How To Get Rid Of Your Waste Responsibly Without Harming The Environment | Sustainable Living

barqaror hayot nima?

In recent years, we have seen an increasing consciousness about the environmental footprint we leave on this planet, as a response to all the consequences our past and current actions have on the environment surrounding us. Biz bu dunyoga ta'sirini inkor etib bo'lmaydi va uni tez orada o'zgartirish zarurati va barqaror hayot aynan shu erda o'ynaydi.

What is sustainable living, you may ask? Barqaror yashash bizning atrof-muhitga ta'sirimizni minimal darajaga tushirish uchun kundalik hayotimizda qiladigan harakatlarimizdan iborat., either by eating a sustainable diet, finding ways to reduce waste, consuming fewer things we don’t need… Barqaror va ekologik toza turmush tarzini tanlashda biz uchun ko'plab variantlar mavjud.

Xulosa qilib aytganda, barqaror turmush tarzi bizning sayyoramizdagi ekologik izimizni kamaytirishga qaratilgan, biz har kuni beparvo harakatlarimiz bilan afsuski vayron bo'layotgan va o'rnini hech qachon almashtirib bo'lmaydigan dunyo.We highly recommend that you first check out Qanday qilib uyda barqaror dietaga ega bo'lish kerak. 

how you can reduce waste at home and live more sustainably

Barqaror turmush tarziga erishishning ko'plab usullari mavjud, ulardan biri, albatta, bizning mavjudligimizdagi eng ifloslantiruvchi va moddiy yon mahsulotlardan biri bo'lgan chiqindilarimizni kamaytirishdir. Doing so is no easy task either, but with just a few small changes in our habits, we can achieve a massive change for the better in this world. Buni aytib bo'lgach, chiqindilarni kamaytirish va uyda yanada barqaror yashashning eng yaxshi usullari:

  • Qayta ishlash,Biz ishlab chiqaradigan chiqindilarni qayta ishlashning eng yaxshi usullaridan biri uni qayta ishlashdir. Biz nafaqat chiqindilarimiz daryolarimiz, dengizlarimiz, suvlarimiz va tuproqlarimizni yanada ifloslantirmasligiga ishonch hosil qilamiz, balki chiqindilarga ikkinchi hayot baxsh etishimizga ham ishonch hosil qilamiz, bu esa oxir-oqibatda ko'proq materiallar yaratish zaruratini kamaytiradi. sayyoramizni yanada ifloslantirmoqda. Qayta ishlash qanchalik oson ekanligini tekshiringAtrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish agentligining maqolasi.
  • kompost,this is a great way of handling organic waste, like banana peels, coffee grounds and filters, eggshells… By composting at home you can make sure that your organic waste is not taking up unnecessary space in the landfill, and resources to transport it to the landfill, but also avoid polluting the air with methane that is produced in the landfill. Not only that, but you are also creating a new type of soil enrichment full of nutrients that help new plants grow and thrive, without the need for potentially harmful fertilizers and other man-made nutrients. Overall, composting is something that is really worth doing at home and could have many benefits to it, ushbu maqolani tekshiring to dive deeper into this subject.
  • Qayta ishlatmoq,chiqindilarni va bizning sayyoramizdagi atrof-muhitga ta'sirini kamaytirish uchun bir xil darajada muhim qadam, uni tashlab yuborish o'rniga, biror narsani qayta ishlatish - bu nafaqat atrof-muhitni tejash, balki o'zingiz aniq qilgan narsaga sarflagan pulingizni ham tejaydigan ajoyib variant. sotib olish shart emas. Bu chiqindilarni kamaytirishning eng maqbul usullaridan biridir, chunki odamlar buni iqtisodiy jihatdan rag'batlantiradilar.
  • Anaerob hazm qilish,Bu o'z-o'zidan qiziqarli mavzu va chiqindilarimizni qayta ishlashning ajoyib usuli bo'lib, u bakteriyalarga chiqindilarimizni muhrlangan idish yoki generatorda parchalashiga, biogaz yoki hazm qilish kabi turli xil yon mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarishga ruxsat berishdan iborat bo'lib, ularni yaratishda samarali material sifatida foydalanish mumkin. boshqa foydali mahsulotlar.
  • Kamaytirish,Bu chiqindilarni kamaytirishning eng oddiy usullaridan biridir, shunchaki keraksiz narsalarni iste'mol qilishni kamaytiring va siz umuman kamroq chiqindi ishlab chiqarasiz. Siz arzon konki bo'lishingiz shart emas, faqat sotib olishdan oldin o'ylab ko'rishingiz kerak (bunday qilishning ajoyib usuli - bu 7 kunlik qoidadan foydalanish, biror narsa sotib olishdan oldin 7 kun kuting, siz uni chindan ham xohlaysizmi yoki unga muhtojmisiz. , siz ko'pincha bir necha kun ichida buyumni xohlamay qo'yganingizdan hayratda qolasiz), nafaqat chiqindilarni kamaytirasiz, balki moliyaviy jihatdan ancha erkin bo'lishingiz mumkin.

