sustainable fashion | how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

yintoni ifashoni ezinzileyo?

The Sustainable Fashion movement aims for sustainability in the fashion industry, strongly opposing Fast Fashion, a terrible business model that produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters, polluting our rivers and seas. Esi senzo soshishino sokubulala iplanethi sikwanoxanduva lokuthenga-n-ukuphosa kunye nenkcubeko yokuthenga ngokugqithisileyo engcolisa umhlaba wethu kunye namanzi ngeetoni zenkunkuma yelaphu, njengoko i-85% yazo zonke iimpahla zeFashion ezikhawulezayo ziphonswa ngonyaka ngamnye.

Sustainable Fashion differs from Slow Fashion in the path it takes to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, ukuthengisa okungcono,and supporting smaller businesses, while also caring for the sustainability and quality of its garments, Ifashoni eZinzileyo ibeka ubunzima obuthe kratya kwimpembelelo yendalo yempahla yayo, isebenzisa izinto eziphilayo, izinto eziphinda zisetyenziswe njenge-organic ring-spun cotton kunye nezinye imathiriyeli enokubola ngokusingqongileyo.

Ekupheleni kosuku, zonke ezi ntshukumo ezichasene nefashoni zifuna ukufezekisa into efanayo, zihluke nje kwindlela abayithathayo kunye noko bakugqala kubaluleke kakhulu. Umzekelo, iFashion Ethical igxile ngakumbi kwintlalontle yabasebenzi belaphu, who are exploited in the Fast Fashion industry with inhumane wages and terrible working conditions, many times reaching modern slavery.

how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

In recent years, customers have been informing themselves about the repercussions of their fashion choices on our world and the terrible consequences of Fast Fashion on the environment and our society. This has led to an increase in sustainable garments, slow fashion brands, and more, which is great. Not only that, some big brands have even changed how they operate so they can become more environmentally friendly.

Many sustainable fashion brands have been born since then in order to fight Fast Fashion and offer a sustainable and ethical choice for customers. However, these brands are still small and do not have a lot of clients,because customers are not yet informed o the subject and do not turn to Sustainable Fashion because they don’t even know it exists and why it’s so important. Nevertheless, it’s a good start and in the future, the fashion industry is going to become much more sustainable than today, which is strictly necessary if we don’t want to destroy our world permanently.

Big brands, and even Fast Fashion brands, have been making a few changes in the way they operate so they can become more sustainable. However, these changes are usually not enough and in some cases, like Zara, it’s as if they aren’t doing anything, which is something we will going to talk about right now.

How Is The Fashion Industry Becoming More Sustainable Fashion?

what is greenwashing?

This increased awareness in the customers that now seek cleaner, more eco-friendly, sustainable fashion options, is a great thing that is reforming the planet-killing fashion industry, but it has also come with some cons, one of them is Greenwashing, a shameless practice that we will explain in a second.

Greenwashing is a practice in which brands try to look environmentally friendly and sustainable without doing anything regarding the subject, using Sustainable Fashion to their advantage with malicious intent. This is obviously extremely immoral, and yet some brands are doing it without even trying to hide it.

Brands like Zara or even SHEIN, the creator of the ultra-fast fashion production model, are „trying” to greenwash their harmful activities by telling their customers they care about the environment or that they will take measures in the future without any evidence of them even trying to do so. Customers have to be conscious and use critical thinking in these situations and not any brand fool them in that way.

what are some of the best sustainable fashion brands?

However, even with these problems with the sustainable fashion movement like greenwashing, there are a lot of brands who are trying to make a difference by offering customers real options so they can change their fashion habits for the better. Having said this, here are the best Sustainable Fashion brands that you can buy online now:

    • Igrama NYC:

      This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with IFESHINIengqondweni. Ekuphela kwento embi ngolu phawu lixabiso layo, elinokuthi liphakame kakhulu, kodwa ubuncinci umgangatho kunye nokuzinza kuhambelana nexabiso kakhulu. Ungandwendwela ivenkile yaboApha.


    • Ikhefu leentsuku ezimbini:

      Esi venkile sisebenzisa iimpahla eziveliswa kweli lizwe, ezendalo ezenziwe ngemathiriyeli ehlaziyiweyo. Basebenzisa ilinen, umqhaphu, uboya kunye nehemp kwiimveliso zabo. Lnje ngeyokugqibela, ixabiso ayingomandla abo, kodwa banikezela ngempahla yoqobo kunye nesitayile. Ungandwendwela ivenkile yaboApha.


