sustainable fashion | how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

what is sustainable fashion?

The Sustainable Fashion movement aims for sustainability in the fashion industry, strongly opposing Fast Fashion, a terrible business model that produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters, polluting our rivers and seas. This planet-killing business practice is also responsible for the buy-n-throw and excessive consumerism culture that pollutes our soil and waters with tons of textile waste, as 85% of all Fast Fashion garments are thrown each year.

Sustainable Fashion differs from Slow Fashion in the path it takes to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, шударга худалдаа,and supporting smaller businesses, while also caring for the sustainability and quality of its garments, Sustainable Fashion puts a little more weight in the ecological impact of its clothes, using organic, recycled materials like organic ring-spun cotton and other environmentally-friendly biodegradable materials.

At the end of the day, all these anti-fast fashion movements want to achieve the same thing, they just differ in the path they take and on what they consider more important. For example, Ethical Fashion focuses more on the welfare of textile workers, who are exploited in the Fast Fashion industry with inhumane wages and terrible working conditions, many times reaching modern slavery.

how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

In recent years, customers have been informing themselves about the repercussions of their fashion choices on our world and the terrible consequences of Fast Fashion on the environment and our society. This has led to an increase in sustainable garments, slow fashion brands, and more, which is great. Not only that, some big brands have even changed how they operate so they can become more environmentally friendly.

Many sustainable fashion brands have been born since then in order to fight Fast Fashion and offer a sustainable and ethical choice for customers. However, these brands are still small and do not have a lot of clients,because customers are not yet informed o the subject and do not turn to Sustainable Fashion because they don’t even know it exists and why it’s so important. Nevertheless, it’s a good start and in the future, the fashion industry is going to become much more sustainable than today, which is strictly necessary if we don’t want to destroy our world permanently.

Big brands, and even Fast Fashion brands, have been making a few changes in the way they operate so they can become more sustainable. However, these changes are usually not enough and in some cases, like Зара, it’s as if they aren’t doing anything, which is something we will going to talk about right now.

How Is The Fashion Industry Becoming More Sustainable Fashion?

what is greenwashing?

This increased awareness in the customers that now seek cleaner, more eco-friendly, sustainable fashion options, is a great thing that is reforming the planet-killing fashion industry, but it has also come with some cons, one of them is Greenwashing, a shameless practice that we will explain in a second.

Greenwashing is a practice in which brands try to look environmentally friendly and sustainable without doing anything regarding the subject, using Sustainable Fashion to their advantage with malicious intent. This is obviously extremely immoral, and yet some brands are doing it without even trying to hide it.

Brands like Zara or even SHEIN, the creator of the ultra-fast fashion production model, are „trying” to greenwash their harmful activities by telling their customers they care about the environment or that they will take measures in the future without any evidence of them even trying to do so. Customers have to be conscious and use critical thinking in these situations and not any brand fool them in that way.

what are some of the best sustainable fashion brands?

However, even with these problems with the sustainable fashion movement like greenwashing, there are a lot of brands who are trying to make a difference by offering customers real options so they can change their fashion habits for the better. Having said this, here are the best Sustainable Fashion brands that you can buy online now:

    • Дүрэм NYC:

      This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with ЗАГВАРоюун ухаанд. Энэ брэндийн цорын ганц муу зүйл бол үнэ нь маш өндөр, гэхдээ наад зах нь чанар, тогтвортой байдал нь үнэд маш их нийцдэг. Та тэдний дэлгүүрт зочилж болноэнд.


    • Хоёр өдрийн амралт:

      Энэ дэлгүүр нь дахин боловсруулсан материалаар хийсэн, дотооддоо үйлдвэрлэсэн, экологийн хувцас хэрэглэдэг. Тэд бүтээгдэхүүндээ маалинган даавуу, хөвөн, ноос, маалинга хэрэглэдэг. Lсүүлчийнх шиг үнэ нь тэдний хүч чадал биш, гэхдээ тэд анхны, загварлаг хувцас санал болгодог. Та тэдний дэлгүүрт зочилж болноэнд.


    • ABLE:

      Энэхүү Ёс суртахууны удаан загварын брэнд нь дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрээс үйлдвэрлэгчдийн хийсэн хувцас, хэрэгслүүдтэй. Тэд цалингаа нийтэлснээр загварын салбарын ил тод байдлын төлөө томоохон алхам хийж байна. Тэдний хувцас бусад брэндүүдээс илүү боломжийн боловч хүний хүссэн шиг хямд биш хэвээр байна. Та тэдний дэлгүүрт зочилж болноэнд.


