Mi az a gyűrűs fonású pamut

What is ring-spun cotton

what is ring spun cotton?

what is ring-spun cotton?

As its name implies, ring-spun cotton is cotton, but it has some differences from regular cotton.

Ring-spun cotton is made by curving and diminishing the cotton strands to make an extremely fine, solid, delicate rope of cotton, polyester, or a mix of filaments. Ring-spun textures are more strong and last longer than their standard partners, yet will likewise be more costly, as well.

Ringspun Cotton is very soft, it feels like it has been washed multiple times already. Most T-shirts depicted basically as “100 percent cotton” are produced using a more affordable, less refined open-end cotton, offering a great incentive for a fundamental tee. Ringspun cotton is smoother and more grounded.

is ring-spun cotton organic?

Yes! It depends on what type of cotton has been used, but ring-spun cotton is usually more organic than regular cotton, although organic cotton, as its name implies, is more organic.

Why is it organic? Well, ring-spun cotton usually uses higher quality cotton that has been grown more sustainably than regular cotton. But as we said earlier, it all depends on the type of cotton that has been used, as ring-spun cotton is a transformed type of cotton.

is ring-spun cotton organic

is ring-spun cotton sustainable?

As we said earlier, it depends, but most likely yes. That is because not only ring-spun cotton usually uses higher-quality, more sustainable cotton, but also the fabric itself is more durable.

One may argue that is not because many times it uses more energy and cotton to produce, but because it lasts much longer, it’s higher quality, and it uses more sustainable materials, it is usually a more sustainable fabric than regular cotton. It all depends on who is making the cotton.

However, organic cotton is more sustainable than ring-spun cotton as you know it has been grown sustainably using fewer resources, but it is also more expensive than ring-spun cotton, which is also more expensive than regular cotton. If you want to know more about organic cotton nézd meg ezt a cikket.

We use ring-spun cotton on most of our apparel because organic cotton is harder to produce and its higher price may scare away people that want to get into sustainable fashion. Although we plan on introducing many more organic cotton products and hopefully someday lowering their price so this wonderful material is available for everyone.

Is ring-spun cotton preshrunk?

Yes, ring-spun cotton is typically preshrunk.Ez meanshogya fabric has been treatedval vela chemical processnak nekkészítseneka fibers shrink less when exposednak nek heat.Ez helpsa fabric maintain its shapeés size after washing.

In terms of environmental impact, preshrunk ring-spun cotton is not necessarily bad for the environment, it depends on the producer. The process uses chemicals that may contain some pollutants, but typically not enough to cause damage to the environment. Additionally, the use of preshrunk cotton can help reduce the amount of energy needed for laundry, as clothes do not need to be washed as often or with as hot of water, so their environmental impact ends up being positive.

But today we can also say that pre-shrunk ring-spun cotton can be sustainably produced. To do this,a cotton must be sourcedtól tőla supplierhogygyakorlatokfenntartható methodsnak,-nek farming, such as crop rotationésahasználatnak,-nek organic fertilizers.Továbbá,a spinningés weaving processes must be doneban benan environmentally friendly manner, such as using lowimpact dIgenés avoiding harsh chemicals.

is ring-spun cotton soft / breathable?

Yes! Its stronger and longer filaments make the fabric very soft and breathable. This fabric is also light weight than regular cotton and it’s a great comfortable choice for t-shirts and other apparel.

This fabric is also very absorbent and durable, although it can shrink if exposed to hot water, that’s why it’s important to buy pre-shrunk cotton. Also, sometimes especially with bigger sizes, apparel may be too small so if you have any doubts when choosing the size, always pick the bigger one, but incidents like this are rare.

is ring-spun cotton breathable


Reméljük, ma sokat tanultál. Örülünk, hogy világszerte taníthatunk embereket :). Apropó,ismeri a gyors divatot és annak szörnyű következményeit a környezetre, az emberekre és a gazdaságra nézve? Tudod, mi az a Slow Fashion vagy a Fenntartható Divat mozgalom? El kell olvasnia ezeket a cikkeket erről az ismeretlen, de sürgető témáról, Kattintson ide, hogy olvassa el a „Lehet-e valaha fenntartható a divat?” című részt., a tudás hatalom, a tudatlanság a végzet.


Van egy nagy meglepetésünk is csak számodra!Elkészítettünk egy gondosan szentelt Rólunk oldalt, ahol elmondjuk, kik vagyunk, mivel foglalkozunk, küldetésünk, csapatunk és még sok más!Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetéskattintson ide, hogy megnézze. Emellett ellátogathat hozzánkPinterest, ahol olyan fenntartható divattal kapcsolatos tartalmakat és ruhaterveket tűzünk ki, amelyeket biztosan szeretni fog.

A biopamut fenntartható

Is Organic Cotton Sustainable

is organic cotton sustainable?

what is organic cotton?

As its name implies, organic cotton is just cotton that has been grown organically.

What is the distinction between cotton and organic cotton?
Organic cotton is developed without hurtful synthetic substances, leaving the dirt, air, and water free from sullies that hurt the environment. Organic cotton produces around 46% less CO2e contrasted with ordinary cotton. It likewise utilizes undeniably less water to develop since natural cotton producers regularly use downpours more than water systems.

Buyers should search for the on-item marking. GOTS naming has to be applied on the item so that it is noticeable to the purchaser at the hour of purchase (e.g., on the bundling and additionally hangtag as well as a mark).

when did organic cotton start?

From the mid-1990s, we started to see the ascent in confirmed assembling and utilization of this fiber and texture. This came regarding when trailblazers in Turkey and the United States (US) made markets for naturally developed cotton.

This organic fiber comes mainly from: India (50%), China (12%), Kyrgyzstan (12%), Turkey (10%), Tanzania (5%), Tajikistan (4%), and the U.S (3%), these are the biggest natural cotton makers, together representing 95% of worldwide organic cotton production.

Organic cotton is substantially more costly than normal cotton because it is incredibly uncommon. It represents under 1% of the all-out worldwide cotton yield. Also, organic cotton is liberated from unsafe synthetics and gives ranchers more control during the creation on account of present-day cultivating techniques and advancements.

When did organic cotton start

is organic cotton sustainable?

