slow fashion 101 | saving the planet from fast fashion

what is the sustainable fashion movement?

Gerakan Fashion Berkelanjutan bertujuan untuk keberlanjutan dalam industri fashion, dan sangat menentang Fast Fashion, model bisnis buruk yang menghasilkan 10% emisi gas rumah kaca dunia dan 20% air limbah global, sehingga mencemari sungai dan laut kita.Praktik bisnis yang mematikan bumi ini juga bertanggung jawab atas budaya beli dan lempar (beli-n-throw) dan budaya konsumerisme berlebihan yang mencemari tanah dan air dengan berton-ton limbah tekstil. karena 85% dari semua pakaian Fast Fashion dibuang setiap tahun.

Sustainable Fashion berbeda dengan Slow Fashion dalam hal jalur yang diperlukan untuk mencapai keberlanjutan dalam industri fashion, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, perdagangan yang adil,dan mendukung usaha kecil, sekaligus menjaga keberlanjutan dan kualitas pakaiannya,Sustainable Fashion lebih menekankan dampak ekologis dari pakaiannya, dengan menggunakan bahan organik daur ulang seperti kapas organik dan bahan ramah lingkungan lainnya yang dapat terurai secara hayati.

Pada akhirnya, semua gerakan anti-fast fashion ini ingin mencapai hal yang sama, mereka hanya berbeda dalam jalur yang mereka ambil dan apa yang mereka anggap lebih penting. Misalnya, Ethical Fashion yang lebih fokus pada kesejahteraan pekerja tekstil,yang dieksploitasi dalam industri Fast Fashion dengan upah yang tidak manusiawi dan kondisi kerja yang buruk, berkali-kali mencapai perbudakan modern.

How to do slow fashion

how the sustainable fashion industry is growing

This sustainable fashion movement is still very small, unfortunately, but the growing awareness of customers about the repercussions of their fashion choices is changing the way the fashion industry is behaving, one step at a time. 

Sustainable fashion has seen a great increase in the last years, with the worldwide ethical fashion market arriving at a value of almost $6.35 billion in 2020, it has expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% starting around 2015. The sustainable fashion market is relied upon to develop from $6.5 billion in 2020 to $10.11 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 9.7%.

This is great news for our planet and our society, however, sustainable fashion is not growing as fast as it is needed to avoid permanent damage to your planet. As we always say here, the biggest weapon we can use to defeat Fast Fashion and achieve sustainability in the industry is knowledge, informing yourself, and spreading awareness of the subject, because only then will customers begin to change their habits for the better.

How Is The Fashion Industry Becoming More Sustainable

the difference between slow, ethical and sustainable fashion

We may sometimes use these terms as similar and synonyms, but in reality, they differ a little bit in their meaning, so it is not accurate to use them as complete synonyms. We will explain right now the differences between them, having said this, here are the differences between slow fashion, ethical fashion and sustainable fashion:

  • Slow Fashion refers to a movement that directly opposes Fast Fashion and all the terrible consequences it has on our world. It promotes high-quality garments made with ethical labor and sustainable materials, in long and realistic manufacturing cycles that do not sacrifice our planet. It searches for small businesses that offer innovation and competitiveness, strongly opposing the buy-n-throw culture imposed by Fast Fashion and unnecessary consumerism.
  • Ethical Fashion is a movement that aims for a fashion industry that prioritizes perdagangan yang adil and ethical work, strongly opposing inhumane wages and exploited workers in modern slavery conditions that work in the Fast Fashion industry producing cheap low-quality clothes. It also fights for the rights of all the agents involved in garment production, like small vendors and other types of workers.
  • Sustainable Fashion aims for the fashion industry with minimal environmental impact, focusing more on the ecological aspect of the garment and its production process. It prioritizes garments made from organic, recycled biodegradable materials like organic ring-spun cotton. it also searches for more local vendors that do not have to ship items intercontinental, to avoid more Co2 emissions.

These fashion movements may have their differences, but their similarities are much greater, as all of them aim for sustainability and ethicality in the fashion industry. They differ just in the path they plan to take to achieve that, but other than that, they are equally great and they equally oppose Fast Fashion.

Why Is Slow Fashion Expensive?

how is fast fashion destroying our planet?

