where do our t shirts come from?

our main sustainable clothes producers

We use a variety of sources for our clothes, which are then sent to our production partners for printing and shipping. At the moment we work mainly with Stanley/Stella.

Stanley/Stella is responsible for the production of our 100% ecological shirts.They focus on sustainability a lot, their products mainly come from Bangladesh, obviously produced in respect with human dignity, decent working conditions, and decent salary.

They produce clothing that is 100% made from organic or recycled sustainable materials. This exclusive use of sustainable materials doesn’t make it super expensive, and it’s much better for the environment!  Here you can download the eco-friendly certificates of Stanley/Stella.

Stanley Stella’s GOTS and GRS certificates (PDF):

are clothes from third world countries ethical?

It depends. As well as there are unethical production factories that use modern slavery-like work from third world countries, this can also happen in first world countries. Also, factories can and are using ethical work from developing countries treating them in a human way and paying them a decent job, respecting their needs.

Just because an item of clothing is produced in third-world countries does not mean it uses unethical work. This is something you need to research on your own about the producer of the item, which many times is not the same as the brand that is selling the product, like in our case.

The producer can be found on the tag along with the size and other details of the item of clothing. After that you should do your own research about that brand and decide if it’s trustworthy, we have made it easier for you by presenting with the producers that make our clothes and all the certificates you need to verify their veracity.

Responding to the earlier question, yes, clothes from third world countries can be sustainable and ethical, many times even more than those from first world countries, as ethical apparel from developing countries help them develop economically and take them from poverty.This is what happened in Singapur and South Korea in the 60s and now they are some of the richest and most developed countries in the world.

Are clothes from third world countries ethical

how to trust sustainable fashion stores

Sustainable fashion is crucial for our society and fast fashion is a growing problem that needs to be resolved to prevent horrible consequences for humanity and the planet. Every person that is in the slow fashion movement helping how they can are literally the superheroes of the planet, and they do this just because they have a kind heart and will not let a problem as big as this one destroy our world.

Having said this not many people even think about faking a sustainable fashion store, because this is something so horrible and greedy satan would be scared of the person who did this. But in this world, there are people for everything, and statistically, there are going to be stores that are faking being sustainable for one reason or another.

With this in mind, you should be able to determine whether a store is truly sustainable or is lying. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. First, research about the origin of their products, do they disclose where the clothes come from? If so, are they telling the truth?

You should also read there about page or other pages of their website or social media. You can tell if they really know what they are talking about if they are interested in the topic or are just here for the money of the fame. Fake stores usually have a vague description of their mission and what is the importance of what they’re doing.

There are many other ways to tell but you should be the one to decide if a store is truly sustainable or if they are lying. Remember to only buy from trusted stores that really produce all their clothing in a sustainable way that aligns with the ethics of slow fashion.

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Where do our t shirts come from