YES! organic cotton is a more certain and reasonable other option. It is produced using non-hereditarily changed plants that are developed without the utilization of any engineered rural synthetics like manures or pesticides. This is better for the climate, the environment, and the health of individuals included.

Although is less accessible and hard to find. This doesn’t mean regular cotton isn’t a good choice, as it’s also biodegradable and much better than other fabrics, it is just that organic cotton beats regular cotton.

If you are concerned about the dangers of fast fashion and you want to opt for sustainable fashion (You should, learn why here), buying cotton products is enough, the fabric doesn’t account for all the sustainability an item of clothing has, there are other factors like ethical labor, clothing production processes, how the demand is handled…

can organic cotton be affordable?

As we discussed earlier, organic cotton is much more expensive and much rarer than regular cotton because it uses more sophisticated methods to produce.

But this can, will, and is changing. If people start demanding more organic cotton businesses will start investing more in this sustainable fabric, refining those production methods, and making cheaper and more sustainable cotton. This is already happening, as some farmers are sophisticating their methods of producing this natural fiber and have achieved cotton that uses water more efficiently and for less cost.

When will organic cotton become affordable for everyone? We don’t know yet, but it is already happening. Until then we still have to pay a higher price for this sustainable material, but as we said earlier, the fabric doesn’t account for all the sustainability of an item of clothing, and regular cotton or ring-spun cotton (Which is better) is enough.

Can organic cotton be affordable


Reméljük, ma sokat tanultál. Örülünk, hogy világszerte taníthatunk embereket :). Apropó,ismeri a gyors divatot és annak szörnyű következményeit a környezetre, az emberekre és a gazdaságra nézve? Tudod, mi az a Slow Fashion vagy a Fenntartható Divat mozgalom? El kell olvasnia ezeket a cikkeket erről az ismeretlen, de sürgető témáról, Kattintson ide, hogy olvassa el a „Lehet-e valaha fenntartható a divat?” című részt., a tudás hatalom, a tudatlanság a végzet.

Van egy nagy meglepetésünk is csak számodra!Elkészítettünk egy gondosan szentelt Rólunk oldalt, ahol elmondjuk, kik vagyunk, mivel foglalkozunk, küldetésünk, csapatunk és még sok más!Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetéskattintson ide, hogy megnézze. Emellett ellátogathat hozzánkPinterest, ahol olyan fenntartható divattal kapcsolatos tartalmakat és ruhaterveket tűzünk ki, amelyeket biztosan szeretni fog.

Hogyan készül a pamutszövet

How is cotton fabric produced

hogyan készül a pamutszövet

milyen pamutot használnak a pólókhoz?

Csiszolt pamutaz egyik legnépszerűbb szövet, amelyet pólók készítésekor használnak. A pamut többféle súlyban kapható, ésA szálcsiszolt pamut általában egy közepes súlyú szövet, amely a gyapotnövény cellulózszálaiból készül.

Ahogy a neve is sugallja, aA szálcsiszolt pamut olyan pamut lesz, amelyet fogmosási stratégiával készítenek. A textúra extravagánsan sima és hűvösebb, mint a legtöbb különböző pamutfajtánál, mégis bőségesen meleg. Körülbelül olyan finom, mint egy éles ing, stílusos, elsőrangú anyagból.

A tipikus pamut jellegzetes szál, más néven „csak pamut”– mivel más tulajdonságokkal nem rendelkezik.A szálcsiszolt pamut azonban különböző szerkezeti struktúrák keveréke, amelyeket finoman kefélnek, hogy kiküszöböljék a túlzott mennyiség felhalmozódását., így a textúra végül finom és sima befejeződést eredményez.

milyen pamutfajták vannak?

Négy kereskedelmi forgalomban kifejlesztett pamuttípus létezik, minden megszelídült a napokban:

Gossypium hirsutum– hegyvidéki gyapot, Közép-Amerika, Mexico, Karib-térség és Dél-Florida (a világtermelés 90%-a)Gossypium barbadense– Extra hosszú vágott pamut néven ismert, helyi és trópusi Dél-Amerika (a világ teremtményének 8%-a)
Gossypium arboreum– fagyapot, helyi Indiában és Pakisztánban (2% alatt)
Gossypium herbaceum– Levant pamut, Afrika déli részén és az Arab-félszigeten (2% alatt)

Hasonlóképpen termesztik a keresztezett fajtákat is. A két újvilági gyapotfaj a jelenlegi gyapottermékek nagy részét képviseli, azonban a két óvilági fajt széles körben használták az 1900-as évek előtt.Míg a pamutszálak általában fehér, barna, rózsaszín és zöld árnyalatokban fordulnak elő, a fehér pamut örökletes tulajdonságainak lealacsonyításától való félelem sok pamuttermelő területet arra késztetett, hogy bojkottálják az árnyalatú pamutválasztékok fejlesztését.

What types of cotton are there

fenntartható a pamut?

Míg a pamut egy jellegzetes szál, amely élete vége felé biológiailag lebomlik,szintén talán a legtöbb erőforrást igénylő termés. A tervezési tanácsadó hozzáteszi, hogy a gyapot termesztése emellett jelentős mennyiségű növényvédő szert és káros szintetikus anyagokat használ fel, amelyek telítik a földet és a vízkészletet.

Bár ennek nem kell így lennie, mint ma,Az ausztrál gyapottermelők több gyapotot termelnek kevesebb területen, hatékonyabb vízfelhasználással és kisebb hatással a környezetre, mint valaha.A fenntarthatóság és a környezeti teljesítmény független értékelése 10 évente.

Meg kell említenünk az organikus pamutot, amelyet káros szintetikus vegyületek nélkül fejlesztettek ki, így a szennyeződés, a levegő és a víz felszabadul a környezetet károsító méreganyagoktól.. A természetes pamut körülbelül 46%-kal kevesebb CO2e-t termel, szemben a szokásos pamuttal. Ezenkívül tagadhatatlanul kevesebb vizet használ fel a fejlesztéshez, mivel a természetes gyapottermelők általában többet használnak felhőszakadást, mint a vízrendszereket.

