
PLEA | Ħwejjeġ tal-Moda Sostenibbli u Etiċi

The image presents a highly stylized artistic rendering of a T-shirt that appears to fuse the worlds of graphic design, fashion, and natural topography. The shirt itself lays flat and extends across most of the image, with its fabric manipulated to resemble the undulating layers of a topographical map. A gradient of colors flows down the shirt, starting with an arid tan at the collar and transforming through rich browns, greens, and blues, finally culminating in a deep marine hue at the hem. Each ripple of fabric is shaded to give the illusion of a three-dimensional landscape of rolling hills, valleys, and canyons.\n\nAround the shirt, the graphics evoke the interface of a design software program, with tools and palettes arranged neatly to suggest that the shirt\'s appearance can be customized to the user\'s desire. On the left of the shirt, various textures and elements of flora—moss, leaves, and grass—are showcased, each adding to the overall theme of nature and sustainability. On the right, a digital color palette offers a spectrum of options, alongside icons relating to fabric care, ecological certifications, and customizable attributes, reinforcing the garment\'s environmentally friendly credentials.\n\nWords on the image label various elements such as "Customizable," "100% Cotton," and "Eco Friendly," suggesting a commitment to personalization and ecological responsibility. As a whole, the image communicates a forward-thinking vision where fashion intersects with technological innovation and ecological consciousness. It invites the viewer to imagine clothing as not just a form of self-expression, but also as a canvas for their values and for the beauty of the natural world.

Kont taf Fast Fashion...?

Ta 'drenaġġ globali huwa miż-żebgħa tad-drapp tiegħu.
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Biljun jintilef kull sena minħabba l-użu mhux ħażin tal-ħwejjeġ.
$ 0
Ta 'ilma huwa użat biex jagħmel qmis wieħed tal-qoton fast-fashion.
0 Liters
Mit-tessuti kollha tagħha jmorru f'landfills jew inċineraturi.
0 %

Skopri Stil Sostenibbli

Ħej hemm eko-ġellieda! Merħba għal PLEA, l-aqwa waqfa tiegħek għalħjut stylish li ma jiswewx id-dinja.L-għan tagħna? Biex tagħmel ħwejjeġ sostenibbli fabulously divertenti u crazy-faċli għall-blat.

Qed nitkellmu tees tal-qoton organiku super artab u disinji eċċellenti li jagħtu lill-ilbies tiegħek dak il-qawwa żejda. U aqta xiex? Bħalissa noffrul-għażla coolest ta 't-shirts eko-friendly madwar.

Il-firxiet unisex tagħna huma magħmula ġusti u kwadri taħt ix-xemx, mill-bidu sat-tmiem. Qed nitkellmu ħwejjeġ leġittimi li tħossok tajjeb li tista’ turi bi kburija. Għax li nħarsu lejn it-titjir U li nieħdu ħsieb il-pjaneta hija essenzjali fi żminijiet diffiċli tagħna.

Allura x'qed tistenna?Ingħaqad mal-moviment u erġa' agħmel sexy sostenibbli! We’re making it easier than ever to stay fashionable with mother nature in mind. Let’s do this!

Min aħna

PLEA inbeda minn Orlando, il-fundatur intrepid tagħna fuq missjoni biex isalva lid-dinja tee waħda kull darba.Bdejna bħala grupp umli ta' dilettanti ekoloġiċi, iddisinjaw ħwejjeġ b'qoton organiku u prattiċi sostenibbli. Issa aħna daqsxejn akbar imma nibqgħu impenjati lejn l-għeruq ħodor tagħna. Aħna nsegwu bir-reqqa l-impronta ċkejkna tagħna tal-karbonju u niżraw is-siġar meta nħossuna speċjalment virtuż.

L-għan tagħna huwa li nipprovdu attivisti tal-moda bil-mod li jkunu jafu l-istil, bħalek, b'għażliet ekoloġiċilil hinn min-norma tal-fast fashion li jniġġes. Għax inti tagħżel moda sostenibbli hija pass eqreb lejn is-sostenibbiltà.Billi tagħżel il-qomos tagħna fuq dawk ta' SHEIN, int waħdek tippermetti l-produzzjoni etika tagħna u tnaqqas l-iskart. T-shirt aħdar għalik = ilbies wieħed inqas li jagħmel ħsara lill-ambjent.

