how many items should a capsule wardrobe have? choosing the best staple clothing

what is meant by capsule wardrobe?

Akapsulna omaraje izraz, ki se uporablja za opis omare ali garderobe, v katerioblačila so zamenljiva, imajo možnost uporabe ob vsaki priložnosti in ne gredo iz modeali razgradijo na način, da jih je treba nenehno zamenjati.

Zagovarja posedovanje nekaj oblačil, le nujno potrebnih, in njihovo maksimalno uporabo,da jih lahko kombinirate na desetine različnih načinov, ne da bi morali kupiti nova oblačila, da spremenite svojo obleko.

Kot ste morda opazili, gre to z roko v roki s počasno modo in trajnostno modo, kar je razlog, da o tem govorimo v tem blogu. And this is the reason it’s so beneficial for our environment, as it reduces your carbon footprint by a ton.

Drugi sorodni izrazi so ključna ali rezana oblačila, ki se uporabljajo za opis oblačil, ki jih je mogoče kombinirati na vse načine in se prilegajo vsaki priložnosti, ki jo lahko srečate.. Če želite izvedeti več o tem, kaj te stvari v resnici so, vam svetujemo, da preverite našedrug članek on the subject. Having said this, let’s continue.

how many items do you need for your capsule wardrobe?

When creating your capsule wardrobe one question that arises is how many items you should be owning in order to keep it „capsuled”, nice and clean. This is a subjective question with a subjective answer that varies from person to person, however, we will still try and answer it for you.

The thing is, it all depends on the person, for example, how often do you have to change clothes? do you live in a place where vast differences between summer and winter? These are things that condition a lot the number of items that you should be having in your personal capsule wardrobe.

The general rule is that you should be aiming for about 30 items in total, this includes accessories, shoes, t-shirts… About 7-10 t-shirts if you do your laundry once a week or more, a few pants, winter and summer clothes if these are necessary… You may also want to aim for a larger number of items if you live in a zone where the climate differences through the year vary a lot, as we said before.

The number of clothes you need depends entirely on your personal situation, so feel free to change your number of items yourself after considering your necessities.

how to choose the best staple clothing

Now that you have an idea of how many items your new capsule wardrobe should have, you should also know how to choose the best staple clothes that will fit in it, as we said before, staple clothing means garments that can be combined in numerous ways while also complementing your style, without further a due, let’s go on.

  • Choose a few plain-colored items, plain colors usually combine with everything and go well with every occasion. Thinks like plain white t-shirts, black dresses, etc. They will also give you a minimalist look and complement your style very well, although you may also want to be somewhat more expressive and wear brighter colors, that’s fine too, but having a few plain-colored items does help a lot.
  • Always buy clothes with your color palette in mind, when searching for staple clothes for your capsule wardrobe you always have to prepare in your mind what fits your style and what doesn’t, what goes with the color palette you chose, and what doesn’t compliment your other clothes. You may sometimes forget this and you end up buying garments that you will either have to return or resell because they don’t fit your style.
  • Choose a few personalized designs, customized items are awesome, not only because you can wear garments with your favorite quotes, your own name, or whatever you want to put on them, but also because you will feel a lot more attached to that item, making you truly treat it like you married it, lasting you a lot longer than your other garments. You will also feel more confident while wearing that customized garment because you feel like you’re wearing something that you „made yourself”.
  • Take the 30-day rule and amplify it, the 30-day rule is one that we have talked about before, it basically says that before buying a garment you should ask yourself „Will I wear it a minimum of 30 days?”, then if you say no, discard buying it. Because you are going to make a capsule wardrobe, you should change that rule to be something like „Will I wear it a minimum of 300 days?”, and adapt this to your own preferences.

Now that’s it, remember, you don’t have to own a lot of clothes in order to have a lot of styles, for those who watch Family Feud, just remember when Steve Harvey said that you only have to buy 5 suits with colors that combine with one another and then you can interchange these items in order to achieve 70 possible combinations, 70 possible suits or styles out of 5 that you originally bought. Now that is the magic of staple clothing.

