how you can shop more sustainably and save the planet

what is a sustainable lifestyle? How to live sustainably?

Eminyakeni yamuva nje, sibone ukwanda kokwazi mayelana nokunyathela kwemvelo esikushiyayo kule planethi, njengempendulo kuyo yonke imiphumela yezenzo zethu zangaphambilini nezamanje ezinayo endaweni esizungezile.Akunakuphikwa umthelela esibe nawo kulo mhlaba, kanye nesidingo sokuwushintsha maduzane, futhi yilapho ukuphila okusimeme kuqala khona.

Kuyini ukuphila okuzinzile, ungase ubuze?Nokho, ukuphila ngendlela eqhubekayo kuhlanganisa izenzo esizenzayo ekuphileni kwethu kwansuku zonke ukuze sinciphise umthelela wethu wemvelo ube ubuncane., either by eating a sustainable diet, finding ways to reduce waste, consuming fewer things we don’t need… Ziningi izindlela esingakhetha kuzo uma kuziwa ekuphileni impilo eqhubekayo nenobungani nemvelo.

Sizokhuluma ngezindlela ezimbalwa ongakwenza ngazo lokho njengamanje ngokunethezeka kwekhaya lakhongoba ukuzuza indlela yokuphila esimeme akunzima neze, okumele ukwenze nje ukuba nentshisekelo nokunakekelwa ukuze uqale nje ukuguqula izenzo zakho.

Sengiphetha, indlela yokuphila esimeme yileyo ehlose ukunciphisa indawo yethu yemvelo kulo mhlaba, izwe esilibhubhisa ngokudabukisayo ngezenzo zethu zobudedengu nsuku zonke futhi esingeke sikwazi ukulishintsha.Sincoma kakhulu ukuthi uqale uhloleUngaba Kanjani Ukudla Okuzinzile Ekhaya. 

buy local | consider small businesses

One of the best ways to shop sustainably is to buy local, prioritizing small businesses. Not only are you helping your local economy, entrepreneurs, and small families that risk a lot just to fulfill your needs every day, but you are also buying from people that produce their goods and services sustainably.

This is because small farmers and other types of businesses use more sustainable practices to produce their products, and the local farmer cares for its stock and treats it a lot more ethically and sustainably, the same holds true for the crops they grow. You are also saving the environment by demanding products that do not require such large transportations that have quite a carbon footprint over the long run.

Overall, buying local is one of the best things you can do to shop more sustainably and ethically, and it is much easier to cut down your environmental footprint by just buying locally. Combine this with reducing the plastic packaging of the products you buy, and you got yourself a winner sustainable shopping strategy.

Buy Local And Prioritize Small Businesses For Living Sustainably

sustainable diet | shop for food sustainably

Ukudla okusimeme yilokho okugxile ekudleni ukudla okunempilo nakho okunomthelela omncane emvelweni futhi kune-carbon footprint ephansi. It’s a diet that even if it promotes a healthy living style, it does focus a lot more on the environmental impact our food choices have and plans to reduce them to a minimum improving the overall life of our society and future generations.

Lokho kungenxa yokuthi imboni yokudla yamanje ikhiqiza nxazonke 20% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and uses about two-thirds of the water usage worldwide, which is a tremendous amount even if we take into consideration how big of an industry this is (We all got to eat right?). 

You see now why many people are eating more sustainably and why it matters so much, but right now you may be wondering how you can begin to eat more sustainably from the comfort of your home, how you can begin to shop for food more sustainably, do not worry, luckily for you we have some tips so you can begin changing your environmentally unfriendly diet to an environmentally friendly and healthy one. Having said this, here are some tips so you can begin to shop for food more sustainably, with respect for the planet:

  • Yidla izithelo nemifino eminingi, lezi akuzona kuphela izinketho ezinempilo okufanele zibe ekudleni kwawo wonke umuntu, kodwa futhi zingenye yezinketho ezingcono kakhulu zemvelo ngaphandle lapho. Lokhu kukhiqiza ukukhishwa kwegesi ephansi kakhulu futhi kudinga izinsiza ezimbalwa kunezinye izinhlobo zokudla, ngakho-ke, zizwe ukhululekile ukudla izithelo nemifino eminingi ngendlela ofuna ngayo! Manje uyazi ukuthi kungani kwakufanele ulalele umama wakho lapho ekutshela ukuthi udle imifino yakho usemncane.
  • Gwema ukudla okugayiwe kakhulu, these are not only very bad for your health but their production and transportation have a big environmental footprint that you want to avoid taking part in. Always prioritize foods that are natural and unprocessed, you don’t have to exaggerate though (Don’t go out there eating vegetables directly out of the dirt).
  • Zama ukuthenga endaweni, as we said earlier, this is a great option because generally, it doesn’t matter as much what you eat because it is produced locally, on small farms, which always has a less environmental footprint than conventional supermarkets imported industrial foods, it also saves the carbon footprint transportation leaves. Plus, you are supporting small businesses from your local town or city, which is always a great thing.
  • Khetha ukudla kwasolwandle okuqhubekayo, marine life is a great choice for our diets, it has many great nutrients that improve our health and lifespan overall, however, you should be careful when choosing seafood. Overexploitation is a very big problem for marine life as a whole, so you should try to buy seafood grown with aquaculture or captured artisanally, which is a sustainable and conscious way of consuming seafood.
  • Yehlisa imfucuza yakho, buy only what you will eat and never throw out any food (this is a no-brainer), you should also compost the organic waste and avoid using plastics and single-use materials to package and store your food. This is a whole subject to talk about in itself, so if you want to learn more about it feel free to check the Isihloko seNhlangano Yezizwe mayelana nendlela yokunciphisa ukumosha ukudla kwakho.