    • Валани:

      Энэхүү өнгөлөг Ургамлын гаралтай хувцасны брэнд нь илүү хөнгөн амьдрахын тулд ихэвчлэн эмэгтэйлэг хувцас үйлдвэрлэдэг. Валанигийн мөрөөдөмтгий хувцаснууд нь Маалинган, Tencel, гадил жимсний наалдамхай гэх мэт нөлөө багатай утаснуудаас бүрддэг бөгөөд энэ нь хоёр өдрийн амралттай төстэй юм. Нэмж дурдахад, брэнд нь стратегийн зүсэх техникийг ашигладаг бөгөөд хог хаягдлыг багасгахын тулд даавууны хаягдлыг дахин ашигладаг. Тэд үнэхээр өнгөлөг хувцастай тул та заавал үзэх хэрэгтэйэнд.


  • PLEA:

    Энэ бол бидний өөрийн брэнд! Бид ч бас таны худалдан авч болох тогтвортой удаан загварын хувцсыг санал болгож байна. Бид голдуу подволк, юүдэнтэй цамц, дагалдах хэрэгсэлд анхаарлаа хандуулдаг, гэхдээ тэдгээр нь боломжийн үнээр байдаг бөгөөд зөвхөн үүгээр зогсохгүй, бид танд тохирсон хувцас санал болгож байна, тийм ээ! Та захиалгат подволк, юүдэнтэй цамц эсвэл дагалдах хэрэгслийг бүтээж болох бөгөөд ингэснээр бид тэдгээрийг хийж, танд илгээх боломжтой, учир нь бид олон тонн хувцас үйлдвэрлэхэд оролцдоггүй хувьсгалт аргыг ашигладаг, бид зүгээр л захиалгаар үйлдвэрлэдэг! Та манай дэлгүүрийг үзэж болноэнд.

These are some of the best small brands, Sustainable Fashion brands that sell their items online. This goes to show that there are still some available options for customers to change their fashion habits for the better. Anyways, as we have said before, you don’t have to go all crazy with Sustainable Fashion, a small change today makes a big difference tomorrow, and the biggest change you have to make is deciding to inform yourself on the subject.

What Are Some Of The Best Sustainable Fashion Brands?


We hope you have learned something today and that you put this information into good practice, as we just said, the biggest change you have made is deciding to become informed, which is the best step of them all, because only when consumers become aware of this fashion problem will they change their habits for the better ditching the planet-killing Fast Fashion.

Бид дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт байгаа хүмүүст зааж байгаадаа баяртай байна 🙂 Мөн,Та үнэхээр Хурдан загвар гэж юу болох, түүний байгаль орчин, гараг, ажилчид, нийгэм, эдийн засагт үзүүлэх аймшигт үр дагаврыг мэдэж байсан уу?Удаан загвар эсвэл Тогтвортой загварын хөдөлгөөн гэж яг юу болохыг та мэдэх үү?Та энэ мартагдсан, үл мэдэгдэх боловч маш яаралтай бөгөөд чухал сэдвийн талаархи эдгээр нийтлэлүүдийг үзэх хэрэгтэй.Энд дарж "Загвар хэзээ нэгэн цагт тогтвортой байж чадах уу?", or Хурдан загвар 101 | Энэ нь манай гарагийг хэрхэн сүйтгэж байна вэ?учир нь мэдлэг бол таны байж болох хамгийн хүчирхэг давуу талуудын нэг бол мунхаглал бол таны хамгийн муу сул тал юм.

Бид танд бас том сюрприз барих болно!Бид танд биднийг илүү сайн мэдэх эрхийг өгөхийг хүсч байгаа тул бид хэн бэ, бидний эрхэм зорилго юу вэ, бид юу хийдэг, манай багийг илүү ойроос харах болон бусад олон зүйлийг хэлж өгөх "Бидний тухай" хуудсыг сайтар бэлдсэн. зүйлс!Энэ боломжийг бүү алдаарайэнд дарж үзээрэй.Мөн бид таныг урьж байнаманайхыг хараарайPinterest,Бид өдөр тутмын тогтвортой загвартай холбоотой контент, хувцасны загвар болон танд таалагдах бусад зүйлсийг энд байрлуулах болно!