how much should you spend on your capsule wardrobe?

what exactly is a capsule wardrobe?

papakéan kapsul is a term that is used to describe a closet, or wardrobe, in which garments anu ditukeurkeun, boga kamungkinan pikeun dipaké dina kasempetan wae, tur moal kaluar ti fashion or degrade in a way that they have to be constantly replaced.

Éta ngabela pikeun gaduh sababaraha baju, ngan ukur anu diperyogikeun, sareng ngagunakeunana sacara maksimal, being able to combine them in tens of different ways without having to buy new clothes to change your outfit.

Sakumaha anu anjeun perhatikeun, ieu saluyu sareng Slow Fashion sareng Sustainable Fashion, anu mangrupikeun alesan anu urang bahas dina blog ieu. And this is the reason it’s so beneficial for our environment, as it reduces your carbon footprint by a ton.

Other related terms are key or staple clothes, which are used to describe garments that can be combined in every way, fitting for every occasion you may encounter. If you want to know more about what these things really are, we advise you to check out our other article on the subject. Having said this, let’s continue.

why do you need to create your own capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe can help you in many ways, from making your life more simple to reducing your environmental impact on this world. So let’s go checklist-style on the reasons why you may need a capsule wardrobe:

  • It makes your life a lot more simple, because you don’t have that many clothes to worry about, you always know what to choose and you probably already figured out what looks best on you.
  • It reduces your carbon footprint, by consuming fewer clothes that pollute the environment, but also by purchasing Sustainable Fashion garments, made with respect for the environment and the workers that produced them.
  • You will get the maximum out of all your garments, because you only have a few clothes, you will make them last as long as they can, while also using them at their maximum, talk about using resources efficiently.
  • You will also get all of your pennies’ worth, every dollar you spend on garments for your capsule wardrobe will also be used at their maximum, so you can justify spending more money on higher-quality, sustainable clothes.

These are some of the reasons why you should consider creating your own capsule little wardrobe. Now that you know this, how about we tell you how much money you should spend in your mission.

Why Do You Need To Create Your Own Capsule Wardrobe

how much should you spend on your capsule wardrobe?

This is one of the most common questions when heading into this journey, and although this varies from person to person, we have a few guidelines that will help you determine in your specific case how much you should be spending. With this in mind, here are some tips that will help you figure out how much money to spend on your capsule wardrobe:

  • Not all money spent is equal, it is not the same to spend more money on designer clothing than more money on sustainable clothing. Price is not an indicator of quality, not always, so don’t be shy when picking the cheaper option if you think that it is of higher quality than the more expensive one. There are limits, of course, when garments are sold cheaper than their fair value, which means that they cannot be possibly sold at that price if they were created respecting the environment and the workers.
  • Always pick quality over quantity, you should always prioritize quality, not only because you will be wearing these garments for a long time, but also because a capsule wardrobe is created to minimize your carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly, so it is a little bit contradicting choosing Fast Fashion garments to complement your capsule wardrobe, for example.
  • Calculate how much you usually spend on clothes, a great way to know the amount of money that you should be spending on your capsule wardrobe is by calculating how much, on average, you spend on clothes, and extrapolating that to the amount of time that you think your capsule wardrobe will last without its clothes needing to be replaced (this can be a very long time, especially with sustainable clothing, so you can also take in mind if you plan on changing your style during the next years). Then, you have a budget to help you know how much you should spend, and most definitely you will realize how much money you will save long-term by not buying that many clothes, especially if you sell your current clothes, you might even make a profit.
  • Think long-term, another great thing to do is to think long-term, don’t treat your clothes like they will only be with you for a few months, treat your clothes like you’re going to marry them. When creating a capsule wardrobe this is essentially what you are doing, so always think long-term before purchasing new clothes, that way you will always pick the best option.

Now that you know how much money you should be spending while creating your own capsule wardrobe, we will give you a few tips to help you in this journey. Then it’s all yours, and we wish you the best of luck!

