how to get money promoting slow / sustainable fashion? our slow fashion affiliate program

what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing that uses individual marketers who volunteer to promote a good or service in exchange for a commission when a certain condition is met, typically when a sale is completed.

It is one of the oldest and most widespread methods of marketing, and it is pretty effective, as you only have to pay the affiliate when they sell the product, although you have to be careful with fraudulent activities, which may also happen.

For the affiliate, this method of marketing is a great source of income, even passive income, as they can promote it on their blog or social media, and wait for people to buy, making sales even while they’re sleeping.

dlaczego mamy program partnerski?

The main reason is that we are a small project that wants to provide great sustainable fashion garments, customizable t-shirts… but we don’t have the resources to fully market ourselves in order to reach people like you. That is why we are also launching our very own affiliate program where you can participate.

By reaching out to new people, we also want to spread awareness about the problem of Fast Fashion and the importance of sustainable garments in our world, mainly via our blog. This is ultimately our mission, as you may already know.

Overall, an affiliate program is a great way in which you, a conscious fashion consumer, can directly partake in our mission to achieve a sustainable fashion industry, while also making an extra passive income or even a salary out of it! Isn’t that great?

Why Do We Have An Affiliate Program Slow Fashion

benefits of our affiliate program

Our affiliate program will pay you a total of 20% of the value of the item you sell, which means about $6-7, this is quite a lot if you compare it to other fashion affiliate programs, that is because we’re more focused on reaching new people than actually making money, although the latter is needed in order to keep the project running.

You will also benefit from a 90-day cookie policy, which is quite a lot compared to any other affiliate program. What this means is that you will get a commission for every purchase a customer makes in a total of 3 Months!

We will pay you either via PayPal or Bank Transfer, the minimum payout is a low $20, although if you want to adventure in this journey we hope you make a little bit more than that 🙂

You have the page with all the benefits Tutaj, or just by clicking the link „Our Affiliate Program” from the footer. Now if you want to know how you can start, just keep reading, we will explain it to you right now.

how to start promoting sustainable fashion

Now that you know all the details and benefits, you have to know what you need to do to start promoting our sustainable fashion products, it’s pretty simple, as you will see in a second.

You first have to go where it says „Register” in the footer, or just click this link Tutaj.Complete with all your details (They have to be real) and accept the Terms and Conditions after reading them (Just legal stuff).

Now you just have to wait in order to be accepted, don’t worry, you will get accepted if you are not a bot or something else suspicious. Now, you’re ready! Go to your Dashboard (Link in the footer) and start promoting Sustainable Fashion, earning money!

How To Start Promoting Sustainable Fashion


That’s it! We encourage you to sign up for our program and to start promoting sustainable fashion. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us letting us know what you need. Having said that, good luck with your mission!

Jesteśmy podekscytowani możliwością nauczania ludzi na całym świecie 🙂 Ponadto,czy naprawdę wiedziałeś, czym naprawdę jest Fast Fashion i jakie ma straszliwe konsekwencje dla środowiska, planety, pracowników, społeczeństwa i gospodarki?Czy wiesz dokładnie, czym jest ruch Slow Fashion lub Sustainable Fashion?Naprawdę warto zapoznać się z artykułami na ten zapomniany i nieznany, ale bardzo pilny i ważny temat,kliknij tutaj, aby przeczytać „Czy moda może być zrównoważona?”,Zrównoważona moda,Moda etyczna,Powolna modaLubSzybka Moda 101 | Jak niszczy naszą planetęponieważ wiedza jest jedną z najpotężniejszych mocnych stron, jakie możesz posiadać, podczas gdy ignorancja jest twoją najgorszą słabością.

Mamy dla Was również wielką niespodziankę!Ponieważ chcemy dać Ci prawo do lepszego poznania nas, przygotowaliśmy specjalnie dedykowaną stronę O nas, gdzie opowiemy Ci kim jesteśmy, jaka jest nasza misja, czym się zajmujemy, bliżej przyjrzymy się naszemu zespołowi i wiele więcej rzeczy!Nie przegap tej okazji ikliknij tutaj, aby to sprawdzić.Także zapraszamyspójrz na naszePinteresta,gdzie będziemy przypinać codzienne treści związane ze zrównoważoną modą, projekty ubrań i inne rzeczy, które z pewnością pokochasz!