can sustainable living be a realistic goal (essays of the sustainable lifestyle blogger)

دوامداره ژوند څه شی دی؟

په دې وروستیو کلونو کې، موږ د چاپیریال د نقشې په اړه مخ په زیاتیدونکي شعور لیدلي چې موږ په دې سیارټ کې پریږدو، د ټولو هغو پایلو په ځواب کې چې زموږ تیر او اوسني عملونه زموږ په شاوخوا چاپیریال کې لري.دا د نه منلو وړ ده چې موږ په دې نړۍ اغیزه کړې، او د دې اړتیا چې ژر تر ژره بدل شي، او دا هغه ځای دی چې پایښت لرونکي ژوند لوبې ته راځي.

دوامداره ژوند څه شی دی، تاسو شاید پوښتنه وکړئ؟ښه، په دوامداره توګه ژوند کول د هغه کړنو څخه عبارت دي چې موږ یې په ورځني ژوند کې ترسره کوو ترڅو زموږ د چاپیریال اغیز لږ تر لږه کم کړو.، یا د دوامدار رژیم په خوړلو سره ، د ضایعاتو کمولو لپاره لارې موندل ، د لږو شیانو مصرف کول چې موږ ورته اړتیا نه لرو ...زموږ لپاره ډیری اختیارونه شتون لري چې غوره یې کړو کله چې دا د ډیر دوامدار او چاپیریال دوستانه ژوند کولو ژوند کولو خبره راځي.

موږ به د یو څو لارو په اړه وغږیږو چې تاسو یې همدا اوس د خپل کور آرامۍ څخه کولی شئځکه چې د دوامدار ژوند طرز ترلاسه کول هیڅ سخت ندي ، تاسو ټول باید د خپلو کړنو بدلولو لپاره علاقه او پاملرنه ولرئ.

په پایله کې، یو باثباته ژوند طرز هغه دی چې موخه یې په دې سیارټ کې زموږ د چاپیریال اغیز کمول دي، یوه نړۍ چې موږ په خواشینۍ سره هره ورځ زموږ د بې پروایی کړنو سره ویجاړ کوو او داسې یو چې موږ یې هیڅکله بدل نه شو کولی.موږ په کلکه وړاندیز کوو چې تاسو لومړی وګورئپه کور کې د دوامداره تغذیه کولو څرنګوالی. 

can achieving a sustainable lifestyle be a realistic goal?

Many people think about the dreadful environmental situation that our world lives in today, as a consequence of our careless and selfish everyday choices that we do not seem to even care about; and they begin something called green anxiety,feeling totally overwhelmed and not knowing what to do to solve the problem or if it’s even solvable at all, to begin with.

If you feel like this, do not worry, achieving a sustainable lifestyle is not something impossible to do, you can even argue it is quite easy as long as you are barely committed and interested in changing your day-to-day choices. Every little action you make is a big change for the planet over the long run, so do not feel like your actions are worthless because they are not 😉

So, a big takeaway is that achieving a sustainable lifestyle is not hard, it is quite simple, and the hardest step in achieving sustainable living is actually starting, from then on it will be very easy for you to keep up your sustainable life choices.

Can Achieving A Sustainable Lifestyle Be Achievable Sustainable Living

the best ways to achieve a sustainable lifestyle

You should already know that achieving a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle is absolutely possible, and it is not as hard as many people think it is. But, how exactly can you begin to change your habits in order to achieve sustainable living? Here are the best options to achieve a sustainable lifestyle right now:

1. Sustainable Diet

A sustainable diet is one that is focused on eating healthy food that also has little impact on the environment and has a low carbon footprint. It’s a diet that even if it promotes a healthy living style, it does focus a lot more on the environmental impact our food choices have and plans to reduce them to a minimum improving the overall life of our society and future generations.

But you may be thinking about how you can begin to eat more sustainably from the comfort of your home, do not worry, luckily for you we have some tips so you can begin changing your environmentally unfriendly diet to an environmentally friendly and healthy one. د دې ویلو سره، دلته ځینې لارښوونې دي نو تاسو کولی شئ په کور کې دوامداره خواړه وخورئ:

