what are some fast fashion brands?

패스트 패션이 뭐야?

Fast Fashion can be explained as cheap, in-vogue clothing that takes ideas from the catwalk or high-fashion culture and 지속 가능성에 관계없이 구매자의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 위험할 정도로 빠르게 매장에서 의류 품목으로 변환합니다.

The idea is to get the freshest styles available as quickly as possible conceivable, so customers can eat them up while they are currently at the peak of their fame and afterward, tragically, dispose of them after a couple of wears. 이는 패스트 패션을 세계 온실가스 배출량의 10%를 배출하는 세계 최대의 오염원 중 하나로 만든 유해한 오염, 독성 폐기물, 과잉 생산 및 활용의 중요한 부분을 구성합니다.

패스트 패션과 그것이 우리 사회에 미치는 영향에 대해 더 알고 싶다면, check the article is fast fashion a social issue?

What are some of the fast fashion brands?

We all know how bad Fast Fashion really is and why it needs to be stopped, but if you still don’t know we advise you to read 패스트 패션이 나쁜 이유.

Having said this, how many of the most popular brands actually sell fast fashion? Well, sadly most big fashion stores today sell fast fashion, some of them are even pioneers in this unethical practice.

Here are some of the most popular Fast Fashion stores:

  • 인디텍스 그룹, we put the whole Inditex fashion group here, which owns brands like Zara or Pull&Bear because they all revolve around Fast Fashion, not only that, Zara is even the pioneer in this unethical business practice and that’s the reason why many people are avoiding buying from them.
  • 프리마크, this Irish company is well-known for its extremely cheap (and poor quality) clothes. This is one of the living Fast Fashion examples to avoid. Some time ago they were involved in a scandal where they supposedly used child labor in third world countries, although we can’t and will not confirm that (we prefer not to get a lawsuit).
  • Shein, this brand takes Fast Fashion to a whole other level, we may even e able to say that they have invented the Ultra-Fast Fashion, selling extremely cheap clothes of dreadful quality by the ton. This is a very interesting topic on its own, so we invite you to read about Shein의 초고속 패션 모델.
  • M앙고, this brand is popular in many countries, and its clothes are worn by many people worldwide. However, its Fast Fashion practices have led them to be part of the Rana Plaza factory collapse which took the lives of many factory workers, which shows the bad working conditions they are in.
  • 어번 아웃 피터스, this fast fashion brand is also known for considering textile workers’ rights as optional and producing cheap fast fashion clothes. Also, worse than that is that they have also been flagged for stealing designs from independent small creators for their own benefit, which is completely unethical.

Sadly, there are many many more examples of Fast Fashion brands, but we have named you some of them and the most important ones. Although many of them say to start transitioning to a more sustainable fashion business model, most of the time these are just empty words, and unfortunately, they do nothing to become sustainable.

What are some of the fast fashion brands?

examples of slow fashion brands

We have seen some of the most popular Fast Fashion brands, but now, what are some of the Slow or Sustainable fashion brands?

Not all hope is lost, and sustainable fashion is becoming more relevant as people become aware of how their shopping habits can harm the environment, people, and the economy. Today, we don’t necessarily have a lot of Slow Fashion brands but we do have some you can buy from, and the good thing is, you can purchase their clothes online!

Having said this, here are the best Sustainable Fashion Brands you can buy from:

