
PLEA | Laei Fa'atauva'a & Amiotonu

The image presents a highly stylized artistic rendering of a T-shirt that appears to fuse the worlds of graphic design, fashion, and natural topography. The shirt itself lays flat and extends across most of the image, with its fabric manipulated to resemble the undulating layers of a topographical map. A gradient of colors flows down the shirt, starting with an arid tan at the collar and transforming through rich browns, greens, and blues, finally culminating in a deep marine hue at the hem. Each ripple of fabric is shaded to give the illusion of a three-dimensional landscape of rolling hills, valleys, and canyons.\n\nAround the shirt, the graphics evoke the interface of a design software program, with tools and palettes arranged neatly to suggest that the shirt\'s appearance can be customized to the user\'s desire. On the left of the shirt, various textures and elements of flora—moss, leaves, and grass—are showcased, each adding to the overall theme of nature and sustainability. On the right, a digital color palette offers a spectrum of options, alongside icons relating to fabric care, ecological certifications, and customizable attributes, reinforcing the garment\'s environmentally friendly credentials.\n\nWords on the image label various elements such as "Customizable," "100% Cotton," and "Eco Friendly," suggesting a commitment to personalization and ecological responsibility. As a whole, the image communicates a forward-thinking vision where fashion intersects with technological innovation and ecological consciousness. It invites the viewer to imagine clothing as not just a form of self-expression, but also as a canvas for their values and for the beauty of the natural world.

Na e iloa Fast Fashion...?

Ole suavai leaga ole lalolagi e mai lona valiina o ie.
0 %
Piliona e leiloa i tausaga ta'itasi ona o lavalava e le'i fa'aaogaina.
$ 0
O le vai e fa'aaogaina e fai ai se ofutino mitiafu e tasi.
0 Liters
O ana ie uma e alu i lapisi po'o afi.
0 %

Su'esu'e Sitaili Sustainable

Talofa eco-warriors! Fa'afeiloa'i i PLEA, lau taofi pito i luga mofilo matagofie e le taugata le lalolagi.O la tatou sini? Ina ia fa'afiafiaina lavalava fa'atumauina ma fa'avalevalea-faigofie e luelue.

O lo'o matou talanoa i 'ie cotton organic sili ona vaivai ma fa'ata'ita'iga lelei e fa'aopoopoina ai lou ofu. Ma mate le a? Matou te ofoina atu neio le filifiliga sili ona manaia o mitiafu fa'ale-siosiomaga.

O a matou laina unisex e fa'amealelei ma fa'atafafa i lalo o le la, mai le amataga seia mae'a. O lo'o matou talanoa i ofu lelei e mafai ona e fa'aalia ma le mitamita. Aua o le va'ava'ai lele MA le tausiga o le paneta ose mea tatau i o tatou taimi faigata.

O le a la le mea o lo'o e fa'atali?Auai i le gaioiga ma toe faia sexy gafataulimaina! We’re making it easier than ever to stay fashionable with mother nature in mind. Let’s do this!

O Ai i Tatou

PLEA na amataina e Orlando, lo tatou fa'avae lototoa i se misiona e lavea'i le lalolagi e tasi le tee i le taimi.Na matou amata o se 'au fa'atauva'a fa'atauva'a, fa'ata'ita'iina o la'ei i le cotton fa'aola ma faiga fa'atumauina. O lea ua fai si lapopo'a ae o lo'o tu'u pea i o tatou a'a lanu meamata. Matou te siakia ma le toto'a a matou tama'i tulagavae kaponi ma toto laau pe a lagona le mama.

O la matou sini o le tu'uina atu lea o tagata fa'agaioiga fa'agaioiga tuai, pei o oe, fa'atasi ai ma filifiliga fa'ale-naturai tua atu o le fa'aleaga masani masani. Aua o lou filifilia o teuga gafataulimaina o se la'asaga latalata atu i le fa'atumauina.E ala i le filifilia o matou ofutino i luga o ofu mai le SHEIN, e te tu'u to'atasi e mafai ai a matou gaosiga fa'alemataaga ma fa'aitiitia otaota. Tasi le mitiafu lanu meamata mo oe = tasi le ofu e le afaina ai le siosiomaga.

