How to do slow fashion
With many more people becoming aware of their carbon footprint, the fashion dilemma is beginning to find its way into society, which is good. If you want to know more about the slow vs fast fashion dilemma check out slow vs fast fashion
The thing is, the fashion industry is the second-largest polluter in the world just after the oil industry. And the environmental damage is increasing as the industry grows. Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams. What’s more, 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year (UNECE, 2018), and washing some types of clothes sends a significant amount of microplastics into the ocean.
That is why, many more people are choosing the slow fashion alternative, which is not only much better for the environment and the people, but also better for the customer. Today, we will show you how you can turn your polluting and unethical fashion habits into a sustainable and ethical way of life, without sacrificing money, time, or style, but actually gaining time, style, and eventually money.
Buy from sustainable clothing brands
This one is a little bit obvious, but often unenforced. You should buy from brands you trust and know that are using ethical practices to make their clothes, which are very rare actually.
Even if it’s tempting to buy a $6 pair of jeans from H&M, you’re here for a reason, and that is stopping one of the worst business practices in our modern times, Fast fashion. You already know the terrible outcomes of consuming fast fashion if you are reading this, so why still buy fast fashion?
If you want to know some of the best brands that sell slow fashion, check out what is slow fashion, where we talk about them.

how to do slow fashion at home
You already know how to do slow fashion at the store, it’s pretty straightforward, but, How to do slow fashion at home?
Consider if you already have too many clothes, according to a survey of 1000 American women, the average woman has 103 items of clothing in her closet, but she only wears around 10% of them and considers 21% to be unwearable 33 % too tight and 24% too loose.
One of the best rules to know if you have too many clothes is the 3 W’s rule. When you see an item of clothing for the first time in an undisclosed amount of time and you ask yourself What? When? From Who? then you know you have too many clothes that you don’t need.
Don’t feel guilty if you do have many clothes, you may be wearing every one of those items because you’re someone who loves expressing themselves through clothes, but you shouldn’t have so many clothes that you forget about them after a few uses either.
The 30 Day rule
One of the best rules that can teach you how to do slow fashion while shopping is the 30 Day Rule, basically, whenever you decide to buy some clothing product ask yourself „Will I wear it a minimum of 30 times?” if the answer is truly yes, then go on. You will be surprised to know how many times you say no.

Donate clothes
If you’re wondering how to do slow fashion when your closed is almost going to explode from handling so many clothes to dress an entire village, don’t worry, there is a great thing you can do with all the clothes that you don’t need.
You should donate, why? because it’s great for the planet, the number of clothes that are thrown in the landfill is huge, especially as there’s no need for any clothing or textiles to make its way into a bin. By donating your clothes instead, you can help fight landfill, reduce demand for resource-hungry new clothes, and have a real impact in making fashion more sustainable.
The garment industry is one of the largest carbon polluters on planet Earth, and one of the greatest producers of waste. Three out of five of the 100 billion garments made in 2018 will end up in landfills within a year.
And when consumers throw away clothing in the garbage, not only does it waste money and resources, but it can take 200+ years for the materials to decompose in a landfill. During the decomposition process, textiles generate greenhouse methane gas and leach toxic chemicals and dyes into the groundwater and our soil.
We hope you have learned how to do slow fashion and put this information into practice. The biggest problem about slow fashion and why no one knows how to do slow fashion is because no one even knows what slow or fast fashion means, and that is why we want to spread the word, a blog post at a time.
We are surprised such a small amount of people are informed about the dangers of fast fashion to this world considering its horrible impact on our world.
Anyway, knowing how to do slow fashion, why don’t you take a look at our About Us page that we prepared just for you? In it we explain to you how we started, our mission, our team, and many more things you don’ want to miss out on.

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