  • ډیرې میوې او سبزیجات وخورئ، دا نه یوازې صحي انتخابونه دي چې باید د هرچا په رژیم کې وي ، مګر دا یو له غوره چاپیریال سره دوستانه انتخابونه هم دي. دا د ګازو خورا ټیټ اخراج تولیدوي او د نورو ډولونو خواړو په پرتله لږو سرچینو ته اړتیا لري ، نو د دې لپاره وړیا احساس وکړئ څومره چې میوې او سبزیجات غواړئ وخورئ! اوس تاسو پوهیږئ چې ولې تاسو باید خپلې مور ته غوږ نیولی وای کله چې هغې تاسو ته وویل چې سبزیجات وخورئ کله چې تاسو کوچني یاست.
  • د خورا پروسس شوي خواړو څخه ډډه وکړئ ،دا نه یوازې ستاسو د روغتیا لپاره خورا بد دي بلکه د دوی تولید او ترانسپورت لوی چاپیریالي پدیده لري چې تاسو یې غواړئ له برخه اخیستو څخه ډډه وکړئ. تل طبیعي او غیر پروسس شوي خواړو ته لومړیتوب ورکړئ ، تاسو اړتیا نلرئ چې مبالغه ونکړئ) هلته سبزیجات په مستقیم ډول له خځلو څخه خورئ).
  • هڅه وکړئ په محلي توګه پیرود وکړئ،لکه څنګه چې موږ مخکې وویل، دا یو غوره انتخاب دی ځکه چې په عمومي توګه، دا مهمه نده چې تاسو څه خوري ځکه چې دا په محلي توګه تولید کیږي، په کوچنیو فارمونو کې، چې تل د دودیزو سوپر مارکیټونو وارد شوي صنعتي خواړو په پرتله د چاپیریال کمه نښه لري، دا هم خوندي کوي. د کاربن فوټ پرنټ ټرانسپورټ پاڼي. برسیره پردې، تاسو د خپل محلي ښار یا ښار څخه د کوچني سوداګرۍ مالتړ کوئ، کوم چې تل یو ښه شی دی.
  • دوامداره سمندري غذا غوره کړئ،سمندري ژوند زموږ د رژیم لپاره غوره انتخاب دی ، دا ډیری عالي مغذي توکي لري چې زموږ روغتیا او په ټولیز ډول ژوند ته وده ورکوي ، په هرصورت ، تاسو باید د سمندري غذا غوره کولو کې محتاط اوسئ. له حده زیات استخراج په ټوله کې د سمندري ژوند لپاره یوه لویه ستونزه ده، نو تاسو باید هڅه وکړئ د سمندري غذا پیرود وکړئ چې د آبي کرنې سره کرل شوي یا په هنري ډول نیول شوي، کوم چې د سمندري غذا مصرف کولو دوامداره او شعوري لاره ده.
  • خپل ضایعات کم کړئ،یوازې هغه څه واخلئ چې تاسو به یې وخورئ او هیڅکله خواړه مه اخلئ (دا بې دماغي ده)، تاسو باید عضوي کثافات هم کمپوسټ کړئ او د خپل خوراکي توکو بسته کولو او ذخیره کولو لپاره د پلاستيک او یوځل کارول شوي موادو کارولو څخه ډډه وکړئ. دا یوه بشپړه موضوع ده چې په اړه یې پخپله خبرې وکړئ، نو که تاسو غواړئ د دې په اړه نور معلومات زده کړئ نو وړیا احساس وکړئ چې وګورئد ملګرو ملتونو مقاله په دې اړه چې څنګه ستاسو د خواړو ضایع کم کړئ.

دا پنځه لارښوونې چې څنګه په کور کې د دوامداره رژیم درلودو په اړه باید ښه کار وکړي، ډیری نور لارښوونې شتون لري مګر د تل په څیر موږ تاسو ته خورا مهم وړاندې کړي.Now that you know what you can begin doing at home to eat more sustainably, it is time to take action! Read about Sustainable Diets more in detail by checking our article about it.

2. Reducing Your Waste

There are many ways to achieve a sustainable lifestyle, one of them is of course reducing our waste, one of the most polluting and material byproducts of our existence. Doing so is no easy task either, but with just a few small changes in our habits, we can achieve a massive change for the better in this world. Having said this, here are the best ways to reduce waste and live more sustainably at home:

  • Recycle, one of the best ways of handling the waste we produce is by recycling it. Not only do we make sure our waste is not going to further pollute our rivers, seas, waters, and soil, but we also make sure that we give a second life to the waste, reducing the necessity to create more materials that will end up polluting our planet even more. Check out how easy it is to recycle with the Environmental Protection Agency’s article.
  • Compost, this is a great way of handling organic waste, like banana peels, coffee grounds and filters, eggshells… By composting at home you can make sure that your organic waste is not taking up unnecessary space in the landfill, and resources to transport it to the landfill, but also avoid polluting the air with methane that is produced in the landfill. Not only that, but you are also creating a new type of soil enrichment full of nutrients that help new plants grow and thrive, without the need for potentially harmful fertilizers and other man-made nutrients. Overall, composting is something that is really worth doing at home and could have many benefits to it, دا مقاله وګورئ to dive deeper into this subject.
  • Reuse, an equally important step to reduce waste and the environmental impact we have on this planet, reusing something instead of throwing it out is an excellent option, saving not only the environment but also saving you money that you would have spent on something that you clearly did not need to buy. This is one of the most preferred methods of reducing waste, as people are economically incentivized to do it.
  • Anaerobic Digestion, this is a pretty interesting topic in itself and an awesome way to handle our waste, it consists of letting bacteria decompose our waste in a sealed container or generator, producing various byproducts like biogas or digestate that could be used as productive materials in the creation of other useful products.
  • Reduce, this is one of the most straightforward of all these ways to reduce waste, simply reduce your consumption of things you do not need and you will produce less waste overall. You don’t have to be a cheapskate, you only have to think before you buy (a great way to do that is using the 7-day rule, wait 7 days before you buy something to see if you really want it or need it, you will be surprised most of the time you stop wanting the item in just a few days), not only will you reduce waste, but you can be a lot more financially free.

