sustainable fashion | how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?


永續時尚運動旨在實現時尚產業的永續發展,強烈反對快時尚這是一種可怕的商業模式,產生了世界10%的溫室氣體排放量和全球20%的廢水,污染了我們的河流和海洋。這種毀滅地球的商業行為也是造成買即扔和過度消費主義文化的原因,這種文化用大量的紡織廢料污染了我們的土壤和水, 每年 85% 的快時尚服裝都會被丟棄。

永續時尚與慢時尚的不同之處在於它在時尚產業實現永續發展的途徑, while Slow Fashion focuses more on clothes that are produced with slower manufacturing cycles, 公平貿易,並支持小型企業,同時也關心其服裝的可持續性和質量,永續時尚更重視其服裝對生態的影響,使用有機可回收材料,如有機環錠紡棉和其他環保的可生物降解材料。

歸根結底,所有這些反快時尚運動都想實現同樣的目標,只是他們所採取的道路以及他們認為更重要的事情有所不同。例如,Ethical Fashion更關注紡織工人的福利,他們在快時尚產業中受到不人道的工資和惡劣的工作條件的剝削,很多時候淪為現代奴隸。

how is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?

In recent years, customers have been informing themselves about the repercussions of their fashion choices on our world and the terrible consequences of Fast Fashion on the environment and our society. This has led to an increase in sustainable garments, slow fashion brands, and more, which is great. Not only that, some big brands have even changed how they operate so they can become more environmentally friendly.

Many sustainable fashion brands have been born since then in order to fight Fast Fashion and offer a sustainable and ethical choice for customers. However, these brands are still small and do not have a lot of clients,because customers are not yet informed o the subject and do not turn to Sustainable Fashion because they don’t even know it exists and why it’s so important. Nevertheless, it’s a good start and in the future, the fashion industry is going to become much more sustainable than today, which is strictly necessary if we don’t want to destroy our world permanently.

Big brands, and even Fast Fashion brands, have been making a few changes in the way they operate so they can become more sustainable. However, these changes are usually not enough and in some cases, like 札拉, it’s as if they aren’t doing anything, which is something we will going to talk about right now.

How Is The Fashion Industry Becoming More Sustainable Fashion?

what is greenwashing?

This increased awareness in the customers that now seek cleaner, more eco-friendly, sustainable fashion options, is a great thing that is reforming the planet-killing fashion industry, but it has also come with some cons, one of them is Greenwashing, a shameless practice that we will explain in a second.

Greenwashing is a practice in which brands try to look environmentally friendly and sustainable without doing anything regarding the subject, using Sustainable Fashion to their advantage with malicious intent. This is obviously extremely immoral, and yet some brands are doing it without even trying to hide it.

Brands like Zara or even SHEIN, the creator of the ultra-fast fashion production model, are „trying” to greenwash their harmful activities by telling their customers they care about the environment or that they will take measures in the future without any evidence of them even trying to do so. Customers have to be conscious and use critical thinking in these situations and not any brand fool them in that way.

what are some of the best sustainable fashion brands?

However, even with these problems with the sustainable fashion movement like greenwashing, there are a lot of brands who are trying to make a difference by offering customers real options so they can change their fashion habits for the better. Having said this, here are the best Sustainable Fashion brands that you can buy online now:

    • 紐約語法:

      This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with 時尚心裡。這個品牌唯一的缺點是它的價格,可以說非常高,但至少品質和可持續性與價格非常匹配。你可以去他們的店看看這裡


    • 休息兩天:

      This store uses locally produced, ecological clothes made with recycled materials. They use linen, cotton, wool, and hemp for their products. Like the last one, price is not their strength, but they do offer original and stylish clothing. You can visit their store 這裡


    • ABLE: 



    • 瓦拉尼:

      這個色彩繽紛的植物服裝品牌主要創造女性化的服裝,營造輕鬆的生活。 Valani 的夢幻服裝由大麻、天絲和香蕉粘膠等低影響纖維製成,有點像 Two Days Off。此外,該品牌還採用策略性裁剪技術並重複利用織物廢料,以最大限度地減少浪費。他們有非常色彩繽紛的衣服,你應該看看這裡


  • PLEA:

    這是我們自己的品牌!我們還提供您可以購買的可持續慢時尚服裝。我們主要專注於 T 卹、連帽衫和配件,但它們的價格很實惠,不僅如此,我們還提供可客製化的衣服,沒錯!您可以製作客製化 T 卹、連帽衫或配件,然後我們可以製作並將它們發送給您,因為我們使用革命性的方法,不需要在出售之前製作大量衣服,我們只是根據命令生產它們!您可以到我們店看看這裡

These are some of the best small brands, Sustainable Fashion brands that sell their items online. This goes to show that there are still some available options for customers to change their fashion habits for the better. Anyways, as we have said before, you don’t have to go all crazy with Sustainable Fashion, a small change today makes a big difference tomorrow, and the biggest change you have to make is deciding to inform yourself on the subject.

What Are Some Of The Best Sustainable Fashion Brands?


We hope you have learned something today and that you put this information into good practice, as we just said, the biggest change you have made is deciding to become informed, which is the best step of them all, because only when consumers become aware of this fashion problem will they change their habits for the better ditching the planet-killing Fast Fashion.

我們很高興能夠向世界各地的人們傳授知識 🙂 另外,你真的知道什麼是快時尚及其對環境、地球、工人、社會和經濟的可怕後果嗎?您確切知道慢時尚或永續時尚運動是什麼嗎?你真的應該看看這些關於這個被遺忘和未知但非常緊迫和重要的主題的文章,點擊此處閱讀“時尚能否永續發展?”, or 快時尚101 |它是如何摧毀我們的星球的因為知識是你可以擁有的最強大的優勢之一,而無知是你最大的弱點。
