How To Get Rid Of Your Waste Responsibly Without Harming The Environment | Sustainable Living

wat ass nohaltegt Liewen?

In recent years, we have seen an increasing consciousness about the environmental footprint we leave on this planet, as a response to all the consequences our past and current actions have on the environment surrounding us. Et ass onweigerlech den Impakt deen mir op dëser Welt haten, an d'Noutwendegkeet et geschwënn ze änneren, an dat ass wou nohaltegt Liewen an d'Spill kënnt.

What is sustainable living, you may ask? Gutt, nohalteg liewen besteet aus den Aktiounen déi mir an eisem Alldag huelen fir eisen Ëmweltimpakt op e Minimum ze reduzéieren, either by eating a sustainable diet, finding ways to reduce waste, consuming fewer things we don’t need… Et gi vill Méiglechkeeten fir eis ze wielen, wann et ëm e méi nohaltege an ëmweltfrëndleche Liewensstil geet.

Als Conclusioun ass en nohaltege Liewensstil een deen als Zil huet eisen Ëmweltofdrock op dësem Planéit ze reduzéieren, eng Welt déi mir leider all Dag mat eisen onsympathesche Handlungen zerstéieren an eng déi mir ni ersetzen kënnen.We highly recommend that you first check out Wéi eng nohalteg Ernährung Doheem ze hunn. 

how you can reduce waste at home and live more sustainably

Et gi vill Weeër fir en nohaltege Liewensstil z'erreechen, ee vun hinnen ass natierlech d'Reduktioun vun eisem Offall, ee vun de stäerkste verschmotzten a materiellsten Nieweprodukter vun eiser Existenz. Doing so is no easy task either, but with just a few small changes in our habits, we can achieve a massive change for the better in this world. Nodeems Dir dëst gesot hutt, hei sinn déi bescht Weeër fir Offall ze reduzéieren a méi nohalteg doheem ze liewen:

  • Recycling,ee vun de beschte Weeër fir den Offall ze behandelen, dee mir produzéieren, ass et ze recycléieren. Mir suergen net nëmme fir datt eisen Offall eis Flëss, Mierer, Waasser a Buedem net weider verschmotzt, mee mir suergen och dofir datt mir den Offall en zweet Liewen ginn, wat d'Noutwennegkeet reduzéiert fir méi Materialien ze kreéieren déi op en Enn kommen. eise Planéit nach méi verschmotzt. Kuckt wéi einfach et ass mat der ze recycléierenËmweltschutz Agentur Artikel.
  • Kompost,this is a great way of handling organic waste, like banana peels, coffee grounds and filters, eggshells… By composting at home you can make sure that your organic waste is not taking up unnecessary space in the landfill, and resources to transport it to the landfill, but also avoid polluting the air with methane that is produced in the landfill. Not only that, but you are also creating a new type of soil enrichment full of nutrients that help new plants grow and thrive, without the need for potentially harmful fertilizers and other man-made nutrients. Overall, composting is something that is really worth doing at home and could have many benefits to it, kontrolléieren dësen Artikel aus to dive deeper into this subject.
  • Wiederbenotzen,e gläich wichtege Schrëtt fir den Offall an den Ëmweltimpakt ze reduzéieren deen mir op dësem Planéit hunn, eppes nei ze benotzen amplaz et eraus ze werfen ass eng exzellent Optioun, spuert net nëmmen d'Ëmwelt mee spuert Iech och Sue déi Dir fir eppes ausginn hätt wat Dir kloer gemaach hutt net brauchen ze kafen. Dëst ass eng vun de beléifste Methoden fir Offall ze reduzéieren, well d'Leit wirtschaftlech incentivéiert sinn et ze maachen.
  • Anaerob Verdauung,dëst ass en zimlech interessant Thema u sech an en fantastesche Wee fir eisen Offall ze handhaben, et besteet doran datt Bakterien eisen Offall an engem zouene Container oder Generator zerbriechen loossen, verschidde Nieweprodukter produzéieren wéi Biogas oder Verdauung déi als produktiv Material benotzt kënne ginn an der Schafung vun aner nëtzlech Produkter.
  • Reduzéieren,dëst ass eng vun den einfachsten vun all dëse Weeër fir Offall ze reduzéieren, reduzéiert einfach Äre Konsum vu Saachen déi Dir net braucht an Dir wäert am Ganzen manner Offall produzéieren. Dir musst net e bëlleg Skate sinn, Dir musst nëmmen denken ier Dir kaaft (e super Wee fir dat ze maachen ass d'7-Deeg Regel ze benotzen, waart 7 Deeg ier Dir eppes kaaft fir ze kucken ob Dir et wierklech wëllt oder et braucht , Dir wäert déi meescht vun der Zäit iwwerrascht ginn, datt Dir ophalen den Artikel an nëmmen e puer Deeg wëllt), net nëmme wäert Dir Offall reduzéieren, awer Dir kënnt vill méi finanziell fräi sinn.