  • 문법 뉴욕:This beautiful store sells one of the best clothes out there, not only do they use the best quality materials, but they also make their designs with 패션마음에. 이 브랜드의 유일한 나쁜 점은 가격이 매우 높다는 점이지만, 적어도 품질과 지속 가능성은 가격과 크게 일치합니다. 해당 매장을 방문하실 수 있습니다.여기.
  • 2일 휴무:이 매장은 재활용 소재로 만든 지역 생산 친환경 의류를 사용합니다. 그들은 제품에 린넨, 면, 양모, 대마를 사용합니다. L마지막과 마찬가지로 가격이 강점은 아니지만 독창적이고 세련된 의류를 제공합니다. 해당 매장을 방문하실 수 있습니다.여기.
  • ABLE:윤리적인 슬로우 패션 브랜드로 전 세계 메이커들이 공정하게 제작한 의류와 액세서리를 보유하고 있습니다. 이들은 임금을 공개해 패션업계 투명성을 높이는 데 큰 발걸음을 내딛고 있다. 그들의 옷은 다른 브랜드보다 저렴하지만 여전히 원하는 만큼 저렴하지는 않습니다. 해당 매장을 방문하실 수 있습니다.여기.
  • 발라니:이 컬러풀한 식물 기반 의류 브랜드는 보다 가벼운 생활을 위한 주로 여성스러운 의류를 만듭니다. Valani의 몽환적인 의상은 대마, 텐셀, 바나나 비스코스와 같은 저충격 섬유로 만들어졌습니다. 이는 Two Days Off와 약간 비슷합니다. 또한 이 브랜드는 전략적 재단 기술을 사용하고 원단 스크랩을 재사용하여 낭비를 최소화합니다. 꼭 확인해 봐야 할 정말 컬러풀한 옷들이 있어요여기.
  • PLEA:이것은 우리 자신의 브랜드입니다! 우리는 또한 여러분이 구입할 수 있는 지속 가능한 슬로우 패션 의류를 제공합니다. 저희는 주로 티셔츠, 후드티, 악세서리에 중점을 두는데 가격도 저렴하고, 그뿐만 아니라 맞춤 제작 가능한 옷도 제공하고 있어요, 그렇죠! 맞춤형 티셔츠, 후드티 또는 액세서리를 제작하여 제작하여 보내드릴 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 저희는 판매하기 전에 수많은 옷을 제작하지 않고 주문에 따라 제작하는 혁신적인 방법을 사용하기 때문입니다! 저희 매장을 확인하실 수 있습니다여기.

To sum it up, we do have a lot of choices literally in the palm of our hands, so there is no excuse other than not having enough money to quit buying Fast Fashion. Either way, if you want to know more about what you can do for sustainable fashion even if you don’t have money, check out how to do slow fashion.

how can we tell the difference?

If you encounter any brand and you don’t know enough about their background and what business practices they stand for, we have some tips that may help you out.

Here are some tips for knowing if a brand is Fast Fashion or Slow Fashion:

  • Investigate the brand, read articles about them, and read the news to find out about their business morals and practices.
  • Look into their website, and see if they disclose how they treat their workers and if they use sustainable materials for their clothes.
  • Read customer reviews and unbiased articles that may clarify any doubts about the brand.
  • Use common sense, if the clothes the brand is offering are too cheap, they are probably outsourcing their costs onto the environment and their workers, as a fashion store has to pay a LOT of costs, like marketing, shipping, paying wages, the clothes themselves are a small piece of the brand’s costs.
How can we tell the difference between fast fashion and sustainable fashion?


We covered what Fast Fashion is, some of the most popular Fast Fashion brands, some of the best Sustainable Fashion brands, and how you can begin to change your fashion habits for the better. Having given you this valuable information, we hope you put it to best practice.

오늘 여러분이 많은 것을 배웠기를 바랍니다. 전 세계 사람들에게 가르칠 수 있어서 기쁩니다 :). 그런데,패스트 패션이 환경, 사람, 경제에 미치는 끔찍한 결과에 대해 알고 계십니까? 슬로우 패션(Slow Fashion), 지속 가능한 패션(Sustainable Fashion) 운동이 무엇인지 아시나요? 알려지지 않았지만 긴급한 주제에 관한 이 기사를 읽어야 합니다. "패션은 지속 가능할까요?"를 읽으려면 여기를 클릭하세요., 지식은 힘이고 무지는 파멸입니다.

우리는 또한 당신을 위한 큰 놀라움을 준비했습니다!우리는 우리가 누구인지, 무엇을 하는지, 사명, 팀 등을 알려줄 회사 소개 페이지를 신중하게 준비했습니다!이 기회를 놓치지 마세요그리고확인하려면 여기를 클릭하세요.. 또한, 당신은 우리를 방문할 수 있습니다핀터레스트에서는 여러분이 반드시 좋아할 지속 가능한 패션 관련 콘텐츠와 의류 디자인을 소개합니다.