
PLEA | Zovala Zosasunthika & Zoyenera

The image presents a highly stylized artistic rendering of a T-shirt that appears to fuse the worlds of graphic design, fashion, and natural topography. The shirt itself lays flat and extends across most of the image, with its fabric manipulated to resemble the undulating layers of a topographical map. A gradient of colors flows down the shirt, starting with an arid tan at the collar and transforming through rich browns, greens, and blues, finally culminating in a deep marine hue at the hem. Each ripple of fabric is shaded to give the illusion of a three-dimensional landscape of rolling hills, valleys, and canyons.\n\nAround the shirt, the graphics evoke the interface of a design software program, with tools and palettes arranged neatly to suggest that the shirt\'s appearance can be customized to the user\'s desire. On the left of the shirt, various textures and elements of flora—moss, leaves, and grass—are showcased, each adding to the overall theme of nature and sustainability. On the right, a digital color palette offers a spectrum of options, alongside icons relating to fabric care, ecological certifications, and customizable attributes, reinforcing the garment\'s environmentally friendly credentials.\n\nWords on the image label various elements such as "Customizable," "100% Cotton," and "Eco Friendly," suggesting a commitment to personalization and ecological responsibility. As a whole, the image communicates a forward-thinking vision where fashion intersects with technological innovation and ecological consciousness. It invites the viewer to imagine clothing as not just a form of self-expression, but also as a canvas for their values and for the beauty of the natural world.

Kodi mumadziwa Fast Fashion...?

Madzi otayira padziko lonse lapansi amachokera ku utoto wake wa nsalu.
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Mabiliyoni amatayika chaka chilichonse chifukwa chogwiritsa ntchito moperewera zovala.
$ 0
Madzi amagwiritsidwa ntchito kupanga malaya a thonje othamanga kwambiri.
0 Liters
Mwazovala zake zonse zimapita kumalo otayiramo zinyalala kapena zowotcha.
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Dziwani Mawonekedwe Okhazikika

Hei, ankhondo a eco! Takulandirani ku PLEA, malo anu apamwambaulusi wotsogola zomwe sizimawononga dziko lapansi.Cholinga chathu? Kupanga zovala zokhazikika kukhala zosangalatsa komanso zopenga-zosavuta kuzigwedeza.

Tikulankhula za mathalauza a thonje ofewa kwambiri komanso mapangidwe abwino kwambiri omwe angapatse chovala chanu kuti chiwonjezeke. Ndipo mukuganiza chiyani? Tikupereka panokusankha kozizira kwambiri kwa ma t-shirts ochezeka kuzungulira.

Mipikisano yathu ya unisex imapangidwa mwachilungamo komanso yozungulira pansi padzuwa, kuyambira koyambira mpaka kumapeto. Tikulankhula zovomerezeka zodzimva-zabwino zomwe mutha kuziwonetsa ndi kunyada. Chifukwa kuyang'ana ntchentche NDI kusamalira dziko lapansi ndikofunikira m'nthawi yathu yovuta.

Ndiye mukuyembekezera chiyani?Lowani nawo gululi ndikupanganso kukhala okhazikika! We’re making it easier than ever to stay fashionable with mother nature in mind. Let’s do this!

Ndife Ndani

PLEA idayambitsidwa ndi Orlando, woyambitsa wathu wolimba mtima pa ntchito yopulumutsa dziko limodzi panthawi imodzi.Tinayamba ngati gulu lodzichepetsa la okonda zachilengedwe, kupanga zovala ndi thonje lachilengedwe komanso machitidwe okhazikika. Ndife okulirapo tsopano koma tikhala odzipereka ku mizu yobiriwira. Timatsata mosamalitsa kaphatikizidwe kathu kakang'ono ka kaboni ndikubzala mitengo tikakhala kuti ndi yabwino kwambiri.

Cholinga chathu ndikupatsa okonda mafashoni odekha pang'onopang'ono, monga inuyo, ndi ma eco-optionskupitirira chizolowezi choipitsa chofulumira. Chifukwa kusankha mafashoni okhazikika ndi gawo loyandikira kukhazikika.Posankha malaya athu kuposa ochokera ku SHEIN, mumathandizira pawokhapaokha kupanga zathu zamakhalidwe abwino ndikuchepetsa zinyalala. T-sheti imodzi yobiriwira kwa inu = chovala chimodzi chosavulaza chilengedwe.

So be the hero this planet needs. Learn more about how PLEA and the Earth are counting on you to steer fashion toward a sustainable future in our About Us page. No pressure though 😉

Who are are PLEA

Satifiketi yokhazikika ya GOTS

Osatsegula? OnaniZovala zathu zimachokera kuti?Kumene timakambilana za kukhazikika kwa opereka athu

Meet Our Team

Ndife gulu laling'ono koma lamphamvu lomwe likuyesetsa kuyendetsa kukhazikika pamakampani opanga mafashoni padziko lonse lapansi. Ngakhale kampani yathu ikadali yaying'ono, kudzipereka kwathu pazovala zamakhalidwe abwino komanso zokondera zachilengedwe ndikwambiri. Timamenyerabe tsiku lililonse kuti mukhale okhazikika mumakampani opanga mafashoni ndikukupangitsani kukhala osangalala kudzera m'mapangidwe athu a t-shirt ndi zinthu zodabwitsa 🙂

Alessandra Oichia

Wopanga Webusayiti Wodabwitsa

Eu la nuntă

Giovanny Orlando Giuliano Dîlja (Orlando)

Woyambitsa PLEA ndi CEO

Deușan Mihai from PLEA.RO looking at horizon sitting on his Mazda car.