    • ABLE:

      Olu phawu lweFashoni eSlow Ethical inempahla kunye nezixhobo ezenziwe ngokufanelekileyo ngabenzi kwihlabathi liphela. Bathatha inyathelo elikhulu kwindlela yokubeka elubala kwishishini lefashoni ngokupapasha imivuzo yabo. Iimpahla zabo zifikeleleka ngakumbi kunezinye iibrendi kodwa azikho xabiso liphantsi njengoko umntu ebengathanda. Ungandwendwela ivenkile yaboApha.


    • Valani:

      Olu phawu lwempahla olunemibala olusekwe kwisityalo ludala uninzi lwempahla yabasetyhini ubomi obulula. Iimpahla zeValani eziphuphayo zenziwe ngeentsinga ezinempembelelo ephantsi njenge-hemp, i-Tencel, kunye ne-banana viscose, efana neentsuku ezimbini zokuvala. Ukongeza, uphawu lusebenzisa iindlela zobuchule zokusika kwaye luphinda lusebenzise izilahlwa zelaphu ukunciphisa inkunkuma. Baneempahla ezimibalabala ngokwenene ekufuneka uzijongeApha.


  • PLEA:

    Olu luphawu lwethu! Nathi sinikezela ngempahla yefashoni ecothayo ezinzileyo onokuthi uyithenge. Sigxile kakhulu kwiihempe, iihoodies, kunye nezixhobo, kodwa zikwixabiso elifikelelekayo, kwaye ayiphelelanga apho, kodwa sinikezela ngempahla enokwenziwa ngokwezifiso, Injalo loo nto! Unokwenza i-t shirt yesiko, i-hoodie, okanye izincedisi ukuze emva koko sizenze kwaye sizithumele kuwe kuba sisebenzisa indlela yohlaziyo engabandakanyi ukwenza iitoni zeempahla ngaphambi kokuba uzithengise, sivelisa nje ngomyalelo! Ungajonga kwivenkile yethuApha.

These are some of the best small brands, Sustainable Fashion brands that sell their items online. This goes to show that there are still some available options for customers to change their fashion habits for the better. Anyways, as we have said before, you don’t have to go all crazy with Sustainable Fashion, a small change today makes a big difference tomorrow, and the biggest change you have to make is deciding to inform yourself on the subject.

What Are Some Of The Best Sustainable Fashion Brands?


We hope you have learned something today and that you put this information into good practice, as we just said, the biggest change you have made is deciding to become informed, which is the best step of them all, because only when consumers become aware of this fashion problem will they change their habits for the better ditching the planet-killing Fast Fashion.

Siyavuya ukufundisa abantu kwihlabathi liphela 🙂 Kwakhona,Ubuyazi ngenene ukuba yintoni iFashoni ekhawulezayo kunye neziphumo zayo ezimbi kokusingqongileyo, iplanethi, abasebenzi, uluntu kunye noqoqosho?Ngaba uyazi kakuhle ukuba yintoni iFashoni eSlow okanye intshukumo yeFashoni eZinzileyo?Kuya kufuneka ujonge la manqaku malunga nesi sihloko silityelweyo kwaye esingaziwayo kodwa singxamiseke kakhulu kwaye sibalulekile,cofa apha ukuze ufunde "Ngaba iFashoni inokuze iZinze?", okanyeIFashoni ekhawulezayo 101 | Iyonakalisa njani iplanethi yethukuba ulwazi lelinye lawona mandla anamandla onokuthi ube nawo, ngelixa ukungazi bobona buthathaka bakho.

Sikwanayo nesimangaliso esikhulu kuwe!Ngenxa yokuba sifuna ukukunika ilungelo lokusazi ngcono, silungiselele ngononophelo malunga nathi iphepha apho siya kukuxelela ukuba singoobani, yintoni injongo yethu, into esiyenzayo, ukujonga ngokusondeleyo kwiqela lethu, kunye nokunye okuninzi. izinto!Ungaphoswa leli thuba kwayecofa apha ukuze uyijonge.Kwakhona, sikumema ukubajonga wethuPinterest,apho siya kuqhobosha yonke imihla umxholo ohambelana nefashoni, uyilo lwempahla, kunye nezinye izinto oya kuzithanda ngokuqinisekileyo!