Overall, these are the best and simple ways to reduce waste in your own home, we are going to go into more detail about all of them in a second, so you can learn more about them and how you can do them at home.

How To Reduce Waste At Home Sustainable Living

the three r's in a sustainable waste reduction plan

We have seen the best ways to reduce waste at home, and you may have noticed that many of the ways we have seen start with the letter R, that is no coincidence (or maybe it is), because they are part of the famous three R’s of a sustainable waste reduction, which are a great way of remembering the steps to take to live more sustainably, here is what you need to know:

The three R’s stand for Recycle, Reuse and Reduce, which is what we talked about before. Recycling, reusing, or reducing our consumption alone are great ways to improve our sustainability, but the real magic comes when we combine these all. If you can reduce your consumption, reuse the things you already own instead of throwing them away, and recycle your waste, you can really reduce your environmental footprint to a minimum.

So now you know, you can achieve the most out of products you own by implementing this simple and straightforward three R’s rule, but you may surely already know that, so why don’t we go to the next point?

The Three R's Of Reducing Waste Sustainable Living

composting and organic anaerobic digestion

The next step is to reduce the impact of your organic waste because even this type of waste has an environmental impact on our planet. You can do this by composting organic materials, which creates a natural nutrient-rich fertilizer that the plants need to thrive. We already have talked about this so let’s go to a very common question about composting and anaerobic digestion.

What is the difference between composting organic waste and anaerobic digestion? Javob oddiy, kompostlash organik chiqindilarni kislorod bilan parchalash jarayonidir, anaerob hazm qilish esa kislorod va havo bo'lmagan holda sodir bo'ladi. The process of decomposing is quite similar, as we have seen before.

Organik chiqindilaringizni tabiiy ravishda parchalash va o'zingiz uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan foydali metan va o'g'it ishlab chiqarish uchun uyda DIY Anaerob hazm qilish qurilmasini qanday yaratish mumkin? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is composed of thousands of photos, so you may be interested in this video that will show you just that:


We hope you have learned a lot today about how to reduce your waste because so did we. The most important takeaway is that it is not hard to achieve a sustainable lifestyle following these directions, you just have to start doing them, you will never reduce your environmental footprint if you don’t ever start doing something to change it.

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Shuningdek, siz uchun katta syurprizimiz bor!Biz sizga bizni yaxshiroq bilish huquqini berishni xohlayotganimiz sababli, biz haqimizda ehtiyotkorlik bilan ajratilgan sahifani tayyorladik, unda biz kimligimiz, bizning vazifamiz nimadan iboratligi, nima qilayotganimiz, jamoamiz bilan yaqindan tanishish va boshqa ko'p narsalarni aytib beramiz. narsalar!Ushbu imkoniyatni boy bermang vatekshirish uchun shu yerni bosing.Shuningdek, sizni taklif qilamizbizning holatimizga qarangPinterest,Bu erda biz har kungi barqaror moda bilan bog'liq kontentni, kiyim dizaynlarini va sizga albatta yoqadigan boshqa narsalarni joylashtiramiz!