are hoodies unprofessional?

when are hoodies invented?

连帽服装可以追溯到中世纪,甚至更早。 This comes from the indisputable need of creating a clothing item that offers protection for the head too.

然而,连帽运动衫或 hoodies that we know today weren’t created until the 1930s when the clothing brand Champion created the first hooded sweatshirt designed to keep New York warehouse workers warm from the cold winter.

This clothing item became popular during the 70s, because of the growing hip-hop culture and famous celebrities, which made this garment, especially popular among young men.如果您想了解更多有关连帽衫的历史,请访问此关于连帽衫何时发明的文章,或者只是去阅读维基百科如果你是这样的话。

who wears hoodies?

Hoodies became very popular among young people, especially young rebellious men. That is because the hip-hop culture was using them as a symbol, and young rebellious teens were all wearing hoodies, which subliminally made us relate hoodies to bad boys, rebellious teens, adventurous young people… Hoodies symbolize youthfulness. 

This has changed however, the comfortable nature of hoodies has skyrocketed their popularity and now we can see people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds wearing these garments, breaking the stereotype of the grumpy edgy teenager that wears hoodies all the time.

In conclusion, hoodies have become a vital part of our closet, they have solved a millennial problem with regular sweatshirts, they have brought too much comfort into our lives… We cannot live without them.

Young men wear hoodies

is it bad to wear hoodies all the time?

Hoodies are the ultimate apparel, they keep you warm and cozy in winter and they can also keep you relatively fresh in the summer, they are fashionable, they make us confident, comfortable… 

So no, wearing hoodies all the time is nothing to be ashamed of, everyone wears them for many reasons, but don’t exaggerate either, wearing hoodies when it’s 100ºF or 38ºC outside is strange and potentially dangerous.

You should also keep in mind the context, wearing a hoodie is not always appropriate depending on the situation you’re in, that’s what we will talk about next.

are hoodies unprofessional?

A hoodie is a casual type of garment, made to be comfortable, stylish, lightweight… You can say it is a clothing item made for the streets, something natural considering its history and how it became popular because of the hip-hop culture adopting it in the 70s.

Depending on where you work and the context, a hoodie may be considered too casual to be worn, too informal, which can be great if you’re a personal trainer but it’s unwanted if you work in a bank or other serious company.

In conclusion, a hoodie is unprofessional if the place you work at requires you to display a serious, strictly professional image, like an insurance or banking company. However, if your job requires you to have a friendly, casual image then the hoodie can be a great choice to achieve that, it all depends on the context, all you need to know is that the hoodie is an informal, casual garment made for wearing at home or in the street.

Are hoodies informal


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