So be the hero this planet needs. Learn more about how PLEA and the Earth are counting on you to steer fashion toward a sustainable future in our About Us page. No pressure though 😉

Who are are PLEA

Ċertifikat ta' sostenibbiltà GOTS

Mhux tagħbija? Iċċekkjaminn fejn ġejjin il-ħwejjeġ tagħna?Fejn niddiskutu s-sostenibbiltà tal-fornituri tagħna

Meet Our Team

Aħna tim żgħir iżda qawwi li qed nistinkaw biex insuqu s-sostenibbiltà fl-industrija globali tal-moda. Għalkemm il-kumpanija tagħna għadha żgħira fid-daqs, l-impenn tagħna għal ilbies etiku u ekoloġiku huwa immens. Għadna niġġieldu kuljum għas-sostenibbiltà fl-industrija tal-moda u biex inkunu kuntenti permezz tad-disinji tal-flokkijiet tagħna u l-prodotti tal-għaġeb 🙂

Alessandra Oichia

Web Designer tal-biża'

Eu la nuntă

Giovanny Orlando Giuliano Dîlja (Orlando)

Fundatur ta' PLEA u CEO

Deușan Mihai from PLEA.RO looking at horizon sitting on his Mazda car.

Mihai Alin Deușan

Żviluppatur tal-Web tas-sengħa

Miriam Alina Ceuță

Intelligent Marketing Manager

Rocky Murcia looking at the sun with sunglasses in Romania, Hasdeu in the city of Cluj Napoca.

José Antonio Elías Subiela

Direttur tad-Dipartiment tal-Immaġini u Espert taċ-Ċibersigurtà

Pablo Escribano holding a medal from a marathon competition in the city of Cluj Napoca, Romania. He is smiling while proudly hoding his medal.

Pablo Escribano Ruiz

Web Development Master

Pablo Algaba posing with his head upwards in a formal way looking at the camera for a professional photograph.

Pablo Algaba Bejgħ

Traduttur u kittieb professjonali


Filip Axinte

Tester tal-Prodott U Professjonali għat-Titjib

Oskar dressed in a formal attire in what seems to be a family event, outside, in a bodyguard pose while smiling.

Óskar Fabián Verdejo

Gradwat fix-xjenza tal-kompjuter u professjonali web server

il-missjoni tagħna

Many popular brands nowadays use underpaid labor and promote terrible quality products that will end up in landfills months later. And still, their expensive clothes don’t let you express your unique style that makes you special.

Il-missjoni tagħna hija li tagħmel l-espressjoni personali faċli permezz ta 'kwotazzjonijiet u disinji ta' t-shirts eċċellenti u relatabbli. Bi qomos u hoodies li jġibu l-għajn bi prezzijiet ġusti, aħna ngħinuk taqsam dak li jagħmlek, int.

Aħna nagħżlu materjali ta’ kwalità sabiex il-ħwejjeġ tagħna jirriflettu l-valuri tiegħek ta’ sostenibbiltà u kwalità,użajna ċirku mibrum qotonf'uħud mill-flokkijiet tagħna iżda għamilna tranżizzjoni għal 100% qoton organiku, li huwa sostenibbli u durabbli. U nipprezzaw b'mod responsabbli għax l-espressjoni personali u s-sostenibbiltà m'għandhomx ikunu biss għall-għonja.

Iżda dan imur lil hinn mill-ħwejjeġ. Il-moda mgħaġġla tweġġa’ kemm lin-nies kif ukoll lill-pjaneta. Aħna nipprovdu alternattiva li hija aħjar għat-tnejn billi nipproduċu b'mod etiku u sostenibbli.

Kull xiri jappoġġja l-missjoni tagħna eko-konxja. Imma ma nistgħux nirnexxu mingħajrek. Flimkien, klijenti konxji u marki jistgħu jagħmlu differenza reali. L-għażliet tiegħek huma importanti – ħalli l-gwardarobba tiegħek jirrifletti dak li jimpurtak minnu.

Blog tal-Moda Sostenibbli

Esplora Dinja ta' Stil Sostenibbli: Il-Blog Slow Fashion tagħna

Għaddas fil-fond fl-isfera mesmerizing tal-moda sostenibbli u etika bil-“Slow Fashion Blog” tagħna aġġornat regolarment. Hawnhekk, naqsmu artikli illuminanti u pariri dwar l-istil, kollha ċċentrata fuq il-prinċipju tas-sostenibbiltà. Jekk int interessat f'futur tal-moda li jonora l-pjaneta tagħna, hawn issib rikkezza ta' ispirazzjoni u għarfien.

Ftakar li tiċċekkja l-aħħar ġbir ta’ post tagħna hawn taħt u toqgħodx lura milli tingħaqad mal-komunità dejjem tikber tagħna ta’ dilettanti tal-moda li jaħsbuha l-istess. Ikklikkja fuq 'Mur fil-Blog' biex tibda l-vjaġġ eċċitanti tiegħek lejn għażla ta' stil ta' ħajja stylish u responsabbli.