These five tips on how to have a sustainable diet at home should work out fine, there are many other tips but as always we have presented you with the most important ones. Manje njengoba usuyazi ukuthi yini ongaqala ukuyenza ekhaya ukuze udle ngendlela efanele, sekuyisikhathi sokuthatha isinyathelo!

Did you know there are a ton of healthy and sustainable options for people that do not have the time or skills to cook a great meal, that delivers straight to your door every day? Read our article on the Sustainable Diet to find out!

slow fashion | how to fight fast fashion

One of the most important aspects of our lives that we need to change is how we treat the clothes we wear. Unfortunately, an alarmingly large amount of people do not know the real consequences that the current Fast Fashion industry has on our planet, most people do not even know what Fast Fashion is in the first place! So to refresh a little bit the subject, here is why Fast Fashion is destroying the planet:

Fast Fashion was born in the 90s, it is a business model that quickly tracks trends and turns them into clothes as fast as possible that are available for the customers to buy. It uses short manufacturing cycles that are very harmful to the environment and the workers and produces low-quality clothing that makes customers buy more and more, feeding consumerism and the buy-n-throw culture that pollutes our soil and waters with all the disposal that is generated from these thrown garments.

It produces 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 20% of global wastewaters that pollute rivers and seas. Furthermore, 85% of all Fast Fashion garments are thrown in landfills each year, which combined with the fact that these garments are made from harmful, synthetic, and non-biodegradable materials, is a very scary fact. What’s worse, its terrible quality clothes, which are usually made from polyester, decompose leaving microplastics that will further pollute our waters and soil.

Here is where Slow Fashion comes into play: This anti-fast fashion model focuses on producing clothes with respect for the environment, people, and society. It uses short manufacturing cycles and ukuhweba okulungile, which is a system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient, being the total opposite of Fast Fashion. This goes hand-in-hand with Ethical Fashion, respecting the workers and all the agents involved in the production process of the fashion garments.

Slow Fashion also searches for clothes that are produced with minimal environmental impact, and this is where Sustainable Fashion comes in. It searches for clothes that are made from biodegradable and organic materials, like organic ring-spun cotton and recycled materials, also producing high-quality garments avoiding unnecessary consumerism and the bu-n-throw culture that pollutes our soil and waters when the garments are thrown.

Overall, changing our fashion habits is one of the most important and forgotten things we need to do to achieve an environmentally friendly lifestyle and live sustainably, while also caring for our other fellow human beings and the future generations that will have to live on this wonderful and unique planet. We have a ton of articles regarding the matter, so feel free to check our blog out or just the articles linked in the summary 🙂

How To Sustainably Fight Fast Fashion And Choose Slow Fashion For The Planet


We hope you have learned a little bit more about how to live sustainably and more ethically. Living sustainably is not that hard, the only thing you need to do is to start, and inform yourself on how to sustainably change your day-to-day choices, only then you will be able to change your habits for the better.

Siyajabula ukufundisa abantu emhlabeni wonke 🙂 Futhi,bewazi ngempela ukuthi iyini ngempela Imfashini Esheshayo nemiphumela yayo emibi ngendawo ezungezile, iplanethi, abasebenzi, umphakathi, kanye nomnotho?Uyazi kahle ukuthi iyini iSlow Fashion noma iSustainable Fashion movement?Kufanele ngempela ubheke lezi zihloko mayelana nalesi sihloko esikhohliwe nesingaziwa kodwa esiphuthumayo nesibalulekile,chofoza lapha ukuze ufunde "Ingabe Imfashini Ike Ikwazi Ukusimama?",Imfashini Esimeme,Imfashini Yokuziphatha,Imfashini EpholilenomaImfashini Esheshayo 101 | Indlela Ecekela Ngayo Iplanethi Yethungoba ulwazi lungamandla anamandla kakhulu ongaba nawo, kanti ukungazi kuwubuthakathaka bakho obubi kakhulu.

Siphinde sibe nesimangaliso esikhulu kuwe!Ngenxa yokuthi sifuna ukukunikeza ilungelo lokusazi kangcono, silungiselele ikhasi elithi Mayelana Nathi elizinikele ngokucophelela lapho sizokutshela khona ukuthi singobani, yini injongo yethu, esikwenzayo, ukubhekisisa iqembu lethu, nokunye okuningi. izinto!Ungaphuthelwa leli thuba futhichofoza lapha ukuze ukuhlole.Futhi, sikumema ukuthibheka wethuI-Pinterest,lapho sizophina khona okuqukethwe kwansuku zonke okuhlobene nemfashini, imiklamo yezingubo, nezinye izinto ozozithanda ngokuqinisekile!