Sustainable Skeleton Sweatshirt | Eco-Friendly Organic Cotton Halloween Pullover with Vibrant Day of the Dead Design

Sustainable Skeleton Sweatshirt | Eco-Friendly Organic Cotton Halloween Pullover with Vibrant Day of the Dead Design


2 +29.67 $

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Celebrate the beauty of life and the art of sustainability with our Sustainable Skeleton Sweatshirt. As the nights draw in and the leaves turn golden, clothe yourself in comfort and conscience. This isn’t just a Halloween sweatshirt; it’s a commitment to Mother Earth and a tribute to timeless traditions.

Crafted from 🌱 80% organic cotton and 20% recycled polyester, our sweatshirt feels like a warm embrace from nature herself. With a 100% organic cotton exterior, you’re ensconced in pure, planet-friendly softness. Enjoy the Frenchy terry knit that hugs your skin, while the set-in sleeves and 2×2 rib at the collar add a touch of classic style to your spooky season wardrobe.

But it’s the dazzling design that will turn heads 👀. A fusion of life’s vibrancy and the poignant symbol of mortality, the skull at the center of our sweatshirt is a masterpiece. Split down the middle, one half bursts with the warm hues of life—yellows, oranges, and complimentary cool blues, evoking the joy of harvest and fall festivities. The other half, in turquoise, pink, and muted yellow, whispers of quieter times, reflective moments, and the coolness of twilight.

Feathers, leaves, and bursts of organic patterns radiate from the skull, resembling a headdress brimming with energy. Embrace the contrasts of life and afterlife, celebration and remembrance, as you don this wearable art, perfect for Halloween outings or as a centerpiece for your last-minute costume creativity.

Stylish, yet spooky, our Sustainable Skeleton Sweatshirt is the embodiment of eco-conscious fashion. Ideal for those seeking a sexy skeleton hoodie or a salem broom company statement piece, it’s versatile enough for pirate costumes or chilling at home in spooky style. And for those in search of plus-size Halloween comfort—look no further.

Infuse every day with a touch of Halloween magic 🎃. Embrace our skeleton sweatshirt as a daily reminder that choosing sustainable fashion truly makes a difference. Whether you’re out trick-or-treating, reveling in a Day of the Dead parade, or keeping it casual with jeans, our sweatshirt is here to declare your love for the planet and passion for the eerie.

Join us in a fashion revolution with a sweatshirt that’s as thoughtful as it is thrilling. Make your mark this Halloween 🦇 and beyond. Shop now and show the world that style, substance, and sustainability can share the same shroud.

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2 +29.67 $

*Die Menge bezieht sich auf die Gesamtmenge der reduzierten Artikel (Produkte mit Rabatt) im Warenkorb.

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