Retro Roller Skate Wings Sweatshirt | Unisex Organic Cotton Blend | 80s & 90s Vintage-Inspired Skateboarding Sweater | Sustainable Fashion | Cozy Eco-Friendly Pullovers for Men & Women

Retro Roller Skate Wings Sweatshirt | Unisex Organic Cotton Blend | 80s & 90s Vintage-Inspired Skateboarding Sweater | Sustainable Fashion | Cozy Eco-Friendly Pullovers for Men & Women

Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +29.67 $

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Id-daqsijiet jikkorrispondu għal daqs iżgħar fis-suq tal-Istati Uniti, għalhekk il-klijenti tal-Istati Uniti għandhom jordnaw daqs 'il fuq.

Immerse yourself in the nostalgic splendor of our Retro Roller Skate Wings Sweatshirt. Inspired by the vibrant era of disco and roller-skating, this unisex sweatshirt is not just a garment – it’s a statement of sustainable style. Crafted from a luxurious blend of 80% organic cotton and 20% recycled polyester, this piece promises a future-friendly fashion choice without compromising on comfort.

Wrap yourself in the 100% organic cotton exterior, designed to bring you a touch of environmental consciousness with each wear. The sweatshirt’s French terry knit offers a soft feel reminiscent of your favorite vintage find, while the classic set-in sleeves and the snug 2×2 rib at the collar ensure a timeless fit.

The central artwork is a feast for the eyes – an oversized, electric blue roller skate with neon pink laces and a dazzling array of stars reminisce the iconic disco ball sparkle. Unfurling from the skate are rainbow-hued wings symbolizing the freedom of movement and expression. Above, ‘Disco Fever’ in a quintessential 70s typeface encapsulates the soul of this exhilarating era.

The city’s nighttime silhouette subtly backgrounds an explosion of stars, further capturing the urban glitz of those who lived for the night. As you flaunt this sweatshirt, you’ll wear more than an eye-catching design; you’ll don the legacy of groovy beats and endless roller rink circuits.

Ideal for anyone seeking a unique blend of cool, retro aesthetics and modern sustainability, our Retro Roller Skate Wings Sweatshirt is more than an item of clothing – it’s a journey back in time powered by today’s eco-conscious strides. Gathering the charm of retro vintage sweatshirts and cool hoodies for both men and women, this sweater becomes an essential addition to any wardrobe that values planet-conscious choices and standout style.

Care instructions: To help protect the planet even after purchase, we recommend washing in cold water, inside out, and with like colors. Tumble dry on low or hang to keep your sweatshirt looking its best and reducing your carbon footprint. Note that the blank product is sourced from Bangladesh, ensuring ethical manufacturing standards.

Kindle a connection with yesteryears’ revel while wrapping up in the warmth of an eco-conscious future, because wearing our Retro Roller Skate Wings Sweatshirt isn’t just a style choice—it’s a part of a movement. A movement towards a world where fashion is as kind to the earth as it is bold and expressive. Join us, and let your attire sing a song of sustainability and fun. 🌿🛼✨

Dan il-prodott huwa magħmul apposta għalik hekk kif tagħmel ordni, u huwa għalhekk li nieħdu ftit itwal biex inwassluh lilek. Mli tieħu prodotti fuq talba minflok bl-ingrossa jgħin biex titnaqqas il-produzzjoni żejda, għalhekk nirringrazzjak talli ħadt deċiżjonijiet ta' xiri bil-ħsieb!


Skontijiet ta' Kwantità

2 +29.67 $

* Il-kwantità tirreferi għal oġġetti skontati (prodotti bi skont) kwantità totali fuq il-karrettun.

Gwida tad-Daqs
Ippersonalizza d-Disinn Tiegħek

Ċertifikat ta' Sostenibbiltà GOTS

2+ Raġuni ta' Skont

Ħej hemm! Aġġornament ta' malajr biss - m'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn fuq il-prodotti kollha. Madankollu, ilna għal ftit żmien noffru skont għall-klijenti li jixtru żewġ prodotti jew aktar. Dan ir-roħs ġie introdott fil-bidu minħabba li l-ispiża biex jitwassal prodott addizzjonali kienet ferm inqas mill-ewwel wieħed. Issa li ma noffrux tbaħħir b'xejn ma jagħmilx sens li għad teżisti, iżda ddeċidejna li nżommuh, għalhekk mhux biss se tibbenefika minn spejjeż imnaqqsa tat-tbaħħir, iżda tirċievi wkoll skont meta tixtri 2+ prodotti. Grazzi tal-appoġġ kontinwu tiegħek!

Għaliex ma tibqax toffri tbaħħir b'xejn?

M'għadniex kapaċi noffru tbaħħir b'xejn mhux biss minħabba prezzijiet ogħla iżda wkoll minħabba li l-ispiża finali tal-prodott għall-klijent spiċċat ferm ogħla milli suppost (Minħabba li l-ogħla spejjeż tat-tbaħħir minn klijenti potenzjali 'l bogħod ttieħdu f' kont). Naħsbu wkoll li huwa ħafna aħjar li nħallsu l-prezz tat-tbaħħir apparti minflok ma nħallsu d-doppju tal-ammont inkluż fil-prezz, anke jekk naqblu li l-ħlas tat-tbaħħir huwa spjaċevoli (Iżda kompletament meħtieġ, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, xi ħadd qed joffri servizz sabiex ma jkollokx għalfejn tiċċaqlaq muskolu biex tikseb il-prodott).

Nista' nippersonalizza t-T shirt / hoodie?

Iva! Tista’ tissottometti immaġni personalizzata u ttella’ billi tikklikkja fuq il-“Personalize Design” ħdejn il-buttuna “Żid Mal-Cart”. Imma ma tistax ittella 'l-ebda disinn li jista' jkollu l-awtur jew it-trademark, għandek ittella' tiegħek.

Kif inkun naf jekk il-flokk / hoodie jaqbilx lili?

Hemm gwida tad-daqs ipprovduta fuq il-buttuna "Żid Mal-Cart". Iżda d-daqsijiet kultant jistgħu jvarjaw, u l-prodott jista 'potenzjalment ikun żgħir wisq, huwa rari iżda jiġri.

Jekk m'intix ċert jekk jaqbilx huwa rakkomandat li tagħżel id-daqs akbar.

Kif nuża kodiċi tal-kupun?

Il-kodiċijiet tal-kupun huma sottomessi fuq il-paġna tal-checkout. Tista 'tikseb kodiċi tal-kupun u skontijiet primarjament billi tissieħeb fil-komunità tagħna b'xejn. Laqla aktar dwar danhawn.


S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.

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