Fast Fashion lahir di tahun 90an, merupakan model bisnis yang dengan cepat melacak tren dan mengubahnya menjadi pakaian secepat mungkin yang tersedia untuk dibeli oleh pelanggan.Perusahaan ini menggunakan siklus produksi pendek yang sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan pekerja serta memproduksi pakaian berkualitas rendah yang membuat pelanggan membeli lebih banyak,memicu konsumerisme dan budaya beli dan membuang yang mencemari tanah dan air dengan semua limbah yang dihasilkan dari pakaian yang dibuang.

Hal ini menghasilkan 10% emisi gas rumah kaca dunia dan 20% air limbah global yang mencemari sungai dan laut. Lebih-lebih lagi,85% dari semua pakaian Fast Fashiondibuang ke tempat pembuangan sampah setiap tahunnya,ditambah dengan fakta bahwa pakaian tersebut terbuat dari bahan berbahaya, sintetis, dan tidak dapat terurai secara hayati, merupakan fakta yang sangat menakutkan. Apa yang lebih buruk,pakaiannya yang berkualitas buruk, yang biasanya terbuat dari poliester, terurai meninggalkan mikroplastik yang selanjutnya akan mencemari air dan tanah kita.

And we haven’t even talked about the workers, who are paid inhumane wages and have terrible working conditions, many times being in a semi-slavery state with no working protection at all. All of this is to produce low-quality garments that are so cheap customers have to buy more and more even if they don’t need to just because these clothes are so affordable, which generated the buy-n-throw consumerism culture that is destroying our planet today.

And now you may wonder, what are the most notorious and consumed Fast Fashion brands out there? Well, even if you didn’t ask yourself this question, it is good for you to see with your own eyes which of the brands you may even be a consumer of are guilty of practicing this terrible business practice, you may be surprised, or not. Without more hesitation, here are the most notorious fast fashion brands:

  • Grup Inditex

    We put the whole Inditex fashion group here, which owns brands like Zara or Pull&Bear because they all revolve around Fast Fashion, not only that, Zara is even the pioneer in this unethical business practice and that’s the reason why many people are avoiding buying from them.

  • tanda prima

    Perusahaan Irlandia ini terkenal dengan pakaiannya yang sangat murah (dan kualitasnya buruk). Ini adalah salah satu contoh Fast Fashion yang harus dihindari. Beberapa waktu yang lalu mereka terlibat dalam skandal dimana mereka diduga menggunakan pekerja anak di negara-negara dunia ketiga, meskipun kami tidak dapat dan tidak akan mengkonfirmasi hal tersebut (kami memilih untuk tidak mengajukan tuntutan hukum).

  • Shein

    This brand takes Fast Fashion to a whole other level, we may even e able to say that they have invented the Ultra-Fast Fashion, selling extremely cheap clothes of dreadful quality by the ton. Their manufacturing cycles last only a few days and they monitor, eveand n create trends 24/7 with their strong social media presence. They have been involved in innumerable scandals which with only hearing one of them should convince you to not buy from them ever. This is a very interesting topic on its own, so kami mengundang Anda untuk membaca artikel kami tentangSHEINatau artikel Vox tentangModel Fesyen Ultra Cepat Shein.

  • Mlalu

    This brand is popular in many countries, and its clothes are worn by many people worldwide. However, its Fast Fashion practices have led them to be part of the Rana Plaza factory collapse which took the lives of many factory workers, which shows the bad working conditions they are in.

  • Penjual Pakaian PerkotaanThis fast fashion brand is also known for considering textile workers’ rights as optional and producing cheap fast fashion clothes. Also, worse than that is that they have also been flagged for stealing designs from independent small creators for their own benefit, which is completely unethical.

Sadly, almost all if not all the most popular fashion brands today sell Fast Fashion, not only that, there are others like SHEIN who took destroying the planet into a literal sports race. However, we will see more sustainable Slow Fashion brands in the future, and that is if the customers become informed and aware of the consequences of their buying choices because if they don’t we will unfortunately never see any change.

How to promote sustainable fashion

why fast fashion is still so popular

Pada akhir tahun 90an dan awal tahun 2000an, model fesyen baru ini mengambil alih jalanan, it became a booming industry in America with people enthusiastically going shopping for bags full of clothes, many of them not even being used. Merek seperti Zara, H&M, Topshop, dan Primark mengambil alih fashion jalanan and became the new norm in the fashion industry.

