Eco-Friendly Skeleton Stardust T-Shirt | Organic Cotton | Ethical Fashion | Sustainable Streetwear | Spooky Season Apparel | Unisex

Eco-Friendly Skeleton Stardust T-Shirt | Organic Cotton | Ethical Fashion | Sustainable Streetwear | Spooky Season Apparel | Unisex

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2 +16.96 $

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Ukuran kasebut cocog karo ukuran sing luwih cilik ing pasar AS, mula para pelanggan AS kudu ngurutake ukuran.

Step into the ethereal realm of sustainable fashion with our Eco-Friendly Skeleton Stardust T-Shirt – a masterpiece that blends cosmic allure with eco-consciousness. Immerse yourself in a narrative where fashion meets the cosmos and sustainability is king. ☄️

Our Skeleton Stardust T-Shirt showcases an awe-inspiring design, where a constellation of tiny, dark blue dots forms a human ribcage and spine against a pristine white background. This isn’t just an image; it’s a poetic journey through the stars, transforming the human anatomy into a microcosm of the Milky Way. ✨

Key Features:
– 🌿 100% Organic Cotton: Soft, breathable, and kind to the planet.
– 💀 Striking Skeleton Design: Artistic stardust ribcage and spine.
– 🌎 Sustainable and Ethical: Slow fashion for a healthier Earth.
– 🌈 Eco-Friendly Dyes: Vibrant colors that care for the environment.
– 👕 Unisex Fit: Comfortable and inclusive for all.

Crafted from luxurious 100% organic ring-spun cotton, this t-shirt isn’t just a piece of clothing; it’s a commitment to a better tomorrow. The fabric is substantial yet gentle, weighing in at 5.3 oz/yd² (180 g/m²) for that perfect balance of durability and comfort. Our medium-fit cut ensures a stylish silhouette while accommodating various body shapes, further enhanced by set-in sleeves and a cozy 1 × 1 rib collar.

Dive deeper into the design, and you’ll find the vertebrae aligned like celestial paths, while the ribs arc gracefully, mimicking the orbits of planets. The intricate shoulder blades and clavicles are outlined with starry clusters, connecting with the ribcage in a cosmic embrace. This is more than fashion; it’s a tribute to our interconnectedness with the universe itself. ✨

Wearing this t-shirt goes beyond making a statement. It’s about being part of a movement that values the planet as much as personal style. It’s for those who believe their choices can make a difference. Opting for this garment means joining the ranks of sustainable fashion advocates, championing environmentally friendly clothing brands, and embracing earth-friendly shirts.

Sourced responsibly, this blank product hails from China or Bangladesh, ensuring your fashion footprint is as light as the stars this garment represents. When selecting your size, remember that our eco-friendly shirts are designed with a snug fit in mind – US customers may consider a size up for ultimate comfort.

Whether you’re celebrating spooky season with skeleton-themed attire, seeking out sustainable casual wear or simply wishing to sport sustainable streetwear with a message, our Skeleton Stardust T-Shirt is your cosmic companion. 🌌

Transform your wardrobe, express your individuality, and join the revolution of slow clothing with a piece that’s destined to dazzle under the night sky. 🌠

[Please note that due to the intricate design, each piece may have slight variations, making your t-shirt uniquely yours.]

Remember, choosing our sustainable fashion items doesn’t just make a statement; it weaves you into the tapestry of change. 🕊️

Produk iki digawe khusus kanggo sampeyan sanalika sampeyan nggawe pesenan, mulane butuh wektu luwih suwe kanggo ngirim menyang sampeyan. Manggo produk sing dikarepake tinimbang akeh mbantu nyuda overproduksi, mula matur nuwun kanggo nggawe keputusan tuku sing wicaksana!

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19.95 $

Diskon Jumlah

2 +16.96 $

*Jumlah nuduhake item diskon (produk karo diskon) jumlah total ing cart.

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