Best green sweatshirts in 2024: Imagine an enchanting forest scene with dappled sunlight filtering through vibrant green leaves. A solitary green sweatshirt, impeccably folded, rests on a moss-covered rock, blending seamlessly with the lush surroundings. The play of shadows and highlights accentuates the fabric's texture, creating an irresistible visual contrast. This captivating image promises a harmonious blend of nature and style.
Ħwejjeġ Sostenibbli: Iħaddnu l-Bidla għal Moda favur l-Ambjent

L-Aħjar Sweatshirts Ħodor fl-2024: Taħlita ta’ Kumdità u Sostenibbiltà

L-Aħjar Sweatshirts Ħodor fl-2024: Taħlita ta’ Kumdità u Sostenibbiltà Merħba fl-orizzont żmerald tal-moda fejn is-sostenibbiltà tiltaqa’ ma’ stil.

Aqra Mmineral
Best Men's Black Sweatshirts of 2024: Imagine an atmospheric cityscape at dusk, with stylish silhouettes blending into the urban backdrop. The city lights casting a warm glow on the scene, creating a captivating contrast with the darkness. The individuals are strategically positioned, showcasing the unique details of their black sweatshirts. The image exudes a modern, sophisticated vibe, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the allure of both fashion and urban aesthetics.
Ħwejjeġ Sostenibbli: Iħaddnu l-Bidla għal Moda favur l-Ambjent

Best Men’s Black Sweatshirts of 2024: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Style

Best Men’s Black Sweatshirts of 2024: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Style When it comes to timeless fashion, black sweatshirts are the undefeated

Aqra Mmineral
Coolest sweatshirts for men in 2024: An image that transcends conventional norms. Abstract shapes, bold strokes, and a harmonious blend of colors should convey the essence of the coolest men's sweatshirts in 2024. Opt for a visually captivating composition that sparks intrigue and creativity, leaving room for individual interpretation. The absence of faces adds an enigmatic touch, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in the artistic allure of contemporary fashion.
Ħwejjeġ Sostenibbli: Iħaddnu l-Bidla għal Moda favur l-Ambjent

Coolest Sweatshirts for Men in 2024

Coolest Sweatshirts for Men in 2024 Key Takeaways Discover sustainable and stylish men’s sweatshirts for 2024. Learn about the eco-friendly

Aqra Mmineral
Best love sweatshirt in 2024: Picture a dreamy backdrop of a cozy, dimly lit room, illuminated by the soft glow of fairy lights. Placed center stage is a neatly folded, vibrant graphic love sweatshirt, creating an inviting focal point. Shadows play on the textured fabric, highlighting intricate details and creating a warm ambiance. The subtle interplay of light and color sets the mood for a stylish and heartfelt journey into the world of love-infused fashion.
Ħwejjeġ Sostenibbli: Iħaddnu l-Bidla għal Moda favur l-Ambjent

Best Graphic Love Sweatshirts in 2024

Best Graphic Love Sweatshirts in 2024 Key Takeaways: Love-themed graphic sweatshirts are a warm trend in 2024. PLEA offers a curated selection of

Aqra Mmineral
Best Ski Sweatshirts for Winter in 2024: Combining Comfort With Sustainable Fashion. Captures the essence of winter bliss, showcasing a picturesque snowy mountain landscape. In the foreground, a cozy ski lodge with smoke gently rising from the chimney sets the scene. Dotted with skiers clad in stylish ski sweatshirts, the image exudes warmth and sustainable fashion against the backdrop of a serene winter wonderland.
Ħwejjeġ Sostenibbli: Iħaddnu l-Bidla għal Moda favur l-Ambjent

L-Aħjar Sweatshirts tal-Iski għax-Xitwa fl-2024: Tgħaqqad il-Kumdità Mal-Moda Sostenibbli

L-Aħjar Sweatshirts ta' l-Iski għax-Xitwa fl-2024: Tgħaqqad il-Kumdità Ma' Moda Sostenibbli Ewlenin Takeaways L-importanza tal-qoton organiku sostenibbli

Aqra Mmineral
an inviting winter scene with a diverse array of eco-friendly hoodies. Against a backdrop of gently falling snow, the hoodies, made from sustainable materials, are artfully arranged in a pleasing composition. Earthy tones and rich hues pop against the snowy background, showcasing the fashionable yet environmentally conscious appeal of these winter essentials. Each hoodie boasts unique design elements, and the interplay of natural light and shadows accentuates the textures, creating a visually appealing snapshot of style and sustainability.

L-Aqwa Hoodies tax-Xitwa għan-Nisa fl-2024: Tħaddan Sħan ta’ Stil u Sostenibbiltà

L-Aqwa Hoodies tax-Xitwa għan-Nisa fl-2024: Tħaddan Sħan ta' Stil u Sostenibbiltà Takeaways Ewlenin PLEA ta' hoodies tax-xitwa għan-nisa

Aqra Mmineral

Kont taf?

Tista' tikseb 20%DISCOUNTfuq kull xiri u ħafna affarijiet oħra billi tingħaqad fil-komunità tagħna għalB'XEJN?

Titlifx minn dan il-ftehim ġeneruż! Huwa litteralmentB'XEJN!