Eco-Friendly Astronaut Cosmic Odyssey Unisex Organic Cotton T-shirt | Sustainable Space-Themed Graphic Tee for Men & Women

Eco-Friendly Astronaut Cosmic Odyssey Unisex Organic Cotton T-shirt | Sustainable Space-Themed Graphic Tee for Men & Women

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2 +17.77 $

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Ukuran kasebut cocog karo ukuran sing luwih cilik ing pasar AS, mula para pelanggan AS kudu ngurutake ukuran.

Embark on a sustainable fashion journey with our 🌌 Astronaut Cosmic Odyssey Unisex Organic Cotton T-shirt 🚀. As you slip into this soft, medium-fit tee, you’re not just wearing a garment—you’re donning a conversation starter, an ethereal piece of art draped on 100% organic ring-spun cotton that respects our planet as much as it captivates the mind.

Each tee is a testimony to eco-fashion, with a luxurious fabric weight of 5.3 oz./yd.² 🌿, promising durability without compromising on environmental ethics. Your skin will thank you for choosing hypoallergenic 🌼 and pesticide-free comfort, while the single jersey provides a smooth canvas for the interstellar spectacle.

Behold the back of this tee, where the drama unfolds in an inky expanse speckled with stars, in shades spanning diamond-white to the warm glow of faraway suns. Dominating this cosmic panorama is an astronaut, emblematic of solitude and the spirit of exploration, floating serenely against the backdrop of space.

The spiral galaxy, dancing with a spectrum of celestial motifs, weaves a sense of magic around the spacefarer. Vivid planets and textured moons add depth to this masterpiece, inviting the eyes to a feast of color and imagination 💫.

Features You’ll Love:
– 🧵 100% organic ring-spun cotton for eco-conscious comfort
– 🎨 Mesmerizing cosmic design on the back, perfect for space enthusiasts
– 🌍 Eco-friendly, supporting sustainable fashion choices
– 📏 Available in a range of sizes (note: sizes run smaller, consider sizing up for a US fit)
– 💪 Durable double-needle topstitch on sleeves & bottom hems
– ✨ Self-fabric neck tape for a smooth feel, inside and out

This astronaut-themed tee isn’t just clothing; it’s your pledge to sustainable living, and a nod to the dreamers who gaze at the stars and yearn for adventure. Whether you’re seeking a wardrobe staple or an unforgettable gift, this eco-friendly graphic tee encapsulates both style and substance—perfect for those who hold the universe in their heart, while keeping Earth in their mind.

Join us in making a difference. Wear your passion for the cosmos and commitment to our planet with pride. 🌠 Your journey towards a greener future starts with this Astronaut Cosmic Odyssey Organic T-shirt. Shop your stellar piece today!

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20.90 $

Diskon Jumlah

2 +17.77 $

*Jumlah nuduhake item diskon (produk karo diskon) jumlah total ing cart.

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