So be the hero this planet needs. Learn more about how PLEA and the Earth are counting on you to steer fashion toward a sustainable future in our About Us page. No pressure though 😉

Who are are PLEA

GOTS tusipasi tumau

Le utaina? Siaki atuo fea e sau ai o tatou ofu?O fea tatou te talanoaina ai le gafataulimaina o a tatou kamupani

Meet Our Team

O matou o se 'au to'aitiiti ae malosi o lo'o taumafai e una'ia le fa'atumauina i pisinisi fa'alelalolagi. E ui ina laʻititi laʻititi la matou kamupani, ae o la matou tautinoga i laei faʻapitoa ma faʻalelei e matua tele lava. O loʻo matou tauivi pea i aso uma mo le faʻaauau i le fale gaosi oloa ma faʻafiafiaina oe e ala i la matou mitiafu mamanu ma oloa ofoofogia 🙂

Alessandra Oichia

Mata'utia Uepese Designer

Eu la nuntă

Giovanny Orlando Giuliano Dîlja (Orlando)

Fa'avae o PLEA ma le Pule Sili

Deușan Mihai from PLEA.RO looking at horizon sitting on his Mazda car.

Mihai Alin Deușan

Atina'e Upega Tafa'ilagi

Miriam Alina Ceuță

Intelligent Marketing Manager

Rocky Murcia looking at the sun with sunglasses in Romania, Hasdeu in the city of Cluj Napoca.

José Antonio Elias Subiela

Fa'atonu o le Matagaluega o Ata ma le Tagata Tofa'i Puipuiga

Pablo Escribano holding a medal from a marathon competition in the city of Cluj Napoca, Romania. He is smiling while proudly hoding his medal.

Pablo Escribano Ruiz

Web Development Master

Pablo Algaba posing with his head upwards in a formal way looking at the camera for a professional photograph.

Pablo Algaba Sales

Faaliliutusi ma le tusitala faapolofesa


Filip Axinte

Oloa Su'e ma Fa'aleleia Tomai Fa'apitoa

Oskar dressed in a formal attire in what seems to be a family event, outside, in a bodyguard pose while smiling.

Óskar Fabián Verdejo

Fa'au'u fa'asaienisi komepiuta ma fa'apolofesa 'upega tafa'ilagi

la tatou misiona

Many popular brands nowadays use underpaid labor and promote terrible quality products that will end up in landfills months later. And still, their expensive clothes don’t let you express your unique style that makes you special.

O la matou misiona o le fa'afaigofieina o le fa'aalia o le tagata lava ia e ala i upusii ma fa'ata'ita'iga lelei ma fa'afeso'ota'i mitiafu. Faatasi ai ma ofutino mata'imata ma pulou i tau talafeagai, matou te fesoasoani ia te oe e faasoa atu mea e mafua ai oe, oe.

Matou te filifilia mea lelei ina ia atagia ai o matou lavalava ou tulaga taua o le faʻaauau ma le lelei,sa matou fa'aogaina le cotton milo mamai nisi o matou mitiafu ae na matou suia i le 100% cotton cotton, lea e gafatia ma tumau. Ma e matou te faʻatau faʻatatau ona o le faʻaalia o le tagata lava ia ma le faʻaauau e le tatau ona naʻo tagata mauʻoa.

Ae o lenei mea e sili atu nai lo lavalava. O faiga vave e afaina uma ai tagata ma le paneta. Matou te tu'uina atu se isi mea e sili atu mo mea uma e lua e ala i le gaosiga fa'atatau ma fa'aauau.

So'o se fa'atauga e lagolagoina la tatou fa'amoemoega fa'alesiosiomaga. Ae e le mafai ona matou manuia e aunoa ma oe. Faʻatasi, tagata faʻatau mafaufau ma faʻailoga e mafai ona faia se eseesega moni. E taua au filifiliga – ia fa'aali i lou la'ei le mea e te popole iai.

Sustainable Fashion Blog

Su'esu'e se Lalolagi o Sitaili Sustainable: Our Slow Fashion Blog

Maulu loloto i totonu o le malo mataʻutia o faiga gafataulimaina ma le faʻataʻitaʻiga faʻatasi ma le matou faʻafouina masani "Slow Fashion Blog". O iinei, matou te faʻasoa faʻamatalaga faʻamalamalamaga ma faʻamatalaga sitaili, e faʻaoga uma i le mataupu faavae o le faʻaauau. Afai e te fiafia i se lumanaʻi faʻalelei e faʻamamaluina lo tatou paneta, o le ae mauaina le tamaoaiga o musumusuga ma le poto iinei.

Manatua e siaki le matou pou fou o loʻo aoina i lalo ma aua le faʻatuai e auai i le matou faʻalapotopotoga faʻatupulaia o tagata fiafia faʻapitoa. Kiliki ile 'Go to Blog' e amata ai lau malaga fa'afiafia aga'i i se filifiliga lelei ma fa'atatau i le olaga.

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Na E Iloa?

E mafai ona e maua se 20%FA'AITIi luga o soʻo se faʻatauga ma le tele o isi mea e ala i le auai i lo tatou nuʻu moSA'oloto?

Aua ne'i faia'ina lenei tauofoga agalelei! E moni lavaSA'oloto!