5 tips that will help you when creating your capsule wardrobe

Now that you know this, we will give you a few tips so you can succeed in your mission to create your own capsule wardrobe. Having said that, Ieu 5 tip anu bakal ngabantosan anjeun nyiptakeun papakéan kapsul anjeun nyalira:

  1. Pilih Skéma Warna Anjeun, Dina raraga boga papakéan leutik nu bakal cocog unggal kaayaan anjeun sapatemon, Anjeun kudu tetep dina pikiran palette warna anjeun, ieu ngalibatkeun milih sababaraha kelir dasar anu ngagabungkeun jeung sagalana, kawas hideung, coklat, kulawu, bodas atawa angkatan laut (anu nyaéta warna anu saé upami anjeun naroskeun ka kami). Sadayana barang-barang sanés anu anjeun anggo kedah janten nuansa warna dasar anu anjeun pilih, ayeuna anjeun kedah tiasa ngahijikeun sadaya baju berharga anjeun bari tetep katingali saé sapertos anjeun biasa.
  2. Mertimbangkeun Awak anjeun Wangun, Ieu mangrupikeun léngkah anu penting pikeun ngaraos teu nyaman sareng baju anjeun, anjeun kedah mastikeun yén baju anu anjeun pilih cocog pikeun awak anjeun, contona, nganggo leungeun baju cap upami anjeun gaduh hips anu langkung lega, sabab ieu bakal ngajantenkeun taktak anjeun katingali. leuwih proporsional dina hubungan hips Anjeun.
  3. Pertimbangkeun Complexion Anjeun, Ieu ogé mana leungeun-di-leungeun jeung tip sejen, milih kelir nu ngagabungkeun jeung diri, awak anjeun sorangan, sakumaha aya kelir nu bisa ngajadikeun anjeun neuteup paler atanapi nu nguntungkeun anjeun leuwih dina sababaraha cara atawa sejen. Ieu ngan masalah preferensi Anjeun sorangan.
  4. Pilih Bentuk sareng Pola Klasik, Dina raraga nahan kana papakéan anjeun, anjeun kudu mikir ngeunaan jangka panjang, Ngahindarkeun garments nu Anjeun pikir bakal gancang kaluar ti tanggal. Jadi tetep dina pikiran nu lamun meuli garments Anjeun.
  5. Pilih lawon kualitas luhur, Ieu salah sahiji tips pangpentingna, papakéan anjeun kudu diwangun ku garments kualitas luhur sarta garments fashion sustainable. Ieu sanés ngan ukur ngajantenkeun baju anjeun langkung lami, tapi ogé ngirangan tapak suku karbon anjeun. Kalayan papakéan kapsul, henteu janten masalah upami harga baju langkung luhur, anjeun moal ngagaleuh ampir saloba baju sapertos jalma normal, janten anjeun ngan ukur investasi dina diri anjeun, dasarna.

Well, this is it, we hope these 5 tips have helped you understand what you need and how you can create your own wardrobe anu bakal nulungan anjeun ngaleutikan dampak anjeun dina planét ieu, bari ogé ngantep anjeun hirup hiji gaya hirup minimalistic tur basajan.

5 Tips To Help You Create Your Capsule Wardrobe


We hope you have learned a lot today, if you want to know more about a capsule wardrobe, or about the fashion industry and its sustainability, feel free to check the articles below or our blog, we have tons of great articles like this for you to enjoy.

Kami bungah ngajar jalma di sakumna dunya 🙂 Oge,naha anjeun leres-leres terang naon Fast Fashion sareng akibatna anu dahsyat pikeun lingkungan, planét, pagawé, masarakat, sareng ékonomi?Naha anjeun terang persis naon gerakan Slow Fashion atanapi Sustainable Fashion?Anjeun kedah leres-leres ningali tulisan ieu ngeunaan topik anu hilap sareng teu dipikanyaho tapi penting pisan sareng penting,klik di dieu pikeun maca "Naha Pantun Bisa Sustainable?",Pantun Sustainable,Pantun Etika,Slow FashionatawaPantun Gancang 101 | Kumaha Ieu Ngancurkeun Planét Urangsabab pangaweruh mangrupa salah sahiji kaunggulan pangkuatna anjeun tiasa gaduh, bari jahiliah mangrupa kalemahan awon anjeun.

Urang ogé boga kejutan badag pikeun anjeun!Kusabab kami hoyong masihan anjeun hak pikeun terang kami langkung saé, kami parantos nyiapkeun halaman Ngeunaan Kami sacara saksama dimana kami bakal nyarioskeun ka anjeun saha kami, naon misi kami, naon anu kami laksanakeun, katingal langkung caket kana tim kami, sareng seueur deui. hal!Ulah sono kasempetan ieu sarengklik di dieu pikeun pariksa kaluar.Ogé, kami ngajak anjeuntingali di urangPinterest,dimana urang bakal pin eusi nu patali fashion sustainable sapopoé, desain pakean, sarta hal séjén nu pasti bakal cinta!