A pamut természetesen környezetbarátabb, mint más szövetek, mivel természetes növény, amely biológiailag lebomlik.Azonban azt látjuk, hogy vannak jobb pamutfajták, mint mások, az organikus pamut a legjobb, ugyanakkor a legnehezebb előállítani és a legdrágább is.

Is cotton sustainable

hogyan készül a pamutszövet

A gyapot előállítása és feldolgozása során számos folyamat beavatkozik, a gyapotnövények termesztésétől a ruhaalkotáshoz felhasználható szövet létrehozásáig.

A gyapotot tavasszal ültetik, amikor a hőmérséklet 60 fok körülire nyúlik, és a termékeny, nagyon kimerült talajban tölti be a legjobban. Az ültetést követően az éghajlattól függően körülbelül hat-két hónapig tart, amíg a virág megjelenik. A növényeket elárasztják, előkészítik és gyomlálják a fejlődő rendszerben, majd a hajtás lehull, és egy kifejlett gyapotmag keletkezik. Ez az a fehér párnázott rész, amelyet a túlnyomó többség figyelembe vesz, amikor pamutra gondol. A gyapotot összegyűjtik, becsomagolják és kiszállítják a ginekből, ahol elválasztják a szálakat a magoktól. A szálakat bálázzák, a gyárak megvásárolják, majd azon a ponton madzaggá alakítják.

Azt mondják, egy kép felér 1000 szóval, és egy videó több ezer képből áll, ezért meghívunk, hogy nézze meg ezt az érdekes dokumentumfilmet a pólók készítéséről.


Reméljük, ma sokat tanultál. Örülünk, hogy világszerte taníthatunk embereket :). Apropó,ismeri a gyors divatot és annak szörnyű következményeit a környezetre, az emberekre és a gazdaságra nézve? Tudod, mi az a Slow Fashion vagy a Fenntartható Divat mozgalom? El kell olvasnia ezeket a cikkeket erről az ismeretlen, de sürgető témáról, Kattintson ide, hogy olvassa el a „Lehet-e valaha fenntartható a divat?” című részt., a tudás hatalom, a tudatlanság a végzet.

Van egy nagy meglepetésünk is csak számodra!Elkészítettünk egy gondosan szentelt Rólunk oldalt, ahol elmondjuk, kik vagyunk, mivel foglalkozunk, küldetésünk, csapatunk és még sok más!Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetéskattintson ide, hogy megnézze. Emellett ellátogathat hozzánkPinterest, ahol olyan fenntartható divattal kapcsolatos tartalmakat és ruhaterveket tűzünk ki, amelyeket biztosan szeretni fog.

Hogyan készül a poliészter

How polyester is produced

how polyester is produced

what is polyester fabric?

Polyester is a synthetic texture that is generally taken from petrol. This texture is one of the world’s most used materials, and it is utilized in a large number of various customer and modern industrial applications.

Polyester is a man-made fiber that lasts long. It’s exceptionally tough and can endure decent wearing and tearing stress. Higher quality polyester holds its shape well and doesn’t shrivel. It dries rapidly unlike cotton, as polyester isn’t permeable.

The cons of this material are that it can build up static electricity, tends to hold odors more, and is less breathable than materials like cotton.

why is polyester bad?

As a plastic and petrol-based item, polyester is non-biodegradable and exceptionally harmful to our planet. Regular and low-sway dyes don’t work well with polyester filaments, so unsafe synthetic dyes are later deposited in our waterways, polluting them.

Also, polyester is a manufactured material that has numerous poisonous synthetic compounds inserted in it. Likewise, assuming you wear synthetic polyester garments, your body heat additionally delivers these synthetic compounds in the air and they are absorbed later by your skin, which can be toxic for the human body.

This also depends on the quality of the polyester, fast fashion garments are made with poor quality polyester that decomposes into microplastics when washed delivering these toxic synthetic materials into the water.

Why is polyester bad

why polyester is good (sometimes)

This material can be good because of its high tenacity and toughness that make it extremely fitting for clothing creation. As a solid fiber, polyester can endure solid and repetitive stress. In the fashion business, this fiber is for the most part utilized for making shirts, pants, suits, packs, footwear, active apparel, bed sheets, etc.

Also, polyester is cheaper and uses much less water than cotton, which is a plant that needs a lot of water. It is also much more durable, although this is a big con as polyester, like any other plastic, lasts thousands of years without decomposing.

Despite these „pros”, polyester production is not environmentally friendly at all, being a much better choice to use cotton. Although it can sometimes be necessary for certain garments, in that case, the most intelligent move is to use recycled polyester, which uses far fewer resources than regular polyester and does not contribute to the additional creation of plastic materials.

Why is polyester good (Sometimes)

how polyester is produced

The production varies depending on the type of polyester that is being made, generally, there are 4 main steps in the production of polyester.

Oil is extracted from the earth and treated, this is where plastics, gas, and other products come from.

The oil is shipped to processing plants (by truck, boat, big hauler, or pipeline) where heat, fuel, power, high pressure, solvents, and catalysts are utilized to stall the particles into useful ingredients. This cycle is likewise alluded to as “breaking”. Numerous petrochemical items can be gotten from oil at processing plants, however, ethylene and p-xylene are the monomers utilized for polyester creation. 

Ethylene is then separated significantly utilizing heat, cooling, pressure, water, and in some cases a catalyst to create unrefined substances helpful for polyester creation, specifically ethylene glycol. The two principle acids utilized in the development of polyester are dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and terephthalic corrosive (TPA), natural mixtures created from P-xylene. Both DMT and TPA are put away in liquid structure and shipped in tanks from processing plants.

PET (polyethylene terephthalate, a similar kind of plastic utilized in plastic soft drink bottles) is framed through a course of polymerization in which ethylene glycol, TPA, and (contingent upon the cycle) DMT are consolidated utilizing heat and high pressure. The outcome is a fluid of honey-like consistency that is expelled, dried, and cleaved up to make plastic pellets.

To make polyester strands, PET plastic pellets are dissolved and expelled through little openings called spinnerets to frame long strings, which are then cooled to solidify into a fiber. This interaction is called melt spinning. The shape and quality of openings can be changed to make strands with various characteristics. These filaments are bent together to make polyester yarn and twisted onto bobbins, where they are fit to be woven into the texture.