Mihai Alin Deușan

Wopanga Webusaiti Waluso

Miriam Alina Ceuță

Intelligent Marketing Manager

Rocky Murcia looking at the sun with sunglasses in Romania, Hasdeu in the city of Cluj Napoca.

José Antonio Elias Subiela

Mtsogoleri wa Dipatimenti ya Zithunzi ndi Katswiri wa Cybersecurity

Pablo Escribano holding a medal from a marathon competition in the city of Cluj Napoca, Romania. He is smiling while proudly hoding his medal.

Pablo Escribano Ruiz

Web Development Master

Pablo Algaba posing with his head upwards in a formal way looking at the camera for a professional photograph.

Pablo Algaba Sales

Womasulira ndi katswiri wolemba makopera


Filip Axinte

Product Tester And Improvement Professional

Oskar dressed in a formal attire in what seems to be a family event, outside, in a bodyguard pose while smiling.

Wolemba Fabian Verdejo

Omaliza maphunziro a sayansi yamakompyuta komanso akatswiri pa seva yapaintaneti

ntchito yathu

Many popular brands nowadays use underpaid labor and promote terrible quality products that will end up in landfills months later. And still, their expensive clothes don’t let you express your unique style that makes you special.

Cholinga chathu ndikupangitsa kudziwonetsera kukhala kosavuta pogwiritsa ntchito ma t-sheti abwino komanso ogwirizana ndi mapangidwe ake. Ndi malaya okopa maso ndi ma hoodies pamitengo yabwino, timakuthandizani kugawana zomwe zimakupangitsani inu, inu.

Timasankha zida zabwino kuti zovala zathu ziwonetsere zomwe mumafunikira pakukhazikika komanso mtundu,tinkagwiritsa ntchito thonje wopota ndi mphetemu ma t-shirt athu ena koma tidasinthira ku thonje lachilengedwe la 100%, lomwe ndi lokhazikika komanso lolimba. Ndipo timagula zinthu moyenera chifukwa kudziwonetsera tokha komanso kukhazikika sikuyenera kukhala kwa olemera okha.

Koma izi zimaposa zovala. Mafashoni othamanga amavulaza anthu komanso dziko lapansi. Timapereka njira ina yomwe ili yabwinoko popanga moyenera komanso mokhazikika.

Kugula kulikonse kumathandizira ntchito yathu yoganizira zachilengedwe. Koma sitingapambane popanda inu. Pamodzi, makasitomala osamala ndi ma brand amatha kupanga kusiyana kwenikweni. Zosankha zanu ndizofunikira - lolani zovala zanu ziwonetse zomwe mumasamala.

Sustainable Fashion Blog

Onani Zadziko Lamawonekedwe Okhazikika: Blog Yathu Yapang'onopang'ono

Lowani m'malo osangalatsa a mafashoni okhazikika komanso abwino ndi "Slow Fashion Blog" yomwe imasinthidwa pafupipafupi. Pano, tikugawana zolemba zowunikira ndi malangizo a kalembedwe, onse okhazikika pa mfundo yokhazikika. Ngati mukufuna tsogolo labwino lomwe limalemekeza dziko lathu lapansi, mupeza kudzoza ndi chidziwitso chambiri apa.

Kumbukirani kuti muwone zomwe tasonkhanitsa posachedwa ndipo musazengereze kujowina gulu lathu lomwe likukula la okonda mafashoni. Dinani pa 'Pitani ku Blog' kuti muyambe ulendo wanu wosangalatsa wofuna kukhala ndi moyo wabwino komanso wodalirika.

A playful arrangement of vibrant, oversized sweatshirts adorned with adorable teddy bear motifs set against a backdrop of fluffy clouds and a hint of sparkle. The image should convey warmth, style, and the irresistible charm of these trendy garments, enticing readers to delve into the exciting world of the best teddy bear sweatshirts awaiting them in the upcoming year.
Zovala Zokhazikika: Landirani Kusintha kwa Mafashoni Ogwirizana ndi Zachilengedwe

Unveiling the Best Teddy Bear Sweatshirts in 2024

Unveiling the Best Teddy Bear Sweatshirts in 2024 In a world inundated with fast fashion, PLEA emerges as a beacon for the conscious consumer.

Werengani M ore
The Best Space Hoodies: Astronomy-Inspired Apparel for 2024. This is a sleek, dark background with a galaxy or cosmic nebula as the backdrop. In the foreground, there's a beautifully designed space hoodie, featuring intricate celestial patterns, constellations, or planetary elements. The hoodie should be well-lit to highlight its details, with a subtle glow emanating from the cosmic design. This captivating visual would convey the theme of astronomy-inspired fashion, inviting readers to explore the celestial allure of space-themed hoodies without any text or faces to maintain a clean and elegant appearance.

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Kodi mumadziwa?

Mutha kupeza 20%DISCOUNTpa kugula kulikonse ndi zinthu zina zambiri polowa m'dera lathuULERE?

Osataya mwayi wamtengo wapataliwu! Ndi kwenikweniULERE!