was our short explanation of what these environmentally friendly houses are, and how they started out, now that you know this we are going to review what they will mean for your pocket and if they are a good investment if we take into consideration other aspects that don’t have to do with sustainability (although this is a good enough reason to buy one of these).

are sustainable homes more expensive?

We said that these types of houses are built in order to minimize their environmental impact on our world, but that they are also designed to use fewer resources such as energy or water, with the current prices that we have on utilities, this can be a great financial saver over the long run. So let’s see:

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cost of these homes can vary depending on several factors, including the location, size, and features of the home. However, in general, green homes are often more expensive to build than traditional homes, due to the higher cost of eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems. However, they can save homeowners money in the long run through lower utility bills and maintenance costs, and that’s what we are going to discuss next.

They can save homeowners money in a number of ways. One way is by using less energy. This can be accomplished by using energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and insulation. Another way is by using sustainable materials that are long-lasting and require little maintenance. Other ways include collecting rainwater and using greywater for irrigation. This can save up to 50% on water bills.

When we look over the long run, we can see that these houses can save quite a lot of money, even that much to compensate for the higher initial price of the property, so buying one of these can be a great investment, not only to achieve a carbon-neutral lifestyle.

Overall, we can see how having an environmentally friendly property can save you quite a lot of money and carbon emissions over the long run, which means that they are a good investment to make, and probably one that will become the norm in the future.

Are Sustainable Homes More Expensive

examples of sustainable homes

You have learned what they are and how much they can cost you over the long run, but what are some of the real-life examples? What can we learn from them? Here are 5 real examples of sustainable homes:

  1. A solar-powered home that uses energy from the sun to heat and cool the house, as well as power all of the appliances.
  2. A wind-powered home that uses turbines to generate electricity to power the home.
  3. A home that uses geothermal energy to heat and cool the house, as well as power the appliances.
  4. A home that is completely off the grid, meaning it does not use any public utilities and instead relies on renewable energy sources like solar and wind to power the home.
  5. A home that uses rainwater to flush the toilets and water the plants, and has a greywater system in place to recycle used water from the sinks and showers.

Some sustainable houses that already exist, and can serve as an example on our list are these 5:

  1. The Fargreen House in Vietnam is built entirely out of bamboo and other sustainable materials, and uses natural ventilation and daylighting to minimize the need for energy-intensive artificial lighting and cooling. 
  2. The Casa de Montaña in Guatemala is a small home that is entirely off the grid, using a combination of solar, hydro, and wind power for all of its energy needs. 
  3. The Eco-Nest in British Columbia, Canada is a highly energy-efficient home that makes use of passive solar design, natural ventilation, and a small solar array to meet all of its power needs. 
  4. The Solhaus in San Francisco is a small home that uses a variety of sustainable design strategies to minimize its environmental impact, including solar panels, a green roof, and rainwater harvesting. 
  5. The Living Home in Los Angeles is a prefabricated home that is built with several sustainable features, including solar power, green materials, and energy-efficient appliances.

There are several things we can learn from sustainable homes. For one, we can learn how to build homes that are more environmentally friendly and efficient. We can also learn how to use sustainable materials in our homes, and how to incorporate renewable energy sources into our homes. Additionally, we can learn how to live a more sustainable lifestyle in general by following the example of sustainable homes. With this information, we can work towards creating a more sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

Overall, these examples can be an inspiration to build properties that respect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint in this world, and we can all hope that they become the norm in the future, which would end many of the problems that we have today.

where you can buy a sustainable home

We have learned some real-life examples of green homes and what we can learn from them, but, where can you buy one of these properties? How do you even look for these types of houses?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best place to buy a sustainable home depends on a variety of factors, including location, budget, and specific sustainability preferences. However, some helpful tips for finding sustainable homes for sale include searching for green-certified homes, looking for homes with energy-efficient features, and considering homes with a small ecological footprint. Additionally, sustainable homes are often available through sustainable builders and developers, as well as through real estate agents who specialize in green homes.

There are many ways you can search for green-certified homes as different people may have different criteria for what constitutes a “green-certified home.” However, some places where you might start your search include websites like Green Home GuidekumaGreen Living Ideas, which provide listings of green-certified homes as well as tips and advice on green living. You can also contact your local municipality or utility company to see if they have any programs or incentives in place for energy-efficient or green homes.

There are a few ways to contact sustainable house builders or developers. One way is to look for builders or developers who are members of green building organizations, such as the U.S. Green Building Council or the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Another way is to search for sustainable builders or developers online. You can then contact them directly to inquire about their services. They are usually listed on their websites with their contact information.

That’s everything on how to purchase sustainable homes, now that you know this, it is time to look for your next green property or to start turning your own house into an environmentally friendly one. Good luck!

Where You Can Buy A Sustainable home


We hope you have learned a lot today about sustainable houses and what they are, if you found this information useful, don’t forget to share and spread awareness about this environmental subject. If you want to learn about slow fashion and the problem with the fashion industry, don’t forget to check out the articles linked below or just check out our blog, where we have at the moment 100 different articles that you will find useful and you will love!

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