We hope you have learned a lot more today about polyester! We’re thrilled to teach people around the world :). By the way,ismeri a gyors divatot és annak szörnyű következményeit a környezetre, az emberekre és a gazdaságra nézve? Tudod, mi az a Slow Fashion vagy a Fenntartható Divat mozgalom? El kell olvasnia ezeket a cikkeket erről az ismeretlen, de sürgető témáról, Kattintson ide, hogy olvassa el a „Lehet-e valaha fenntartható a divat?” című részt., a tudás hatalom, a tudatlanság a végzet.

Van egy nagy meglepetésünk is csak számodra!Elkészítettünk egy gondosan szentelt Rólunk oldalt, ahol elmondjuk, kik vagyunk, mivel foglalkozunk, küldetésünk, csapatunk és még sok más!Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetéskattintson ide, hogy megnézze. Also, you can visit our Pinterest, ahol olyan fenntartható divattal kapcsolatos tartalmakat és ruhaterveket tűzünk ki, amelyeket biztosan szeretni fog.

Hogyan népszerűsítsük a fenntartható divatot

How to promote sustainable fashion

Hogyan népszerűsítsük a fenntartható divatot

what does sustainable fashion mean?

Sustainable fashion is the movement that wants to end fast fashion and its horrible consequences for the environment, the people, and the economy. It promotes sustainability in the fashion industry, which is one of the biggest polluters of all time.

Fast fashion is responsible for 10% of the world’s carbon emissions, and it releases a great carbon footprint for both of its clothing’s production and disposal. Fast fashion pollutes fresh water in the production of its cheap low-quality clothes with harmful chemicals. It also produces cheap garments made with toxic materials that deteriorate, mostly microplastics, that end up in the oceans when the clothes are washed. It even pollutes soils when the clothes end up in landfills after they failed to keep up with their own trends, releasing harmful dyes, toxic substances, and greenhouse methane gas during its 200 years of decomposition.

Not only that, but fast fashion also takes advantage of vulnerable workers in underdeveloped countries that need to work in horrible inhumane conditions with little to no pay reaching slavery-like conditions, that is what is called modern slavery.

Sustainable fashion aims to produce ethical clothing made with respect for the planet, the people, and the economy with non-polluting production processes and sustainable materials. With its much higher-quality garments, it can even save the buyer some money as there is no need to constantly buy new clothes as much.

does sustainable fashion have to be expensive?

Fast fashion is known for its extremely cheap clothes because it outsources all the costs to the environment, the people, and the economy. Sustainable fashion, as it respects all of these and produces garments ethically, clothes are generally more expensive, sometimes by a lot.

But this doesn’t have to be the case, there are a lot of initiatives to make sustainable clothing more affordable. But the truth is there is somewhat a long way before sustainable clothing can become as affordable as fast fashion while being just as clean or even cleaner. You can learn more about sustainable fashion brands itt.

Sustainable clothing is going to become more sustainable when its demand increases, driving more businesses to invest in this ethical clothing model and innovating, creating much cheaper, cleaner ways of producing clothes ethically. The crucial part is for the demand to increase, which will happen only if people start becoming aware of the dangers of fast fashion for our society.

Does sustainable fashion have to be expensive

how to get into sustainable fashion

If you want to get into this wonderful movement, you’re welcome :). What every movement that wants to change the world needs is supporters, a movement is not going to achieve anything if no one fights along with it.

As you may know, fast fashion if unstopped is going to damage the planet permanently, and is one of the biggest polluters of all time. To get into the Sustainable Fashion movement you first need to understand the importance of it and not treat it like a secondary thing.

The most important thing of all is becoming informed, knowledge is power and this isn’t an exception, the more informed you can be on the subject the better, the more tools you have to fight fast fashion. Then, the other crucial thing is to spread awareness, as we said earlier, the more people support a movement, the more chances it has of succeeding.

The most obvious step of all and one of the most important is to abide by your philosophy yourself, you can’t be supporting sustainable fashion if in your personal life you do nothing regarding the main point of it, not turning to sustainable clothes that respect the planet and the people and still buying from fast fashion businesses. Check this article if you want to know more about how to do sustainable fashion.

Hogyan népszerűsítsük a fenntartható divatot

As we said earlier, spreading awareness is crucial for the achievement of sustainability in the fashion industry. Today, most people don’t even know what fast fashion is or why it’s bad, or even worse, they have never even heard that term, ever.

Our duty as respectable inhabitants of this earth is to spread awareness, and this can be done in many ways, just remember the VSB acronym.The first one (Voice) is very simple, which is simply telling your friends and family about the topic. Telling people you trust is a great way to spread awareness on any deserving matter. 

The second one (Social) is similar to Voice and consists of spreading awareness through social media, whether it’s your Facebook, your Instagram, YouTube… By this method not only can your close family and friends know about this movement but also people from the internet you may not even know! While using this method you should share informative posts, videos, news, that can make people at least informed on what fast fashion is and why sustainable clothing is important.

The third one (Blogging) is what we opted for ourselves. It consists of creating a blog or any internet-related activity that is mainly focused on sustainable fashion and wants to spread information to as many people as possible. This can be extremely effective but also very time-consuming, we think it is totally worth it though.

Having checked all of these VSB’s off your list, you’re now an active member of the sustainable fashion movement, Congratulations! You will be going down to history as one of those people that saved humanity from total environmental annihilation.

how to promote sustainable fashion


We hope you have learned a lot today! We want to congratulate you as always for making the first and most important step towards achieving sustainability in the fashion industry, which is becoming informed and conscious on the subject. We encourage you to try out the VSB’s of spreading awareness on sustainable fashion!

We have prepared a big surprise just for you! A carefully written About Us page where we will tell you who we are, what our mission is, our team, and many more! Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetésnézd meg itt. You can also visit our Pinterest, ahol olyan fenntartható divattal kapcsolatos tartalmakat és ruhaterveket tűzünk ki, amelyeket biztosan szeretni fog.

Lehet-e valaha fenntartható a divat?

Can fashion ever be sustainable

can fashion ever be sustainable?

why fashion needs to be more sustainable

With the rise of fast fashion, the clothing industry has become one of the biggest polluters on our planet, producing 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions, evaporating water sources, and contaminating waterways and streams. Furthermore, 85% of all clothing goes to landfills every year. Also washing a few kinds of fast fashion garments sends a great amount of plastic into the sea.

