Eco-Friendly DJ Teddy Bear Hoodie | Organic Cotton Blend Unisex Hoodie with Stylish Monochrome Bear Design | Sustainable Fashion Essentials for Music Lovers

Eco-Friendly DJ Teddy Bear Hoodie | Organic Cotton Blend Unisex Hoodie with Stylish Monochrome Bear Design | Sustainable Fashion Essentials for Music Lovers

Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +42.42$

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Id-daqsijiet jikkorrispondu għal daqs iżgħar fis-suq tal-Istati Uniti, għalhekk il-klijenti tal-Istati Uniti għandhom jordnaw daqs 'il fuq.

Enter the world of sustainable fashion with a beat! 🎶 Introducing our Eco-Friendly DJ Teddy Bear Hoodie – a symphony of style and sustainability that’s harmoniously crafted for eco-conscious trendsetters. Wrapped in the warm embrace of this hoodie, you’ll not only look good but feel fantastic knowing you’re supporting environmentally friendly practices. 🌱
Crafted with care and precision, this hoodie features:
🎧 A striking monochrome DJ Teddy Bear design on the back that pops against the fabric, radiating an edgy and playful vibe.
🌍 A blend of 85% organic ring-spun combed cotton and 15% recycled polyester, offering both supreme comfort and a promise to our planet.
✨ A regular fit with set-in sleeves that gently contours your frame, providing a look that’s both casual and tailored.
🛡 A robust, double-layered hood and self-fabric half-moon at the back of the neck protect against chilly breezes, crafting a snug shelter for your creative mind.
📀 The front pouch pocket not only keeps your hands toasty but also serves as the perfect nook for your daily essentials or perhaps a pair of drumsticks to tap along to your favorite tunes.
With a weight of 10.32 oz./yd² (350 g/m²), this sweater balances durability with a lightweight feel, allowing for effortless layering or standalone wear depending on the season. Its metal eyelets and inside tape at the back of the neck add a dash of luxury to the sturdy simplicity of the design.
For those with an appreciation for details, the 1×1 rib at the sleeve hem and bottom hem offers resilient stretching, ensuring the hoodie maintains its shape — much like your favorite vinyl keeps its groove over time. Moreover, an unobtrusive single needle topstitch outlines the silhouette with refined subtlety.
While this hoodie is a marvel of responsible fashion, its unisex appeal makes it a splendid choice for anyone looking to add a touch of cute and comfy charm to their wardrobe. Be it for a relaxed day in or a brisk walk in the park — your DJ Teddy Bear Hoodie will echo your love for both music and the planet every step of the way. Transform your wardrobe into a stage for nourishing the earth with fashion that’s as timeless as your favorite record.
Reminder: Since this gem was crafted with universal love, 🌎 the sizes align a tad snugger, mirroring a more boutique fit. For our US patrons, consider dialing up a size for your perfect fit. Ready to redefine your style anthem? Warm up your wardrobe and join the sustainable fashion movement with us today! 🌟
This product is made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!

Dan il-prodott huwa magħmul apposta għalik hekk kif tagħmel ordni, u huwa għalhekk li nieħdu ftit itwal biex inwassluh lilek. Mli tieħu prodotti fuq talba minflok bl-ingrossa jgħin biex titnaqqas il-produzzjoni żejda, għalhekk nirringrazzjak talli ħadt deċiżjonijiet ta' xiri bil-ħsieb!


Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +42.42$

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Ċertifikat ta' Sostenibbiltà GOTS

2+ Raġuni ta' Skont

Ħej hemm! Aġġornament ta' malajr biss - m'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn fuq il-prodotti kollha. Madankollu, ilna għal ftit żmien noffru skont għall-klijenti li jixtru żewġ prodotti jew aktar. Dan ir-roħs ġie introdott fil-bidu minħabba li l-ispiża biex jitwassal prodott addizzjonali kienet ferm inqas mill-ewwel wieħed. Issa li ma noffrux tbaħħir b'xejn ma jagħmilx sens li għad teżisti, iżda ddeċidejna li nżommuh, għalhekk mhux biss se tibbenefika minn spejjeż imnaqqsa tat-tbaħħir, iżda tirċievi wkoll skont meta tixtri 2+ prodotti. Grazzi tal-appoġġ kontinwu tiegħek!

Għaliex ma tibqax toffri tbaħħir b'xejn?

M'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn mhux biss minħabba prezzijiet ogħla iżda wkoll minħabba li l-ispiża finali tal-prodott għall-klijent spiċċat ferm ogħla milli suppost (Minħabba li l-ogħla spejjeż tat-tbaħħir minn klijenti potenzjali 'l bogħod ttieħdu f' kont). Naħsbu wkoll li huwa ħafna aħjar li nħallsu l-prezz tat-tbaħħir apparti minflok ma nħallsu d-doppju tal-ammont inkluż fil-prezz, anke jekk naqblu li l-ħlas tat-tbaħħir huwa spjaċevoli (Iżda kompletament meħtieġ, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, xi ħadd qed joffri servizz sabiex ma jkollokx għalfejn tiċċaqlaq muskolu biex tikseb il-prodott).

Nista' nippersonalizza t-T shirt / hoodie?

Iva! Tista’ tissottometti immaġni personalizzata u ttella’ billi tikklikkja fuq il-“Personalize Design” ħdejn il-buttuna “Żid Mal-Cart”. Imma ma tistax ittella 'l-ebda disinn li jista' jkollu l-awtur jew it-trademark, għandek ittella' tiegħek.

Kif inkun naf jekk il-flokk / hoodie jaqbilx lili?

Hemm gwida tad-daqs ipprovduta fuq il-buttuna "Żid Mal-Cart". Iżda d-daqsijiet kultant jistgħu jvarjaw, u l-prodott jista 'potenzjalment ikun żgħir wisq, huwa rari iżda jiġri.

Jekk m'intix ċert jekk jaqbilx huwa rakkomandat li tagħżel id-daqs akbar.

Kif nuża kodiċi tal-kupun?

Il-kodiċijiet tal-kupun huma sottomessi fuq il-paġna tal-checkout. Tista 'tikseb kodiċi tal-kupun u skontijiet primarjament billi tissieħeb fil-komunità tagħna b'xejn. Laqla aktar dwar danhawn.


S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.

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