what is a capsule wardrobe and how does it help the environment? why is it called capsule wardrobe?

quid capsula vestium?

A capsula vestium is a term that is used to describe a closet, or wardrobe, in which vestes convertuntur, quavis occasione utendi habent facultatem, et non obsolebunt or degrade in a way that they have to be constantly replaced.

Advocati habent paucas vestes, solum stricte necessarias, et utentes ad maximum; being able to combine them in tens of different ways without having to buy new clothes to change your outfit.

Ut notasse licet, hoc in manu est cum Fashion Tardus et Fashion Sustainable, quae ratio est de illo in hoc blog loquimur. So we will talk next about how it really is helping the environment, but first, we will clarify the reason behind the name „Capsule Wardrobe”.

why is it called capsule wardrobe?

You now know what a capsule wardrobe is and how it can make your life a lot easier, but, why is it even called capsule wardrobe? What’s „capsule” about all of this? Well, the answer is pretty simple, as we may see next:

It is called „capsule” because it means small and compact, a wardrobe, or closet, that only has the clothes necessary for your day-to-day life and that is true, small and compact in itself.

Other terms related to capsule wardrobes are key or staple clothing, which basically means clothes that can be combined in a large variety of ways, and that fit well into almost every occasion that you will encounter in your life.

Why Is It Called Capsule Wardrobe

how does a capsule wardrobe help the environment exactly?

After we have explained what it is, it becomes fairly clear why a capsule wardrobe would benefit the environment. Firstly because it promotes having a closet with only the essentials, without indulging in unnecessary consumerism and more waste that will harm the environment for years.

Secondly, this type of wardrobe promotes buying high-quality clothes that will last for years, specifically, sustainable fashion garments, made with respect for the environment and its workers and with minimal impact on our planet.

Overall, it aims for a small wardrobe that will not require a lot of clothes, that will contain sustainable long-lasting items, and that you can take care of, respecting the garments and using them at their maximum. This is why it’s so beneficial for the environment, and even for your wallet, so it’s really a win-win situation!

5 tips to make your own capsule wardrobe

You now know how it benefits the environment and why you should also aim to achieve a small wardrobe like the one we have talked about. So, great, now you are wondering what you can do next in order to achieve your very own capsule little wardrobe, we are not going to go into detail here, you can check out our other articles about it on our blog, but we will give you a few tips in order to succeed. Having said this, hic sunt apices 5 qui adiuvabunt ut ipsam capsulam vestium tuam creaveris;

  1. Elige tibi Colo colui cultum Propositum, ut parvam vestium ad omnem condicionem quae occurristi habeatis , recordari debes colorum palette , hoc involvit paucos colores ignobiles , qui omnia miscent , ut nigrum , fuscum , cinereum , album vel classem ( quae. color pulchellus frigus est si nos interroges). Cetera omnia, quae uteris, umbrae turpium colorum, quas elegeris, debent esse, nunc omnia pretiosarum vestium tuarum coniungere poteris, quantam solebas adhuc spectare.
  2. Considera tuum Corpus Figura, hoc crucialus gradus est ut cum tuis vestibus cessi, fac tibi vestes quas eligis corpori tuo aptas, verbi gratia, manicas gerens si latiora coxis habeas, sicut hoc vultus tuos humeros efficiet. quanto magis ad coxis.
  3. Considerans tuum Complexion, hoc quoque cum altero prehende manu , elige colores tibi iungentes , corpus tuum , ut colores qui pallidiorem te faciant , vel ut tibi magis quovis modo prosit . Iustum est tuae optiones.
  4. Elige Ordo formas et Patternsut de vestiario tuo teneas, cogitas diuturnum tempus, vitando vestes quas putes cito obsoletas esse. Mementote ergo vestimenta vestra emere.
  5. Elige High-Quality Fabricshoc est unum ex praecipuis apicibus, vestium vestium praecipuorum vestium ac sustinebilium vestium componi debere. Hoc non solum faciet vestimenta tua diutius durare, sed etiam vestigium carbo carbonis minuet. Cum capsula vestium, non refert si pretium vestis superior sit, non fere tot vestes emes quam ordinarius homo, sic in te collocando, basically.

Well, this is it, we hope these 5 tips have helped you understand what you need and how you can create your own capsule wardrobe qui adiuvabit te in hac tellure labefactum extenuandum, dum etiam te vitam minimalisticam ac simplicem vivendi rationem ponere.

5 Tips To Make Your Own Capsule Wardrobe


This was our article on capsule wardrobes, we hope you have learned a lot today because so did we! We will continue to create more articles, for now, you can check out our other related articles, especially the ones on Sustainable Fashion and the environmental impacts of Fast Fashion, which is our main focus.

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