Fast fashion has skyrocketed these numbers by a lot and doesn’t seem to be stopping soon. Not only does fast fashion pollute our planet in many ways, but it also creates very negative consequences to the people in vulnerable positions and to the world’s economy.

Considering all of these factors, it is clear the necessity to make fashion more sustainable than it is, reducing its carbon footprint and stopping fast fashion and its terrible consequences to the planet, the people, and the economy.

what is fast fashion, meaning

Fast fashion refers to the business practice that focuses on making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers totally disrespecting the environment, the people and the economy in the process.

Its clothes are so cheap because it outsources all of the costs to the planet and people. While also producing very low-quality garments made with polluting and unethical production processes, making the clothes only last from a few weeks to a few months before they become too old, perfect to keep introducing new trends constantly.

Fast Fashion has a colossal carbon footprint for both its production and disposal. Fast fashion clothing creation requires a lot of energy and resources, while it relies upon harmful dyes and different toxic synthetic substances that contaminate new water.

This bad business practice is also commonly known to use underpaid and child labor working in inhumane conditions to produce very cheap clothing, sometimes reaching slavery-like conditions. If you want to know more about fast fashion read a gyors divat társadalmi kérdés?

can fashion be sustainable - What is fast fashion

what is sustainable fashion, definition

Sustainable fashion is a movement that wants to stop fast fashion and its carbon footprint, producing high-quality garments with respect to the environment, the people, and the economy.

Sustainable clothing is made with ethical work, paying its employers a decent wage and having them work in human conditions respecting their dignity. The clothes are made with non-polluting materials and processes and are made to last, to avoid unnecessary overproduction and also achieve customer satisfaction at the same time.

This movement is increasingly growing, which is a great thing, but there is still a long way before it can surpass fast fashion. If you want to know more about sustainable fashion read how to do slow fashion.

can fashion ever be sustainable?

We already know the horrible outcomes of fast fashion and the movement that swears to stop it, but, Can fast fashion ever be sustainable? As in most cases, there is a simple and a complicated answer to that question.

The short answer is YES! more than ever, people are becoming conscious about the footprint they leave on the planet and the consequences of their actions, with that, a lot of them are turning their back to fast fashion and switching to a sustainable, ethical and higher-quality sustainable fashion instead.

The complicated answer is, we don’t know when it is going to happen yet. Even though it is happening right now and many people are becoming aware, most people don’t even know what fast fashion means and why it is bad, or even worse, they haven’t even heard that term in their lives.

But the war is not lost yet, we are doing our part in spreading awareness about this topic as it is the most crucial thing to achieve in order to stop fast fashion because no one is going to fight against fast fashion if they don’t know what it means in the first place.

As per the affordability of a sustainable fashion industry model, when the demand increases and more businesses start investing in this ethical business model, there will be new innovative, more cost-effective, and cleaner ways to produce sustainable fashion. This is the same for any other industry, but people need to start turning their back on fast fashion turn to sustainable fashion for this process to happen.

Can fashion ever be sustainable


We hope you have learned a lot more about sustainable fashion and fast fashion today and you start applying this knowledge for the best of our world. We want to congratulate you for making the most important step of all towards achieving a sustainable fashion industry! Which is becoming informed and interested about this topic.

The next crucial step is spreading awareness, either by telling your friends or by posting informative content on social media. This is very important as like it was said earlier, people are not going to fight against fast fashion if they don’t know what it is in the first place.

We also have prepared a big surprise for you! A carefully dedicated About Us page where we will tell you who we are, what we do, what is our mission, a look at our team, and many more! Ne hagyja ki ezt a lehetőségetéscheck it out from this link. You can also take a look at our Pinterest, where we will post sustainable fashion-related pins that you will surely love.

A fenntartható divat a jövő

is sustainable fashion the future

is sustainable fashion the future?

what is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is a movement that fights for sustainability in the fashion industry, fighting fast fashion, one of the biggest polluters of all times that not only harms the planet but also takes advantage of people in vulnerable positions to deliver poor quality materials at a very cheap price.

Fast fashion has a colossal carbon footprint for its production and disposal. Fast fashion production requires a lot of energy and materials, while it relies upon harmful dyes and different toxic synthetics that pollute new water. Fast fashion is responsible for more than 10% of the world’s fossil fuel byproducts.

Sustainable fashion wants to stop that by producing clothes with respect to the environment, the people, and the economy. By producing clothes made from non-polluting materials, with environmentally friendly production processes, and with ethical work, with decent wages that foment economic development on all the nations in the world.

is sustainable fashion a trend?

Sustainable fashion has seen a great increase in the last years, with the worldwide ethical fashion market arriving at a value of almost $6.35 billion in 2020, it has expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% starting around 2015. The sustainable fashion market is relied upon to develop from $6.5 billion in 2020 to $10.11 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 9.7%.

So, is it a trend? Fortunately, YES, but it is also much more than that. Sustainable fashion should not be viewed as simply a trend, but as the spreading of awareness among consumers worldwide who are caring about the carbon footprint they leave for their grandchildren and the thousands of workers that have suffered to make their clothes.

It is obviously a great thing that sustainable fashion is seeing an increase, but there is still a long way to win the battle against fast fashion and its consequences. And we’re doing our part in achieving that, by informing interested readers like you!

is sustainable fashion a trend

is sustainable fashion the future?

Absolutely! The future is green, not only because people are becoming more aware of their carbon footprint and the legacy they leave for their grandkids, but also because businesses are switching to environmentally friendly practices because it will become more profitable long term! So there is no reason to keep polluting the planet in the future because it will not be profitable nor tolerated by anyone, when exactly will this future be? We don’t know yet, but it is not as far away as you may think.

This also applies to sustainable fashion, but at a slower rate, unfortunately. Because even today most people don’t know what fast fashion is or why it is so bad. That’s why we try our best to spread awareness and put an end to this horrible business practice.