Overall, these are the best and simple ways to reduce waste in your own home, we are going to go into more detail about all of them in a second, so you can learn more about them and how you can do them at home.

How To Reduce Waste At Home Sustainable Living

the three r's in a sustainable waste reduction plan

We have seen the best ways to reduce waste at home, and you may have noticed that many of the ways we have seen start with the letter R, that is no coincidence (or maybe it is), because they are part of the famous three R’s of a sustainable waste reduction, which are a great way of remembering the steps to take to live more sustainably, here is what you need to know:

The three R’s stand for Recycle, Reuse and Reduce, which is what we talked about before. Recycling, reusing, or reducing our consumption alone are great ways to improve our sustainability, but the real magic comes when we combine these all. If you can reduce your consumption, reuse the things you already own instead of throwing them away, and recycle your waste, you can really reduce your environmental footprint to a minimum.

So now you know, you can achieve the most out of products you own by implementing this simple and straightforward three R’s rule, but you may surely already know that, so why don’t we go to the next point?

The Three R's Of Reducing Waste Sustainable Living

composting and organic anaerobic digestion

The next step is to reduce the impact of your organic waste because even this type of waste has an environmental impact on our planet. You can do this by composting organic materials, which creates a natural nutrient-rich fertilizer that the plants need to thrive. We already have talked about this so let’s go to a very common question about composting and anaerobic digestion.

What is the difference between composting organic waste and anaerobic digestion? D'Äntwert ass einfach, Kompostéiere ass de Prozess fir organeschen Offall mat Sauerstoff präsent ze zersetzen, wärend anaerobe Verdauung stattfënnt ouni Sauerstoff präsent, weder Loft fir déi Matière. The process of decomposing is quite similar, as we have seen before.

Wéi en DIY Anaerobe Verdauungsapparat doheem ze kreéieren fir Ären organeschen Offall natierlech ze zersetzen an nëtzlech Methan an Dünger ze produzéieren déi Dir fir Iech selwer benotze kënnt? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is composed of thousands of photos, so you may be interested in this video that will show you just that:


We hope you have learned a lot today about how to reduce your waste because so did we. The most important takeaway is that it is not hard to achieve a sustainable lifestyle following these directions, you just have to start doing them, you will never reduce your environmental footprint if you don’t ever start doing something to change it.

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Mir hunn och eng grouss Iwwerraschung fir Iech!Well mir Iech d'Recht wëllen ginn eis besser ze kennen, hu mir eng suergfälteg engagéiert Iwwert Eis Säit virbereet, wou mir Iech soen wien mir sinn, wat eis Missioun ass, wat mir maachen, eis Team méi no kucken a vill méi Saachen!Verpasst net dës Geleeënheet anklickt hei fir eng kontrolléieren et aus.Och invitéiere mir Iech ope Bléck op eisPinterest,wou mir alldeeglechen nohaltege moudebezunnen Inhalt, Kleedungsdesignen an aner Saachen, déi Dir sécher wäert gär hunn!