Alasan model bisnis ini masih populer adalah karena konsumen menyukai harga murah dari pakaian tersebut, which are so low because these fast fashion brands outsource their costs to the environment and their workers, mengambil untung dari tenaga kerja murah dan tidak peduli sama sekali terhadap lingkungan. Harga murah ini juga memungkinkan pelanggan membeli lebih banyak pakaian yang bahkan tidak mereka perlukan karena harganya terjangkau and do not suppose a financial burden for the customer.

The other reason is keunggulan pemasaran yang dimiliki pengecer mode cepat ini, with campaigns that get to their potential customers and ultimately make them decide to buy their products. Merek-merek Fashion Berkelanjutan tidak memiliki sumber daya untuk bersaing dengan mereka dan sayangnya saat ini tidak banyak orang yang menyadari masalah fashion dan mengapa hal itu perlu diubah.. Inilah alasan kami menulis blog ini, untuk mencoba dan menyebarkan kesadaran sehingga kita dapat meninggalkan fast fashion yang mematikan bumi dan beralih ke model fesyen yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan terhormat.

Sayangnya, memperluas lebih jauh tentang itu today most people don’t even know what fast or slow or sustainable fashion means, why fashion needs to be changed, or that fashion even has a carbon footprint on our planet, which is very bad and actually mengejutkan mengingat dampak besar industri ini terhadap planet ini. Inilah sebabnya mengapa masyarakat harus mulai lebih banyak membicarakannya, berbagi berita dan artikel di media sosial untuk menyebarkan kesadaran, karena jika kita bahkan tidak tahu apa itu Fashion Berkelanjutan atau mengapa Fashion Berkelanjutan itu ada, kita tidak akan pernah menghabiskan uang kita untuk itu.

At the end of the day, beberapa orang berpendapat bahwa pelangganlah yang harus disalahkan karena membeli Fast Fashion garments and feeding an industry that is feasting on our planet, sementara yang lain berpendapat bahwa perusahaanlah satu-satunya yang bertanggung jawab for this great issue in today’s world. Sebenarnya kita tidak bisa menyalahkan satupun dari mereka, nor the customer who tanpa sadar wants to save their hard-earned money by purchasing these garments, nor the company who produces the goods and services necessary for our day-to-day lives and created a more tampaknya "efisien" production model (Even Einstein indirectly contributed to the invention of the atomic bomb).

Yang patut disalahkan adalah kurangnya informasi mengenai hal ini, the fact that most people don’t even know about this at all. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menyebarkan kesadaran mengenai masalah ini because if people don’t know what fast-fashion is, we will never come close to ending it!

Is Zara Fast Fashion?

the UN alliance for sustainable fashion

This is a United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion initiative with the intent of achieving a Sustainable Fashion industry that does not compromise our world. This alliance is the result of a growing fashion industry that is causing many problems worldwide that compromise development and the environment, problems that are only expected to grow more and more if something is not done to stop it.

It focuses on coordinating the different bodies in the UN that contribute to the fashion production chain in order to achieve sustainability and especially development in the countries involved in this production chain, a chain which involved 300 million people worldwide and growing.

It also focuses on the environmental impact of the industry and wants to avoid the terrible and permanent impacts the fashion industry will have on our planet. This UN Alliance monitors garments from the raw materials that it contains to their production, distribution, consumption, and disposal, as every one of these phases is very important and can be improved greatly.

Overall, this movement made by the United Nations towards Sustainable Fashion is great, but it could be much greater. If they really take this as seriously as it needs to be taken, they use funding correctly, make a move to inform fashion consumers, and use a type of sustainable fashion consultant to monitor the production process of fashion and determine its sustainability, then this project can greatly succeed, we just have to see if it goes to anything.