But sustainable fashion will definitely be the future, not only because it produces garments made with respect for the environment, the people, and the economy, but also because they are of much higher quality than fast fashion, lasting more and potentially even saving customers money. That is, when demand increases and more businesses invest in sustainable clothing, making the process of producing them much cheaper and cleaner.

can sustainable clothing be affordable

Today, the biggest disadvantage of sustainable clothing is its affordability, these clothes are more expensive because opposed to fast fashion, it doesn’t outsource their costs to the environment and the people in vulnerable positions. Because fast fashion has no respect for the environment, the people, and the economy, it can produce costs with very low prices and still make a profit.

But this doesn’t have to stay that way, as we explained earlier, sustainable clothing is fairly new, and not many businesses have invested in it because of its lower demand, but as the demand is increasing and more businesses are beginning to invest in this ethical business model, sustainable clothing is getting cheaper and cleaner.

Until sustainable clothing becomes cheaper, customers will have to pay more, but at least they will get higher quality garments that last longer and do not leave carbon and social footprints. But the prices can range a lot, and you can find very expensive clothing and very affordable clothing too, from the comfort of your computer! Check this article out if you want to know more about some of the best ethical fashion businesses out there.

can sustainable fashion be affordable


We hope you have learned a lot more about ethical fashion, it is our mission to spread awareness on this forgotten issue and stop fast fashion and its terrible consequences for the world. We are very thankful that you came across our article and we want to congratulate you for doing the first and most important step towards ending fast fashion! That is becoming aware of its problems and being interested in it, congratulations! The next crucial step is spreading awareness, either by telling your friends or on social media, you may think you are not doing much but you are actually doing everything.

Also, we have prepared a big surprise for you! A carefully written About Us page dedicated just for you in which we will tell you who we are, what we do, what our mission is, our team, and much more! Be sure to check that out here. You can also take a look at our Pinterest, where we will be pinning ethical fashion-related content and pins you will surely love.

A fenntartható ruházat drága

Is sustainable clothing expensive

is sustainable clothing expensive?

what is sustainable clothing?

Sustainable clothing is a movement that works towards more prominent environmental trustworthiness and social justice. Sustainable fashion concerns something other than addressing fashion clothes.

It focuses on the whole way where clothing is created, who produces it, and how lengthy the life expectancy of an item is before it arrives at the landfill. This sustainable movement battles the enormous carbon footprint that the fashion business and fast fashion have made by lessening ozone-depleting carbon emissions.

Reducing the environmental effect of fashion can battle air contamination, water pollution, and general climate change that might actually stop a great number of unexpected deaths throughout the following century.

why sustainable fashion?

Fast fashion is one of the biggest polluters of all time, not only that, this unethical business practice also hires people in vulnerable positions from underdeveloped countries for a very small compensation working in terrible conditions, sometimes reaching modern slavery. Read more in detail about this unethical business practice pont itt.

It has a tremendous carbon footprint for the two its creation and disposal. Its creation requires a lot of energy and assets, while it relies upon poisonous dyes and different synthetic compounds that pollute new water. Fast fashion delivers more than 10% of the world’s fossil fuel byproducts, that’s more than all international flights combined.

A side-effect of clothing production plants in nations that produce fast fashion clothing is untreated harmful wastewater. This fast fashion waste contains substances like lead, mercury, and arsenic that are incredibly hurtful to oceanic and human existence. Wastewater from garments manufacturing plants gets unloaded straight into rivers.

Sustainable fashion wants to end all of that, with sustainable clothing that is made with non-polluting materials, production processes, and ethical work respecting both the planet and the people. Not only that, but sustainable fashion also makes much better quality clothing that can be more comfortable and needs less to be changed.

sustainable clothing - why sustainable fashion

is sustainable clothing expensive?

It depends, but most likely YES. It is obvious why sustainable clothing can cost more than regular fast fashion, the first one focuses on making good high-quality clothes, made with ethical work and without polluting our planet, while the second one outsources all of its costs onto vulnerable people and the planet, being able to produce extremely cheap bad quality clothing.

Sometimes this fashion can be just too expensive for regular people like you or us, that is because the garments are of extremely high quality, carefully hand-made or with special features. But don’t worry, there are people like us that make sustainable clothing accessible for anyone, anywhere. If you want to know more about different brands that produce sustainable fashion check out this post.

It depends on what people find expensive, but we would rather buy an ethically made, non-toxic t-shirt for $30 that will perfectly last a decade than an unethically made, polluting $5 t-shirt that will luckily last two years.

how to make your closet more sustainable

You already know the benefits of sustainable fashion and the terrible outcomes of fast fashion, that’s great, but, What do you do with your not-so-sustainable clothing in your closet? Well, don’t worry, we can help you make the most out of your clothes without doing more unnecessary damage to this planet, even if sustainable clothing doesn’t precisely make up the majority of your closet.

According to a survey interviewing 1000 women in the US, the average woman has 103 items of clothing in her closet. But she only wears around 10% of them and considers 21% to be unwearable, 33 % too tight, and 24% too loose.

A good indicator to know when you have too many clothes is the What? When? From Who? rule. Basically, if you start asking those questions when you see an item of clothing in your closet for the first time in many monthsvagyyears, then you know you probably have too many clothes that you don’t need.

Don’t feel guilty about having many clothes in your closet, as long as you wear all of them and you didn’t buy and forgot about them after a couple of uses. Maybe you’re someone who likes to express themselves through clothing, or you are a minimalist who doesn’t need a large variety of clothes, it depends on every person, and that’s why you should always decide how many clothes you need and how much is too much.

Also, it is crucial to recycle. When clothes end up in landfills they create greenhouse gases, so recycling instead of throwing them helps diminish the forces that contribute to climate change. Reusing the fabric in old clothes means fewer resources, both monetary and environmental, are wasted in growing fiber for new ones. You can learn more about recycling your clothes with Planet Aid.
sustainable clothing - how to make your closet more sustainabel


You already know all the benefits of sustainable fashion, you’re surely on the right way to helping this movement that wants to stop one of the most destructive business practices in modern history, fast fashion.

We want to congratulate you! Because you made the first and most important step towards being part of the slow fashion movement, which is being aware and interested in the fashion problem in our society, hurray! The next very important step is to spread awareness, that’s what we are doing right now and we’re thankful that you came across our article. To spread awareness, simply tell your friends what sustainable fashion is about, why it’s important, share information about it on social media… You may think you are not doing much but you are actually doing everything.

