Eco-Themed Organic Cotton T-Shirt | Sustainable Vintage Emblem Design | Earth-Friendly Fashion | Responsible Teal Mountain Range Tee

Eco-Themed Organic Cotton T-Shirt | Sustainable Vintage Emblem Design | Earth-Friendly Fashion | Responsible Teal Mountain Range Tee

Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +17.81 $

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Id-daqsijiet jikkorrispondu għal daqs iżgħar fis-suq tal-Istati Uniti, għalhekk il-klijenti tal-Istati Uniti għandhom jordnaw daqs 'il fuq.

Embark on a journey where fashion meets philosophy in our 🌿 Eco-Themed Organic Cotton T-Shirt. This isn’t just a top; it’s a narrative woven from the threads of sustainability, embodying a vintage emblem design that whispers tales of nature and intellectual pursuit.

Imagine slipping into a piece that feels like a second skin—made entirely from 100% organic ring-spun cotton, so soft and so gentle on your skin, it might as well be a caress from nature itself. 🌱 The fabric weight of 5.3 oz./yd.² (180 g/m²) ensures a quality feel without weighing you down, perfect for the conscious soul on the move.

Our woven narrative begins with a circular emblem 🔄, serene in design, with a captivating array of shapes that sing an ode to the symbiosis of the natural world and the realm of knowledge. The emblem, colored in a subdued teal and off-white, carries the essence of days past and the promise of a future where eco-consciousness reigns supreme.

At the heart of this emblem lies a silhouette of mountain peaks 🏔️, standing majestic against a cream canvas that sparkles with the possibility of stardust or kindling thoughts. Framing these stoic guardians of the earth are symbols reminiscent of open books, their pages dancing around the crest—a metaphor for the ever-turning pages of life and the perpetual quest for enlightenment.

The medium fit of our t-shirt allows for a comfortable embrace, while set-in sleeves provide the perfect structure. Quality is paramount, with 1 × 1 rib at the collar and wide double-needle topstitch on the sleeves and bottom hems ensuring your garment maintains its integrity wear after wear.

This piece is a tribute to those who walk the path of sustainable living and cherish the bond between education and environment. By choosing this tee, you’re not just making a fashion statement; you’re advocating for progression and echoing the call for responsible fashion.

Let’s rethink our choices and make a difference, one vintage emblem t-shirt at a time. 🌟 Choose smart, choose sustainable, choose a future where fashion and the earth breathe as one.

📏 Remember, sizes are tailored with the eco-conscious in mind—consider ordering a size up for a perfect fit.

* Note: Embrace the power of informed decisions; our tees are designed for durability and longevity, fostering a culture of ‘less is more’ in your wardrobe. Let’s dress with intention and make every thread count for a greener tomorrow.

Dan il-prodott huwa magħmul apposta għalik hekk kif tagħmel ordni, u huwa għalhekk li nieħdu ftit itwal biex inwassluh lilek. Mli tieħu prodotti fuq talba minflok bl-ingrossa jgħin biex titnaqqas il-produzzjoni żejda, għalhekk nirringrazzjak talli ħadt deċiżjonijiet ta' xiri bil-ħsieb!

See related designs:

Eco-Themed Circular Emblem Sustainable T-Shirt | Vintage Teal Mountain Design on Organic Cotton | Earth-Conscious Fashion Statement Tee

Eco-Friendly Organic Cotton Sweatshirt | Sustainable Fashion | Earth-Inspired Emblem Design | Ethical Streetwear

Eco-Themed Vintage Emblem Organic Cotton Sweatshirt | Sustainable Fashion | Ethical Apparel | Eco-Friendly Unisex Pullover


Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +17.81 $

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Ċertifikat ta' Sostenibbiltà GOTS

2+ Raġuni ta' Skont

Ħej hemm! Aġġornament ta' malajr biss - m'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn fuq il-prodotti kollha. Madankollu, ilna għal ftit żmien noffru skont għall-klijenti li jixtru żewġ prodotti jew aktar. Dan ir-roħs ġie introdott fil-bidu minħabba li l-ispiża biex jitwassal prodott addizzjonali kienet ferm inqas mill-ewwel wieħed. Issa li ma noffrux tbaħħir b'xejn ma jagħmilx sens li għad teżisti, iżda ddeċidejna li nżommuh, għalhekk mhux biss se tibbenefika minn spejjeż imnaqqsa tat-tbaħħir, iżda tirċievi wkoll skont meta tixtri 2+ prodotti. Grazzi tal-appoġġ kontinwu tiegħek!

Għaliex ma tibqax toffri tbaħħir b'xejn?

M'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn mhux biss minħabba prezzijiet ogħla iżda wkoll minħabba li l-ispiża finali tal-prodott għall-klijent spiċċat ferm ogħla milli suppost (Minħabba li l-ogħla spejjeż tat-tbaħħir minn klijenti potenzjali 'l bogħod ttieħdu f' kont). Naħsbu wkoll li huwa ħafna aħjar li nħallsu l-prezz tat-tbaħħir apparti minflok ma nħallsu d-doppju tal-ammont inkluż fil-prezz, anke jekk naqblu li l-ħlas tat-tbaħħir huwa spjaċevoli (Iżda kompletament meħtieġ, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, xi ħadd qed joffri servizz sabiex ma jkollokx għalfejn tiċċaqlaq muskolu biex tikseb il-prodott).

Nista' nippersonalizza t-T shirt / hoodie?

Iva! Tista’ tissottometti immaġni personalizzata u ttella’ billi tikklikkja fuq il-“Personalize Design” ħdejn il-buttuna “Żid Mal-Cart”. Imma ma tistax ittella 'l-ebda disinn li jista' jkollu l-awtur jew it-trademark, għandek ittella' tiegħek.

Kif inkun naf jekk il-flokk / hoodie jaqbilx lili?

Hemm gwida tad-daqs ipprovduta fuq il-buttuna "Żid Mal-Cart". Iżda d-daqsijiet kultant jistgħu jvarjaw, u l-prodott jista 'potenzjalment ikun żgħir wisq, huwa rari iżda jiġri.

Jekk m'intix ċert jekk jaqbilx huwa rakkomandat li tagħżel id-daqs akbar.

Kif nuża kodiċi tal-kupun?

Il-kodiċijiet tal-kupun huma sottomessi fuq il-paġna tal-checkout. Tista 'tikseb kodiċi tal-kupun u skontijiet primarjament billi tissieħeb fil-komunità tagħna b'xejn. Laqla aktar dwar danhawn.


S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.

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