Does fast fashion provide jobs

the best sustainable fashion businesses

Now that you know the importance of sustainable fashion industry, we have to give you the best examples of retailers that abide by this sustainable fashion movement, retailers that sell their products online that you can buy right now. Having said this, here are the best sustainable fashion businesses online:

  • Tata Bahasa NYC:This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with MODEdalam pikiran. Satu-satunya kekurangan dari merek ini adalah harganya yang bisa dibilang sangat mahal, tapi setidaknya kualitas dan keawetannya sangat sesuai dengan harganya. Anda dapat mengunjungi toko merekaDi Sini.
  • Dua Hari Libur:Toko ini menggunakan pakaian ekologis produksi lokal yang dibuat dari bahan daur ulang. Mereka menggunakan linen, katun, wol, dan rami untuk produk mereka. Lseperti yang terakhir, harga bukanlah kekuatan mereka, tapi mereka menawarkan pakaian orisinal dan bergaya. Anda dapat mengunjungi toko merekaDi Sini.
  • ABLE:Merek Fashion Lambat Etis ini memiliki pakaian dan aksesori yang dibuat secara adil oleh pembuat di seluruh dunia. Mereka mengambil langkah besar menuju transparansi dalam industri fashion dengan mempublikasikan gaji mereka. Pakaian mereka lebih terjangkau dibandingkan merek lain namun tetap tidak semurah yang diinginkan. Anda dapat mengunjungi toko merekaDi Sini.
  • Valani:
    Merek pakaian nabati yang penuh warna ini sebagian besar menciptakan pakaian feminin untuk hidup lebih ringan. Pakaian indah Valani terbuat dari serat berdampak rendah seperti rami, Tencel, dan viscose pisang, mirip seperti Two Days Off. Selain itu, merek ini menggunakan teknik pemotongan strategis dan menggunakan kembali sisa kain untuk meminimalkan limbah. Mereka memiliki pakaian berwarna-warni yang harus Anda periksaDi Sini.
  • PLEA:

    Ini adalah merek kami sendiri! Kami juga menawarkan pakaian mode lambat berkelanjutan yang dapat Anda beli. Kami kebanyakan fokus pada kaos, hoodies, dan aksesoris, namun harganya terjangkau, dan tidak hanya itu, kami menawarkan pakaian yang dapat disesuaikan, Betul! Anda bisa membuat kaos, hoodie, atau aksesoris custom agar kami bisa membuatkannya dan mengirimkannya kepada Anda karena kami menggunakan metode revolusioner yang tidak perlu membuat banyak pakaian sebelum menjualnya, kami hanya memproduksinya sesuai perintah! Anda dapat memeriksa toko kamiDi Sini.

To sum it up, we do have a lot of choices literally in the palm of our hands, so there is no excuse other than not having enough money to quit buying Fast Fashion. Either way, if you want to know more about what you can do for sustainable fashion even if you don’t have money, check out how to do slow fashion.

Sustainable Fashion Brands


Anyway, we hope this article has been of great help and that it added some information you did not know about, we surely learned something too by writing this article! If you want to inform yourself more on the subject, we have a lot of articles on our blog talking about fashion and fashion-related matters.

Kami sangat senang bisa mengajar orang-orang di seluruh dunia 🙂 Selain itu,Tahukah Anda apa sebenarnya Fast Fashion dan dampak buruknya terhadap lingkungan, bumi, pekerja, masyarakat, dan perekonomian?Tahukah Anda sebenarnya apa itu gerakan Slow Fashion atau Sustainable Fashion?Anda harus benar-benar membaca artikel-artikel ini tentang subjek yang terlupakan dan tidak diketahui tetapi sangat mendesak dan penting ini,klik di sini untuk membaca „Bisakah Fashion Berkelanjutan?”, atauMode Cepat 101 | Bagaimana Ini Menghancurkan Planet Kitakarena pengetahuan adalah salah satu kekuatan terkuat yang bisa Anda miliki, sedangkan ketidaktahuan adalah kelemahan terburuk Anda.

Kami juga punya kejutan besar untuk Anda!Karena kami ingin memberi Anda hak untuk mengenal kami lebih baik, kami telah menyiapkan halaman Tentang Kami yang didedikasikan dengan cermat di mana kami akan memberi tahu Anda siapa kami, apa misi kami, apa yang kami lakukan, melihat lebih dekat tim kami, dan banyak lagi. hal-hal!Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini danklik di sini untuk memeriksanya.Kami juga mengundang Anda untuk melakukannyalihatlah kamiPinterest,di mana kami akan menyematkan konten sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan mode berkelanjutan, desain pakaian, dan hal-hal lain yang pasti akan Anda sukai!