5 tips that will help you create your capsule wardrobe easily

Now that you know this, we will give you a few tips so you can succeed in your mission to create your own capsule wardrobe. Having said that, tukaj je 5 nasvetov, ki vam bodo pomagali ustvariti svojo lastno kapsulno garderobo:

  1. Izberite svojo barvno shemo, če želite imeti majhno omaro, ki bo ustrezala vsaki situaciji, s katero se srečujete, morate imeti v mislih svojo barvno paleto, to vključuje izbiro nekaj osnovnih barv, ki se kombinirajo z vsem, kot so črna, rjava, siva, bela ali mornarsko modra (kar je precej kul barva, če vprašate nas). Vsi drugi kosi, ki jih boste nosili, naj bodo odtenki osnovnih barv, ki ste jih izbrali, zdaj bi morali lahko kombinirati vsa svoja dragocena oblačila, pri tem pa še vedno izgledati tako dobro kot včasih.
  2. Upoštevajte svoje telo oblika, to je ključni korak, če se želite počutiti udobno s svojimi oblačili, poskrbeti morate, da so oblačila, ki jih izberete, primerna vašemu telesu, na primer tako, da nosite rokave s kapo, če imate širše boke, saj bodo tako vaša ramena videti bolj sorazmerna glede na vaše boke.
  3. Upoštevajte svojo polt, to gre tudi z roko v roki z drugim nasvetom, izberite barve, ki se kombinirajo z vami, vašim lastnim telesom, saj obstajajo barve, zaradi katerih ste videti bolj bledi ali pa vam tako ali drugače bolj koristijo. To je le stvar vaših lastnih preferenc.
  4. Izberite klasične oblike in vzorceDa bi ohranili svojo garderobo, bi morali razmišljati dolgoročno in se izogibati oblačilom, za katera mislite, da bodo hitro zastarela. Zato imejte v mislih, ko kupujete oblačila.
  5. Izberite visokokakovostne tkanine, to je eden najpomembnejših nasvetov, vaša garderoba naj bo sestavljena iz visokokakovostnih oblačil in trajnostnih modnih oblačil. S tem ne bodo samo vaša oblačila trajala dlje, ampak boste tudi zmanjšali svoj ogljični odtis. Pri kapsulni omari sploh ni pomembno, če je cena oblačila višja, saj ne boste kupili niti približno toliko oblačil, kot bi jih običajna oseba, tako da v bistvu samo vlagate vase.

Well, this is it, we hope these 5 tips have helped you understand what you need and how you can create your own wardrobe ki vam bo pomagal zmanjšati vaš vpliv na ta planet, hkrati pa vam bo omogočil minimalističen in preprost življenjski slog.


We hope you now know how many items your capsule wardrobe should have and how to find the best staple clothes that will combine. If you want to learn more about this topic, or about Sustainable Fashion and Sustainable Living, feel free to check the articles linked below or check out our blog, where we have tons of different articles like this.

Navdušeni smo, da poučujemo ljudi po vsem svetu 🙂 Tudi,ste res vedeli, kaj v resnici je hitra moda in njene strašne posledice za okolje, planet, delavce, družbo in gospodarstvo?Ali točno veste, kaj je gibanje Slow Fashion ali Sustainable Fashion?Res bi si morali ogledati te članke o tej pozabljeni in neznani, a zelo nujni in pomembni temi,kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati "Ali je moda lahko kdaj trajnostna?",Trajnostna moda,Etična moda,Počasna modaozHitra moda 101 | Kako uničuje naš planetker je znanje ena najmočnejših prednosti, ki jih lahko imate, medtem ko je nevednost vaša najhujša slabost.

Za vas imamo tudi veliko presenečenje!Ker vam želimo dati pravico, da nas bolje poznate, smo pripravili skrbno posvečeno stran O nas, kjer vam bomo povedali, kdo smo, kakšno je naše poslanstvo, kaj počnemo, podrobneje si bomo ogledali našo ekipo in še veliko več. stvari!Ne zamudite te priložnosti inkliknite tukaj, da preverite.Prav tako vas vabimo, dapoglejte našoPinterest,kjer bomo pripenjali vsakodnevno trajnostno modno vsebino, modele oblačil in druge stvari, ki vam bodo zagotovo všeč!