We also want to tell you that we have a big surprise for you, a carefully dedicated Rólunk page where we will tell you who we are, what we do, what our mission is, our team, and much more! Be sure to check that out here. You can also visit our Pinterest where we will be pinning sustainable fashion-related content and design ideas that you will surely love!

A gyors divat társadalmi probléma

Is fast fashion a social issue

a gyors divat társadalmi kérdés?

mi az a fast fashion?

A Fast Fashion olcsó, divatos ruházatként jellemezhető, amely a kifutón vagy a VIP-kultúrából származó ötleteket példázza.veszélyesen gyorsan ruházati cikkekké alakítja az üzletekben, hogy kielégítse a vásárlói igényeket.

A cél az, hogy a lehető leggyorsabban elérhetővé váljanak a legfrissebb fazonok, hogy a vásárlók még hírnevük csúcsán megeszik őket, majd tragikus módon néhány hordás után megszabaduljanak tőlük.A káros szennyezés, a mérgező hulladék, a túltermelés és a hasznosítás létfontosságú részét képezi, amely a gyors divatot a világ egyik legnagyobb szennyezőjévé tette.

milyen gyors divat pusztítja a bolygót

A Fenntartható Kommunikáció Intézete szerint a fast fashion üzletág a világ második legnagyobb vízszennyezője.A vállalkozás emellett szállítja a világ fosszilis tüzelőanyagból származó melléktermékeinek 10%-át, ami több, mint az összes globális repülés és tengeri szállítás, és évente 21 milliárd tonna hulladékot termel.

A hatalmas vízfelhasználás, az anyagpazarlás és a talajba, patakokba beszűrődő káros színezékek mellettA fast fashion emellett mikroműanyagot is szállít mosáskor, rossz minőségű anyagaik miatt, ami folyamatosan mintegy 500 000 tonna mikroszálat juttat a tengerbe – ez 50 milliárd műanyag kancsóhoz hasonlítható.

is fast fashion destroying the planet

a gyors divat társadalmi kérdés?

A gyors divat társadalmilag mélyen problematikus üzleti stratégia.A gyors divat ilyen számtalan szinten kompromittálja társadalmunkat, mégis a bolygó minden tájáról nagyszámú egyén tapasztalja meg igazán, társadalmilag és pénzbelileg a gyors divatruházat gyártásának rossz hatásait.

Elsősorban,a fast fashion alulfizetett munkaerővel készül, sok esetben még gyerekmunkával is az elmaradott országokban.Mindezt azért, hogy alacsonyan tartsák a költségeket, és nagyon alacsony áron tudjunk eladni egy pólót vagy farmert.

Emellett a gyors divat az elmaradott országokban is szennyezi és ártalmatlanítja a hulladékát,de nem csak az, hogy a fast fashion nagyon gyenge minőségű ruhákat szállít, amelyek nemcsak szennyezik, hanem egyre több pénzt költenek rá, az olcsónak tűnőből folyamatosan cserélendő termékké változtatva, kimerítve a pénztárcáját.

hogy a gyors divat hogyan használja ki a dolgozókat

A dolgozók általában szellőzés nélkül dolgoznak, mérgező anyagokat, rostport vagy homokot lélegeznek be veszélyes szerkezetekben.A balesetek, lángok, sérülések és fertőzések rendszeres események a fast fashion gyártó létesítményekben.Ezenkívül a ruhamunkások folyamatosan verbális és tényleges bántalmazással szembesülnek.

Különösen azokban a nemzetekben, ahol magas a ruhaalkotás.A vízellátást ruhafestékek rontják, az üzemek nem tartják be a biztonsági protokollokat, az alkalmazottak munkájukért alig kapnak fizetést.

Ez nem jelenti azt, hogy ezekből az országokból minden ruha alulfizetett munkaerővel készül,egyes fenntartható divatcégek dönthetnek úgy, hogy pólóik egy részét kiszervezik olyan gyárakból, amelyekben megbíznak, és tudják, hogy nem alkalmaznak rossz körülmények között dolgozókat.

Is fast fashion a social issue

vége lesz valaha a gyors divatnak?

Igen! A gyorsdivat kétségtelenül véget ér, amikor az emberek ráébrednek annak szörnyű következményeire a bolygóra, a társadalomra és a saját jólétükre.Mikor lesz ez? Nem tudjuk pontosan, hiszen az emberek többsége azt sem tudja, mit jelent a fast fashion, vagy hogy mennyire rossz ez az iparág.

Ezt azonban egyre többen kezdik megérteni, és választják alassú divat alternatíva, mely növényekkel lehet megállítani a gyors divatot jó minőségű, fenntartható, etikus ruházattalami nem veszélyezteti a bolygót vagy az embereket.

Mi a lassú divat? kérdezhetsz,A lassú divat egy olyan mozgalom, amely azt tervezi, hogy leállítja a borzalmas üzleti gyakorlatot, amelyről beszéltünk, és fenntarthatóságot kíván elérni a divatiparban, olyan etikus ruhákkal, amelyek nem szennyeznek.Ha többet szeretne megtudni erről az érdekes témáról, kérjük, ne habozzon, nézze megezt a cikket itt.


Reméljük, ma tanult valamit, hosszú út vezet a fenntartható divatipar eléréséhez, és az embereknek tisztában kell lenniük ezzel a témával.Ezért szeretnénk gratulálni! Az első és legfontosabb lépés megtételéért a divat megváltoztatása felé,amely tudatosodik és érdeklődik e téma iránt.

A következő döntő lépés az ige terjesztése, amit jelenleg is teszünk ezzel a weboldallal, és nagyon hálásak vagyunk, hogy eljutottunk Önhöz.Éppen ezért egy különleges meglepetéssel készültünk Neked!Egy gyönyörű Rólunk oldal, ahol elmondjuk, mivel foglalkozunk, mi a küldetésünk, kik vagyunk, a csapatunk és még sok minden más! Ügyeljen arra, hogynézd meg itt. Te isnézd meg Pinterestünket, ahol rendszeresen fogunk feltűnni a divatproblémákról és néhány olyan dizájnról, amelyet szerethetsz, természetesen minden fenntartható ruházatról!
How we can fight fast fashion

Meddig tart a gyors divat

How long will fast fashion last

Meddig tart a gyors divat?

mi az a fast fashion?