Overall, these are the best and simple ways to reduce waste in your own home, we are going to go into more detail about all of them in a second, so you can learn more about them and how you can do them at home.

What better way to sustainably get rid of the things you do not need while also getting money for them than selling them online! You can buy and sell all kinds of items right now at AliexPress, check it now from دا لینک (Affiliate Link), and you may find the item you were looking for all of this time.

3. Read For The Environment

One of the best ways of helping the environment and becoming a lot more sustainable is to inform yourself. It is simple to understand why: you will never change your habits for the better and become more sustainable if you do not know why or how to do it, that is one of the biggest problems in our world right now that need to be changed.

Read more articles on a sustainable lifestyle, how to become more environmentally friendly, etc. Proof that you probably do not know as much as you think you do, do you know what Fast Fashion is and why it is one of the most pollutant industries in the world, yet almost no one knows about it? If you did know, congratulations! But sadly the majority of people still have no idea of the transcendence of the fashion industry in our world. We advise you to read about it in our tens of articles on the subject, links are in the Summary.

An equally important thing is to spread awareness and talk with your friends and family from time to time about the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. Many people do not even know why a sustainable lifestyle is needed at all, which is quite a bit worrying, to say the least.

Overall, the best way to become sustainable is to get informed and inform others, because if people knew and comprehended the real transcendence of our actions on the world, everyone would be doing their best to reduce their carbon footprint and we wouldn’t be worrying that our planet will become inhabitable in the near future.

The Best Ways To Achieve Sustainable Living

how to begin to construct a sustainable living lifestyle

You know now the best ways to achieve a sustainable lifestyle from your own home, but how to actually begin to do all of that? Where can we start to change our life choices for the better for the environment and future generations?

Glad you asked that question, it might be a little overwhelming at first, but you do not have to start all in at the same time, as we said earlier, it is the little changes in your day-to-day life that makes a very big difference in the future. And the combined effort of all us can make the ultimate difference that we need to save this planet.

So you can begin by cutting down a little bit of plastic use today, finding healthier diet alternatives tomorrow, and reading and informing yourself more about the environment… The things you can do are endless, and you do not have to do them all at once, so feel free to take your time.

And what better way to practice reading than with Blinkist! This wonderful service gives you access to more than 5,000 nonfiction books and 40 titles added each month that will help you cultivate your mind like never before, and it even lets you listen to these books if you don’t have the time to read. Check this link out and receive a free trial and a 20% discount if you want to buy this service! (Affiliate Link)

How To Begin To Construct A Sustainable Lifestyle Sustainable Living


We hope you have learned a lot today from this article, the main takeaway is that achieving a sustainable lifestyle is not something out of this world, it is perfectly achievable by anyone and all it takes is to begin changing your habits for the better. You also have to be careful not to fall on green anxiety, as there is no reason you should feel guilty for doing your best to improve this planet.

موږ خوشحاله یو چې په ټوله نړۍ کې خلکو ته درس ورکړو 🙂 همدارنګه،ایا تاسو واقعیا پوهیږئ چې فاسټ فیشن واقعیا څه دی او د چاپیریال ، سیارې ، کارګرانو ، ټولنې او اقتصاد لپاره یې ناوړه پایلې؟ایا تاسو واقعیا پوهیږئ چې ورو فیشن یا دوامداره فیشن حرکت څه شی دی؟تاسو باید واقعیا د دې هیر شوي او نامعلوم مګر خورا عاجل او مهم موضوع په اړه دا مقالې وڅیړئ،د لوستلو لپاره دلته کلیک وکړئ "ایا فیشن کله هم دوامدار کیدی شي؟",دوامداره فیشن,اخلاقي فیشن,ورو فیشنیاچټک فیشن 101 | دا څنګه زموږ سیارې ویجاړويځکه پوهه یو له خورا قوي ځواک څخه دی چې تاسو یې لرئ ، پداسې حال کې چې ناپوهي ستاسو ترټولو لوی ضعف دی.

موږ ستاسو لپاره یو لوی حیرانتیا هم لرو!ځکه چې موږ غواړو تاسو ته دا حق درکړو چې موږ ښه وپیژنو، موږ په دقت سره زموږ په اړه وقف پاڼه چمتو کړې ده چیرې چې موږ به تاسو ته ووایو چې موږ څوک یو، زموږ ماموریت څه دی، موږ څه کوو، زموږ ټیم ته نږدې کتنه، او نور ډیر څه. شیان!دا فرصت له لاسه مه ورکوئ اود کتلو لپاره دلته کلیک وکړئ.همدارنګه، موږ تاسو ته بلنه ورکووزموږ یو نظر وګورئPinterest,چیرې چې موږ به هره ورځ دوامداره فیشن پورې اړوند مینځپانګې ، د جامو ډیزاینونه ، او نور شیان وپیژنو چې تاسو به یې خامخا خوښ کړئ!