A gyors divat kifejezés a legújabb stílustrendektől függő ruhaválasztékok ábrázolására szolgál. Ez egy olyan ötlet, amelyet túlterheltek a fogyasztás, a gyorsan változó trendek és a rossz minőségű ruházat; arra készteti a vásárlókat, hogy több ruhadarabot vásároljanak azótamegfizethetőek, de már egy szezon után eldobják őket.

A vizsgálat ezt kiderítettea fast fashion iparág környezeti kockázatai közé tartozik a kolosszális vízhasznosítás, a szén-dioxid szennyezés, a ruházati anyagok hulladéka és a mérgező vegyi anyagok hasznosítása.A gyors divat ruhagyártás fosszilis tüzelőanyag-kibocsátása összeadódik1,2 milliárd tonna évente.

A környezeti ártalmak ellenére a fast fashion ruházati cikkek sok erkölcsi kérdést is felvetnek.Gyakran izzasztóműhelyekben készülnek, ahol a munkaerőt hosszú ideig alkalmazzák kockázatos körülmények között.

Miért népszerű a fast fashion?

A gyors divat az olcsóbb, gyorsabb összeszerelési és szállítási stratégiák eredményeként vált népszerűvé, a vásárlók rendszeresen frissített stílusok iránti vágyának növekedése és a vásárlók vásárlóerejének növekedése,különösen a fiatalok körében, hogy élvezzék ezt az azonnali elégedettséget, amit akkor kapnak, amikor olyan dolgokat vásárolnak, amelyekre nincs állandóan szükségük.

Az 1990-es évek végén és a 2000-es évek közepén a fast fashion virágzó iparággá változott Amerikábana kereskedelmi forgalomba hozatalban izgatottan részt vevő egyénekkel. Az olyan gyorsdivat-kiskereskedők, mint a H&M, a Topshop, a Primark és a Zara, átvették a divatos divatot.

Az Ethical Consumer és a Greenpeace's Journal szerint az „Unearthed”,Abban az esetben, ha a fast fashion iránti érdeklődés a jelenlegi ütemben tovább emelkedik, a ruhaipar teljes szénlábnyoma 2050-re elérheti a 26%-ot!

How did fast fashion become popular

Véget ér valaha a fast fashion őrület?

A gyorsdivat csak akkor ér véget, ha az emberek tudatára ébrednek a problémáinak, ma az emberek többsége azt sem tudja, mit jelent a fast fashion, nem hallottak sem a lassú divatról, sem a fenntartható divatról, még ha hallottak is róla, valószínűleg halvány fogalmuk van arról, mit jelent és miért. nagyon fontos.

Ezértkötelességünk terjeszteni az igét, és tudatosítani az emberekben ezt a növekvő problémátmert ha nem vesszük komolyan, akkor megszenvedjük a következményeit.

Ezért felkérjük Önt, hogy osszon meg információkat a fast fashionről és annak következményeiről, mertMég ha úgy gondolja is, hogy kis változást hoz, ha mindannyian ugyanazt tennénk, hamarosan véget vetnénk ennek a nagy problémának.

meddig tart a gyors divat?

A fast fashion iránti érdeklődés az egész bolygón soha nem látott magasságokat ér el. A gyors divat a következő öt év során eléri a 163,4 milliárd dollárt, a következetes 19%-os bővüléssel, majd 2030-ban eléri a 211,9 milliárd dollárt, ami öt év alatt 5,3 százalékos éves növekedési rátát jelent.

Az M intel statisztikai felméréssel foglalkozó cégtől származó információ erre utalA Z generáció a divatot tekintve bevettebb korokat fogyaszt: A 16 és 19 év közötti brit fiatalok 64%-a vallja be, hogy olyan ruhát vásárolt, amelyet soha nem viselt, szemben az összes vizsgált felnőtt 44%-ával.

azonban, mivel többen érdeklődtek irántaetikus divatés alassú divat alternatíva, ezek az iparágak is várhatóan növekedni fognak.

Az etikus divat világpiaca várhatóan a $2020-as 4,67 milliárdról $5,84 milliárdra nő 2021-ben25,1%-os összetett éves növekedési rátával (CAGR). … A piac várhatóan eléri a $8,3 milliárdot 2025-ben 9%-os CAGR mellett

Ma ezek az elvárások, képzeljük csak el, hogyan fog növekedni az etikus divat, ha az emberek egy kicsit tudatosabbá válnának.Nem vagyunk Nostradamusok, de úgy gondoljuk, hogy az emberek ráébrednek a fast fashion veszélyeire, és arra, hogy az hogyan teszi tönkre a világot., így az etikus divatot választják, ami egyébként minőségileg jobb.

Mikor fog ez megtörténni?Nem tudjuk, de igyekszünk minden tőlünk telhetőt elterjeszteni az igét, és igyekszünk eleget tenni kötelességünknek, hogy megállítsuk a gyors divatot, ahogy azt mindenki másnak is meg kell tennie. Ezért meghívjuk Önt, hogy tekintse megHogyan csináljuk a lassú divatot.

How long will fast fashion last


A gyors divat tönkreteszi bolygónkat, és a legtöbb ember nem is tud róla, defény van az alagút végén,és azt gondoljuk, hogy egyre többen tudatosulnak benne, és a probléma egyszer véget fog vetni.

Amíg ez meg nem történik,szeretnénk gratulálni Önnek, hogy megtette az első és legfontosabb lépést, hogy tájékozott a témában.Éppen ezért egy különleges ajándékkal készültünk neked!Egy gondosan megírt Rólunk oldal, amit biztosan élvezni fogsz, ahol elmondjuk, kik vagyunk, küldetésünk, csapatunk és még sok minden más!Ezt mindenképpen ellenőrizzeerre a linkre kattintva.

Szeretettel meghívjuk Önt is, tekintse meg Pinterestünket, ahol rendes gombostűket teszünk közzé, amiket biztosan imádni fogsz! Nézze megPinterest profilunk itt.